abstract class HS.Sync.BaseClass
Method Inventory
final parameter GUIDENABLED = 1;
If this parameter is set to 1 then a GUID will be assigned (to the %GUID property) to each new object.
When the object is saved for the first time this GUID value will be recorded in a namespace
index which will allow GUID to be resolved to OIDs.
parameter OBJJOURNAL = 2;
if OBJJOURNAL is TRUE then inserts, updates and deletes will be logged in ^OBJ.JournalT
if OBJJOURNAL = 2 then the entire object will also be journaled in ^OBJ.Journal
parameter SYNCORDER = 99999;
classmethod GetGlobalInfo() as %String
classmethod GetSQLTableName() as %String
need to get the SQL TABLENAME
classmethod SyncTables(Output pTables) as %Status
- HS.AssignAuth.Config
- HS.AssignAuth.IdentifierType
- HS.Data.MimeTypes
- HS.Data.OIDMap
- HS.Data.OIDType
- HS.Facility.Config
- HS.Gateway.Config
- HS.IHE.ATNA.Repository.Exclusion
- HS.IHE.CodedEntry
- HS.IHE.XUA.Config
- HS.InfoType.Config
- HS.Registry.AuthDomain
- HS.Registry.CodeTableMap
- HS.Registry.Config
- HS.Registry.FHIRCSPConfig
- HS.Registry.RSAKey
- HS.Registry.Role
- HS.Registry.Service.Abstract
- HS.Reports.Patient.Config
- HS.Reports.Patient.ReportSection
- HS.Types.Analytics.QueryParameter
- HS.Types.Grid.Axis