HealthShare Personal Community Messaging Provider and Clinical Group Data Setup Guide
1. Overview
Personal Community can help coordinate communication between a patient and their healthcare ecosystem. To make these providers and clinical groups available in patient message flows, you must add them to Personal Community.
This guide describes how to create (populate), modify, and delete organizations, clinical groups, providers, specialties, and pharmacies in Personal Community. Clinical groups and organizations are used in two places in Personal Community:
- Messaging workflows
- Meaningful use reporting.
The organization is used to group clinical groups and is not made visible to patients in the application. Clinical groups are visible to patients in the message flows and then are later used (with the combination of provider selected) to route messages to the appropriate flow. Both can be used to restrict access to running meaningful use reports within the Workbench.
There are two methods by which you can add this data to HealthShare Personal Community:
- You can manually add this data in the Workbench.
You can export an XML data file from a Personal Community instance with complete, accurate data and import that file into another instance. This option is best when you are trying to replicate data between instances, or if you must add or update organization data.
2. Adding Clinical Data Manually in the Workbench
The sections below describe how to add different types of data manually in the Workbench.
2.1. Adding or Modifying an Organization
To add or modify an organization in the Workbench:
Log into the Workbench as a user with the Provider Manager role.
Go to the Setup tab.
In the activity pane, choose Organizations . This displays the Organizations page.
On the Organizations page, to add an organization, select Add Organization ; to modify an existing organization, select the organization’s row in the list of organizations. Both these actions display the Organization Details page.
Add or modify the values of the following fields:
Organization name — Required. The name of the organization.
Organization ID — Optional. A unique identifier that the system uses for the organization.
Assigning Authorities — Optional. The assigning authorities that are part of the organization. Click the magnifying glass to the right of the field to see a list of the assigning authorities that have already been selected for this organization, as well as a list of assigning authorities that can be added to the organization.
W hile you are not required to specify an assigning authority (AA) for an organization when you create it, it is required for meaningful use and used by dashboard filtering. Hence, it is recommended that you do so.
Assigning Authorities from Clinical Groups — Not editable. Assigning authorities that are part of clinical groups associated with this organization.
Building — Optional. The building in which the organization is located, such as on a campus.
Address line 1 — Required. The first line of the street address of the organization.
Address line 2 — Optional. The second line of the street address of the organization.
City — Required. The city in which the organization is located.
State — Optional. The state in which the organization is located.
Zip — Optional. The zip code of the organization.
Create a clinical group ? – Optional. When creating an organization, select this check box to create a clinical group that has the same name as the organization.
- W hen you are finished entering values, choose Save to save the data for the organization. Choose Back to leave the page without saving data – if you are modifying the organization, this leaves it as it originally was; if you are creating the organization, this stops that process.
2.2. Adding or Modifying a Clinical Group
To add or modify a clinical group:
Log into the Workbench as a user with the Provider Manager role.
Go to the Setup tab.
In the activity pane, choose Clinical Groups . This displays the Clinical Groups page.
On the C linical Groups page, to add a clinical group, select Add Clinical Group ; to modify an existing clinical group, select the clinical group’s row in the list of organizations. Both these actions display the Clinical Group Details page.
Add or modify the values of the following fields:
Clinical Group Name — Required. The name of the clinical group.
Group ID — Optional. The unique identifier for the clinical group within the system.
Organization — Required. The organization that the clinical group is part of. Select Find an organization... to the right of the field to search the list of organizations by name, based on content in the field.
Assigning Authorities — Optional. The assigning authorities that are part of the group. Click the magnifying glass to the right of the field to see a list of the assigning authorities that have already been selected for this group, and a list of assigning authorities that can be added to the group.
While you are not required to specify an assigning authority (AA) for an organization when you create it, it is required for meaningful use and used by dashboard filtering. Hence, it is recommended that you do so.
Messaging Enabled — Optional. If enabled:
Patients can send messages to any providers that are associated with the clinical group.
A patient’s reply to a message sent on behalf of a provider within the clinical group will be routed as a task to the Workbench user who sent the message, unless the sender selects the Return Response to Me check box in the message.
