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abstract class SchemaMap.Tool.Model.Generate extends SchemaMap.Tool.Base.Generate

This class will evolve, but was started based on the server side code in %MPRL.UI.NewWizard, %MPRL.Model.linkageDefinition, and %MPRL.UI.AuditLogDebug, and DTL classes in the package HS.FHIR.DTL.ToSDA.

Method Inventory


classmethod CreateObject(schema As %String, path As %String, className As %String = "", superClassName As %String = "", stopProperty As %String = "", compile As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod CreateProperty(schema As %String, path As %String, type As %String, child As %String, childPath As %String, className As %String, superClassName As %String, stopProperty As %String, compile As %Boolean, ByRef sequenceNumber As %Integer) as %Status
classmethod CreatePropertyValueType(schema As %String, path As %String, ByRef property As %Dictionary.PropertyDefinition, ByRef unknownValueType As %Boolean) as %Status
classmethod CreatePropertyVariant(schema As %String, path As %String, child As %String, childPath As %String, variantType As %String, className As %String, ByRef sequenceNumber As %Integer) as %Status
Same as CreateProperty but streamlined for FHIR variant fields
classmethod GetDescriptionForClassDefinition(desc As %String) as %String
classmethod GetModel(schema As %String) as %Status
classmethod GetModelBase(schema As %String) as %Status
Generate base classes in order before attempting to compile any of them; then compile all the generated base classes.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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