class HS.HC.Util
HS.HC.Util contains common utility methods for Health Connect.Method Inventory
GetFormatFromData derives a JSON-or-XML format designation for the specified
string or stream data, and returns it in the pFormat parameter. If the first
non-whitespace character found is left curly brace ("{"), then pFormat is
returned as "json". If the first non-whitespace character found is left
angle bracket ("<") then pFormat is returned as "xml". Otherwise pFormat is
returned as blank string, and an error status is returned.
Note that this method does NOT verify that the specified data is well-formed JSON or XML.
Note that this method does NOT verify that the specified data is well-formed JSON or XML.
IsOID returns 1 if the specified string is an OID, returns 0 if not. The Regex
for OID is "urn:oid:[0-2](\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*))+". Requirement for the presence of the "urn:oid:"
prefix is determined by the pPrefixRequired input parameter. Once prefix is
verified per the requirement, the remainder of validation takes place with the
prefix stripped.
IsURI returns 1 if the specified string is a URI, returns 0 if not.
This method is intended to validate URIs that will be used within various
payloads such as SOAP requests and responses and FHIR resources. Therefore
URI prefixes are required to be all lowercase.
IsURL returns 1 if the specified string is a URL, returns 0 if not. The pAllowPathOnly
input parameter toggles the allowing of a path-only URL string to be specified.
IsUUID returns 1 if the specified string is a UUID, returns 0 if not. Requirement for the
presence of the "urn:uuid:" prefix is determined by the pPrefixRequired input parameter.
Once prefix is verified per the requirement, the remainder of validation takes place
with the prefix stripped.
classmethod VerifyLOCALTEMP(pNamespace As %String, Output pMsgs)
Verify that the settings on the specified database are as expected for this kind of database:
- DB resource is %DB_ - non-matching resource is okay if all other criteria are met.
- DB journaling is disabled.
- DB is not mirrored.
- DB resource does not allow public access.
- DB resource is %DB_
- DB journaling is disabled.
- DB is not mirrored.
- DB resource does not allow public access.