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abstract class extends, %pkg.isc.json.adaptor

Base class for all models that directly correspond to data from the database (e.g., and

Method Inventory


parameter ConstructFromResultRow = 0;
If true, the whole SQL result row is passed to GetModelInstance rather than just the ID. If true, GetModelFromResultRow() must be overridden and implemented.
parameter IndexToUse = ID;
Override to use an alternative unique index name
parameter JSONGENERATOR = %pkg.isc.json.generator;
Override to use an alternative JSON generator
parameter JSONMAPPING;
The JSON mapping of the related JSON-enabled class to use. Defaults to empty (the default mapping for the associated class).
parameter SOURCECLASS;
The class to which this class provides REST access. It must extend %Persistent and have its %JSONENABLED class parameter set to 1 (e.g., by extending %JSON.Adaptor). Subclasses must override this parameter.


abstract classmethod DeleteModelInstance(pID As %String) as %Boolean
Deletes an instance of this model, based on the identifier pID
classmethod GetCollection(ByRef URLParams, selectMode As %Integer = 0)
Since a proxy connects directly to a %persistent class, getting a collection constitutes building and running a query, and then printing out the result set in a json format.
abstract classmethod GetModelFromObject(object As %Persistent) as
Uses the data from a persistent object to populate the properties of this model.

The object argument is a %Persistent object of whatever class is specified by SOURCECLASS. It was either opened with %OpenId, opened with an IndexOpen method, or created with %New().

This method should instantiate an instance of this model with ..%New(), populate its properties using object, and then return the model. For example, a subclass implementation might look something like:
set myModel = ..%New()
set = object.DisplayName
set myModel.alive = 'object.isDead()
set myModel.age = object.age
return myModel
This method must be overwritten by subclasses.
classmethod GetModelFromResultRow(pResultRow As %Library.IResultSet) as
May be overridden to get an instance of this class from a result set row instead of an object. This is particularly useful for loading data from a linked table, where individual reads are expensive.
final classmethod GetModelInstance(index As %String) as
Returns an existing instance of this model, based on the identifier index, or a new instance if index is not supplied.
method JSONExport() as %Status
Serialize a JSON enabled class as a JSON document and write it to the current device.
method JSONExportToStream(ByRef export As %Stream.Object) as %Status
Serialize a JSON enabled class as a JSON document and write it to a stream.
method JSONExportToString(ByRef %export As %String) as %Status
Serialize a JSON enabled class as a JSON document and return it as a string.
method JSONImport(input) as %Status
JSONImport imports JSON or dynamic object input into this object.
The input argument is either JSON as a string or stream, or a subclass of %DynamicAbstractObject.
method OnAfterSaveModel(pUserContext As %RegisteredObject)
Subclasses may override this method to do additional security checks or otherwise make changes to the model before it is saved. Only relevant for subclasses of and Should throw an exception if an error occurs - e.g., $$$ThrowStatus($$$ERROR($$$AccessDenied))
method OnBeforeSaveModel(pUserContext As %RegisteredObject)
Subclasses may override this method to do additional security checks or otherwise make changes to the model before it is saved. Only relevant for subclasses of and Should throw an exception if an error occurs - e.g., $$$ThrowStatus($$$ERROR($$$AccessDenied))
classmethod OnGetProxyColumnList(pColumnList As %DynamicObject)
Subclasses may override this method to modify the permitted set of columns/aliases for use in queries (by default, this is the full set of exposed properties in the model with their JSON aliases)
abstract method SaveModelInstance(pUserContext As %RegisteredObject)
Saves the model instance

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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