The Messaging column on the Clinical Groups page displays Enabled or Disabled , depending on whether or not this box is marked.
Building — Optional. The building, such as on a campus, where the clinical group is located.
Address line 1 — Required. The first line of the street address for the clinical group.
Address line 2 — Optional. The second line of the street address for the clinical group.
City — Required. The city in which the clinical group is located.
State — Optional. The state in which the clinical group is located.
Zip — Optional. The clinical group’s zip code.
Specialties — Check boxes to specify the clinical group’s areas of specialization.
Basic Instructions — Optional. Information to display when a user receives a message related to the clinical group. This content is displayed for all messages, regardless of their purpose (such as related to an appointment or answering a medical question).
Directions — Optional. Directions to the location of the group.
Directions Link — Optional. A link to online directions to the group’s location.
Contact Information — Optional. Any contact information for the group. This may include phone numbers, after-hours contact alternatives, or anything else.
Hours to Display — Optional. Any information about hours of operation for the group.
If you are modifying a clinical group, there are additional areas on the page (below the Save , Delete , and Back buttons):
Providers associated with this clinical group list allows you to add providers to and remove providers from the group. To add a provider to the group, select Add provider and choose the provider to add from the list of providers; to remove a provider from the group, select Remove in the provider’s row in the list of providers (and confirm the removal).
Message flows associated with this clinical group allows you create, modify, and remove associations between messages flows and the group. For details about performing these activities, see the Personal Community Workflows, Agents, and Tasks Function Guide .
When you are finished entering values, choose Save to save the data for the clinical group. Choose Back to leave the page without saving data – if you are modifying the clinical group, this leaves it as it originally was; if you are creating the clinical group, this stops that process.
2.3. Adding or Modifying a Provider
To add or modify a provider:
Log into the Workbench as a user with the Provider Manager role.
Go to the Setup tab.
In the activity pane, choose Providers . This displays the Providers page.
On the Providers page, to add a provider, select Add Provider ; to modify an existing provider, select the provider’s row in the list of providers. Both these actions display the Provider Details page.
Add or modify the values of the following fields:
Title — Optional. The provider’s title, such as “Dr.”
First name — Required. The provider’s first name.
Middle names — Optional. The provider’s middle name or names.
Last name — Required. The provider’s last name.
Suffix — Any addition to the provider’s full name, either professional, such as “RN,” or personal, such as “Jr.”
Provider ID — Optional. A unique identifier for the provider.
Direct Email — Optional. An address for the provider that uses the secure Direct message exchange system. See the Direct Project wiki
for background on this project.
Specialties — Optional. Check boxes for specifying the provider’s medical specialty or specialties.
If you are modifying a provider, below the Save , Deactivate , and Back buttons, there is the Groups this provider is associated with list ; this list allows you to add the provider to and remove the provider from clinical groups. To add the provider to a group, select Add provider to group and choose the group from the list; to remove the provider from a group, select Remove in the group’s row in the list (and confirm the removal).
Select Save to save your provier.
2.4. Reactivating a Provider
To reactivate a provider and restore associations with clinical groups:
Log into the Workbench as a user with the Provider Manager role.
Go to the Setup tab.
In the activity pane, select Providers . This displays the Providers page.
On the Providers page, select the provider’s row in the list of providers. This displays the Provider Details page.
On the Provider Details page, add the provider to the appropriate clinical groups.
Select Activate .
On the confirmation dialog, select OK .
2.5. Adding or Modifying a Specialty
You can add information about the care area(s), or specialties , a particular provider handles. To add or modify a specialty:
Log into the Workbench as a user with the Provider Manager role.
Go to the Setup tab.
In the activity pane, choose Specialties . This displays the Specialties page.
On the Specialties page, to add a specialty, select Add Specialty ; to modify a specialty, choose the specialty from the list of specialties. This displays the Specialty Details page.
On the Specialty Details page, enter the name of the new specialty or modify the name of the existing specialty in the Specialty field.
Select Save to save the new specialty.
