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class HS.IHE.DSUB.Notification.Operations extends HS.Util.SOAPClient.Operations, HS.HC.Util.Trace.Helper, HS.Util.XSLTTransformer

Used to send notification messages

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter INVOCATION = Queue;
Inherited description: 2 modes: Queue, InProc
parameter SETTINGS = DefaultSSLConfig:Basic,-ServiceName,-XSLTDirectory,-XSLTCallbackHandlerClass,-XSLTErrorHandlerClass,XSLTCacheMode:Basic,-SOAPVersion,-SSLConfiguration,-SOAPCredentials,-ResponseTimeout,-SendSAMLAssertion,-SAMLCreator,DisableSSLCheckServerIdentity:Basic;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names


property DefaultSSLConfig as %String [ InitialExpression = "Client" ];
If https automatic SSL configuration assigned to subscription entry
Property methods: DefaultSSLConfigDisplayToLogical(), DefaultSSLConfigGet(), DefaultSSLConfigIsValid(), DefaultSSLConfigLogicalToDisplay(), DefaultSSLConfigLogicalToOdbc(), DefaultSSLConfigNormalize(), DefaultSSLConfigSet()


method OnMessage(pRequest As HS.Message.XMLMessage, Output pResponse As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Status
If doing any security related signing the request comes and generated (with a security document as a placeholder), the caller then adds the security document and calls the source again, this time it will be audited and sent to the repository

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods