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serial class HS.AU.Types.HI.ElectronicCommunicationType extends %Library.SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor

Property Inventory


parameter XMLNAME = electronicCommunicationType;
Inherited description: This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property Details as %String (MAXLEN = 80, MINLEN = 1, REFELEMENTQUALIFIED = 1, REFNAMESPACE = "", XMLNAME = "details", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: DetailsDisplayToLogical(), DetailsGet(), DetailsIsValid(), DetailsLogicalToDisplay(), DetailsLogicalToOdbc(), DetailsNormalize(), DetailsSet()
property Medium as %String (REFELEMENTQUALIFIED = 1, REFNAMESPACE = "", VALUELIST = ",E,F,M,O,P,T,U", XMLNAME = "medium", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: MediumDisplayToLogical(), MediumGet(), MediumIsValid(), MediumLogicalToDisplay(), MediumLogicalToOdbc(), MediumNormalize(), MediumSet()
property Preferred as %String (REFELEMENTQUALIFIED = 1, REFNAMESPACE = "", VALUELIST = ",F,T", XMLNAME = "preferred", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: PreferredDisplayToLogical(), PreferredGet(), PreferredIsValid(), PreferredLogicalToDisplay(), PreferredLogicalToOdbc(), PreferredNormalize(), PreferredSet()
property Usage as %String (REFELEMENTQUALIFIED = 1, REFNAMESPACE = "", VALUELIST = ",A,B,P", XMLNAME = "usage", XMLREF = 1);
Property methods: UsageDisplayToLogical(), UsageGet(), UsageIsValid(), UsageLogicalToDisplay(), UsageLogicalToOdbc(), UsageNormalize(), UsageSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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