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serial class HS.InteropTools.HL7.Compare.Field extends %Library.SerialObject

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property Field as %String;
MSH: (1st segment . 1st iteration[repeating] . first field . first ^)
Property methods: FieldDisplayToLogical(), FieldGet(), FieldIsValid(), FieldLogicalToDisplay(), FieldLogicalToOdbc(), FieldNormalize(), FieldSet()
property Iteration as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
For repeating fields which iteration
Property methods: IterationDisplayToLogical(), IterationGet(), IterationIsValid(), IterationLogicalToDisplay(), IterationNormalize(), IterationSet()
property ValueItem as StoredValue;
StoredValue object is a string or stream to the value
Property methods: ValueItemGet(), ValueItemGetObject(), ValueItemGetObjectId(), ValueItemGetSwizzled(), ValueItemIsValid(), ValueItemNewObject(), ValueItemSet(), ValueItemSetObject(), ValueItemSetObjectId(), ValueItemUnSwizzle()


classmethod EnsemblePosition(pField As %String) as %String
Turn Field into 1(1).1.1 to be used in GetValueAt of Ens HL7 message

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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