3. Exporting and Importing Organization, Clinical Group, and Provider Data
If you need to populate Personal Community with a large amount of organization, clinical group, and provider data, it may be useful to import this data as opposed to entering it manually. You can export and import this data in Personal Community using the XML data format.
To export organization, clinical group, and provider data:
Open the Terminal.
Switch to the Personal Community namespace.
Invoke the HSPortal.Providers.XMLData.ExportToFile method:
> do ##class(HSPortal.Providers.XMLData).ExportToFile("c:\providerfiles\20181031ProviderExport.xml")
To import the data, invoke the HSPortal.Providers.XMLData.ImportFromFile method in the Terminal:
> do ##class(HSPortal.Providers.XMLData).ImportFromFile("c:\providerfiles\20181031ProviderExport.xml")
The imported format should have the same structure as the listing below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Provider_Data xmlns=""> <Organizations> <Organization XMLID="1" OrgID="ORG923456789"> <Name>North Side Clinics</Name> <OrganizationIdentifier>NSC_1</OrganizationIdentifier> <LegalAddress> <Building>West Street Annex</Building> <Line1>124 Medical Lane</Line1> <City>Cleveland</City> <State>OH</State> <PostalCode>44198</PostalCode> </LegalAddress> <ClinicalGroups> <ClinicalGroup XMLID="1" MessagingStatus="1"> <Name>North Side Clinic</Name> <OrganizationOrgID>ORG923456789</OrganizationOrgID> <OrganizationXMLID>1</OrganizationXMLID> <Address> <Building>West Street Annex</Building> <Line1>124 Medical Lane</Line1> <City>Cleveland</City> <State>OH</State> <PostalCode>44198</PostalCode> </Address> <AssigningAuthorities> <ClinicalGroupAssigningAuthority> <AssigningAuthority>CLCL</AssigningAuthority> </ClinicalGroupAssigningAuthority> <ClinicalGroupAssigningAuthority> <AssigningAuthority>CLCL_LAB</AssigningAuthority> </ClinicalGroupAssigningAuthority> </AssigningAuthorities> <Specialties> <Specialty>Family Medicine</Specialty> <Specialty>Gastroenterology</Specialty> <Specialty>General Medicine</Specialty> <Specialty>General Surgery</Specialty> <Specialty>Internal Medicine</Specialty> <Specialty>Oncology</Specialty> <Specialty>Otolaryngology</Specialty> <Specialty>Pediatrics</Specialty> <Specialty>Radiology</Specialty> </Specialties> <Identifiers> <ClinicalGroupIdentifier ID="SOAP2" AACode="COR" AAType="XX"></ClinicalGroupIdentifier> </Identifiers> <ProviderCodes> <Code>PROV_1</Code> <Code>PROV_2</Code> </ProviderCodes> </ClinicalGroup> </ClinicalGroups> </Organization> </Organizations> <Providers> <Provider XMLID="1" OrgID="1834734386" Status="1"> <Title>Dr.</Title> <FirstName>David</FirstName> <LastName>Drake</LastName> <Suffix>MD</Suffix> <DirectEmail></DirectEmail> <Code>PROV_1</Code> <Specialties> <Specialty>Gyneocology</Specialty> <Specialty>Obstetrics</Specialty> <Specialty>Pediatrics</Specialty> <Specialty>Urology</Specialty> </Specialties> <Identifiers> <ProviderIdentifier ID="DR1" AACode="AL" AAType="LN"></ProviderIdentifier> </Identifiers> </Provider> <Provider XMLID="2" OrgID="1178132058" Status="1"> <Title>Dr.</Title> <FirstName>Ibez</FirstName> <LastName>Isley</LastName> <Suffix>MD</Suffix> <DirectEmail></DirectEmail> <Code>PROV_2</Code> <Specialties> <Specialty>Gastroenterology</Specialty> <Specialty>Internal Medicine</Specialty> <Specialty>Otolaryngology</Specialty> </Specialties> <Identifiers> <ProviderIdentifier ID="IS1" AACode="AL" AAType="LN"></ProviderIdentifier> </Identifiers> </Provider> </Providers> </Provider_Data>