HealthShare Personal Community Billing Product Area Guide
1. Introduction
This guide is intended to be a resource for understanding billing in HealthShare Personal Community.
1.1. Document Conventions
Within this document:
- Links, buttons and all captions are shown in bold
Field values display in
(e.g. standard type values such asYes/No
) - Important information is underlined .
2. Overview
You can configure Personal Community so that patients can:
- View and download their bills from Personal Community.
- Navigate to an online payment gateway from Personal Community.
- Pre-pay (or pre-authorize payment) for services. Patients can navigate to an online payment gateway directly from an appointment that allows this option.
3. Business Decisions
You must make decisions regarding the following issues:
Viewing and Downloading Bills
Whether to allow patients to view and download their bills within Personal Community. (If you prefer, you can enable viewing without enabling downloading.)
Whether to allow patients to pre-pay for services provided by an upcoming appointment within Personal Community. As a prerequisite, patients must be able to view their appointments .
Access to Online Payment Gateway
Whether to allow patients to navigate to an online payment gateway from Personal Community so that they can pay their bills.
Assigning Authorities
If you permit online viewing and payment, you must choose the assigning authorities within your organizations whose bills can be viewed and paid.
Billing Messages
Whether to allow patients to ask billing questions in Personal Community. If enabled, patients will see a link to ask a billing question directly from the Bills page. This requires setup of the Messaging feature .
4. Billing Interfaces
If you use athenahealth, Personal Community ships with a prebuilt integration interface, which requires some configuration but no additional coding. If you use another billing system, your team will need to implement a billing interface to that system by extending some Personal Community code. In any event, a billing interface to an external system is necessary to enable any of the billing system features.