HealthShare Personal Community Notification Setup Guide
1. Overview
This guide covers setup tasks relating to sending patient notifications from a trusted external system.
2. About the Personal Community Secure Messaging API
The Personal Community Secure Messaging API is a set of SOAP web services that allows for the sending of secure messages and direct communications to Personal Community. You will use the SendDirectCommunication method to send direct notifications to patients and proxies.
2.1. The Secure Messaging API WSDL
The WSDL for the Secure Messaging API can be found at the following URL:
Authentication is required; the Workbench administrator can give you a set of credentials to do so. You can consume the WSDL using the IDE of your choice.
2.2. Authentication and Authorization
When a message arrives from an external system, it must contain the username and password of an IRIS user account that has the appropriate role. InterSystems IRIS for Health™ authenticates the user’s credentials and ensures that the user account is authorized to handle the message.
That user account must be created on your Personal Community instance. See “ Create a New User Account ” and “ Modify a User's Roles ” for information on how to create an IRIS user account and assign roles to it.
You must assign one of the following roles:
HSPortal_Role_API_Messaging — this role provides the minimum permissions necessary to send messages from the external system.
HSPortal_Role_API — if you ever plan to use the Clinical Group or Provider API to add or update clinical groups from this external system, assign this role instead.
The username and password can be provided within the SOAP header.
The following XML snippet shows the use of a username and password in the header for authentication and authorization.
<soapenv:Header> <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse=" oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsu=" oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-E0F7E1991F36AEE74F15194177192227"> <wsse:Username>messageUsr</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type=" oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText"> messagePword </wsse:Password> <wsse:Nonce EncodingType=" oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary"> 0ztu5ZBZogBtjTRoJBYnwQ== </wsse:Nonce> <wsu:Created>2018-02-23T20:28:39.222Z</wsu:Created> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> </soapenv:Header>
2.3. Sending a Direct Communication
You will use the SendDirectCommunication method for event notifications.
The pMessage node of this method includes a DeliverTo parameter whose possible values are:
- Patient – deliver the notification to the patient only. This is the default value.
- Proxy – deliver the notification to the patient's proxies only.
- PatientAndProxy – deliver the notification to both the patient and their proxies.
Required fields to send a direct communication are:
System.Name — the name of the sending external system as it is registered in the Workbench. It can be a random alphanumeric string.
System.APIKey — the value of the API Key field for the sending external system as it is registered in the Workbench.
For the Patient node, you can identify the patient either by an identifier specific to a clinical group, such as a medical record number, or by their MPIID.
If you want to use an identifier specific to a clinical group:
PatientIdentifier.AssigningAuthorityType — The patient identifier type for the sending clinical group in the Workbench.
PatientIdentifier.AssigningAuthorityCode — The code for the assigning authority represented by the clinical group. In most cases this will be identical to the value of SendingGroup.AssigningAuthorityCode .
PatientIdentifier.ID — The identifier (such as medical record number) for the patient.
Do not include the Patient.MPIID node in the request.
If you want to use MPIID:
Ensure that the external system is configured within the Workbench to allow it: speak with the Workbench administrator.
Set Patient.MPIID to the value of the MPIID from the patient index. The Workbench administrator can verify the MPIID by navigating to Tasks > Enroll Patient , searching for the patient, and checking the list of Identifiers on Record .
Do not include the Patient.PatientIdentifier node in the request.
ContentKey – the identifier for the appropriate content files, stored in your Personal Community instance that will be sent.
You should provide for error handling as well. The relevant fields in an error response are:
Status — In an error condition, the value of this field is ERROR ; otherwise, the value is OK .
ErrorCode — The system code for the error.
ErrorString — A description of the error.
3. Configuring Personal Community for Direct Communication
3.1. Creating or Updating Content Files for Direct Communication
- direct-communication-patient-newdata- text .html
- direct-communication-patient-newdata- html .html
- direct-communication-patient-newdata- sms .html
- direct-communication-proxy-newdata- text .html
- direct-communication-proxy-newdata- html .html
- direct-communication-proxy-newdata- sms .html
To use these files as is, pass newdata is the value for your content key.
3.1.1. Update Existing New Data Content Files
To customise the default new data content files:
If there is not already a custom copy of these content files, copy the existing files from
<hspc-home> / base /content/ locale code/
<hspc-home> / custom /content/ locale code /
If such a file already exists, do not create a new copy, as this may overwrite any customizations your organization has already made in it.
If there is not already a custom copy of the email subjects configuration file, copy the existing file from
<hspc-home> / base /config/email_settings/ locale code/
<hspc-home> / custom /config/email_settings/ locale code /
- Edit the custom copy of the files as required for your organization.
Refresh Content in the Workbench
To refresh content:
Log into the Workbench as a user who has the
Configuration Manager
role. -
Go to the Content tab.
On the activity pane, select Content Updates . This displays the Content Updates page.
On the Content Updates page, choose Refresh Content .
This updates every aspect of each application to display the custom content, including text, images, and so on.
If changes are not visible after you refresh content, you may need to clear your browser cache.
3.1.2. Create Additional Content Files for Workflows
For each workflow that will generate a notification, a dedicated set of content files should be created. To create new files:
- Decide on the content key for the subject of the notification. This key should be all lowercase letters with no numbers of punctuation.
Create six files for each language that is enabled in Personal Community: three for patient notifications and three for proxy notifications, one for each of the supported formats. The files should be named as follows:
- direct-communication-patient- <custom content key name> -html.html
- direct-communication-patient- <custom content key name> -sms.html
- direct-communication-patient- <custom content key name> -text.html
- direct-communication-proxy- <custom content key name> -html.html
- direct-communication-proxy- <custom content key name> -sms.html
- direct-communication-proxy- <custom content key name> -text.html
- Customize and translate the text and HTML format of these files as need
If there is not already a custom copy of
copy this file from
<hspc-home> / base /config/email-settings/ locale code/
<hspc-home> / custom /config/email-settings/ locale code /
for each configured local and scroll to the end. You will see the following two lines
- "direct-communication-patient-newdata" : "Important: New $$$APPLICATION messages"
- "direct-communication-proxy-newdata" : "Important: New $$$APPLICATION messages"
- Add two new lines to email-settings for each custom content key. The first portion of the line identifies the files to which the subject pertains and the second portion is the subject of the message to be used in emails.
Refresh Content in the Workbench
To refresh content:
Log into the Workbench as a user who has the
Configuration Manager
role. -
Go to the Content tab.
On the activity pane, select Content Updates . This displays the Content Updates page.
On the Content Updates page, choose Refresh Content .
This updates every aspect of each application to display the custom content, including text, images, and so on.
If changes are not visible after you refresh content, you may need to clear your browser cache.
3.2. Specifying Accepted Identifier Types
When a notification is sent to a Personal Community member from an external system, Personal Community recognizes the member by means of entity identifiers in the message’s metadata.
An identifier type is a general category of identifier, such as medical record number . The identifier is the ID in the external system for a patient.
Identifier Type | Identifier Examples |
Medical Record Number | “4501”, “RN000000020” |
To specify the acceptable identifier types for the use of any external system with your Personal Community instance:
Log in to the Workbench as a user who has the Configuration Manager role.
Go to the Setup tab.
On the Setup tab, choose Site Configuration . This displays the Site Configuration Settings page.
Under Patient Identifier Types , add one or more identifier types that Personal Community will accept from any external system for patients.
Select Apply to save the changes.
3.3. Registering an External System for Messaging
Each external system that will update clinical group and provider data in Personal Community must be registered in the Workbench.
If the external system already is registered in the Workbench for other APIs, you do not need to add another registration. However, be sure not to modify any existing settings unintentionally.
To register an external system:
Log in to the Workbench as a user who has the Configuration Manager role.
Go to the Setup tab.
On the Setup tab, select External Systems .
On the External Systems page, select Add External System .
Fill in the fields on this page as follows:
Name — Required. The name by which the external system will be known in the Workbench. This name will also be used in messages to and from the external system.
Description — Optional. A description of the external system.
Enabled — Required: Enables the external system to send notifications.
Allow patient MPI search — If selected, allows the patient to be looked up by MPIID. This eliminates the need to provide both assigning authority information and medical record number in a message.
Allow message attachments — Not applicable for event notifications .
Allow form requests — Not applicable for event notifications .
Message Types — To enable a message type for this external system, select it in the list. To prohibit messages of a type from being sent, deselect that type. The available types are:
- General – Not applicable for event notifications .
- Medical – Not applicable for event notifications .
- Reply – Not applicable for event notifications .
- Direct Communication – Make sure this checkbox is selected.
Authorization Settings — Required. Saving the external system for the first time automatically generates a random alphanumeric string for API Key . Make sure to share this value with the application developer who creates the external system’s notification framework.
The API key is required for any use of the Clinical Group and Provider API, and, unlike IRIS user credentials, will not be deactivated if someone leaves your organization. If there is reason to believe that the API key might be used in an unauthorized fashion, you can generate a new API key with the Generate API Key button.
Patient Identifier Types — I f your team is using an identifier other than MPIID to locate patients for notifications, at least one entry is required for each assigning authority whose clinical groups and providers will send messages. An entity identifier type may be valid for more than one assigning authority. Select Add to create a new entry.
Choose an identifier type from the dropdown, then choose the name for the desired assigning authority.
Notification must use this identifier type for patients; other identifier types will cause notifications to be rejected.
When you are finished entering values, choose Save to save the data for the external system.
3.4. Required Information for Direct Communications
IRIS user credentials for message transmission
System name and API key
Patient identifier types and identifiers
- Content key
The table below will help you locate the information needed.
Application Developer Needs Value For... | Workbench Location | Workbench UI Field |
Username and password for system authentication | N/A | N/A |
System.Name | Setup > External Systems > External System Details | Name |
System.APIKey | Setup > External Systems > External System Details | API Key |
AssigningAuthorityType |
Setup > External Systems > External System Details | The characters after the hyphen in the Patient Identifier Types field for the clinical group that will be sending the message. For example, the patient identifier type for the clinical group represented by CLCL is MR , for medical record number. |
AssigningAuthorityCode |
Setup > External Systems > External System Details | The characters after the hyphen in the Patient Identifier Types —> Name field for the clinical group that will be sending the message. For example, the assigning authority code for the clinical group represented by CLCL is CLCL . |
PatientIdentifier.ID or
Patient.MPIID |
Tasks > Enroll Patient > Patient Details | The patient’s MPIID and other identifiers for each assigning authority are displayed on this page. |
ContentKey | N/A | The value of the content key field for the relevant notification. |