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abstract dynamic class %Library.DynamicAbstractObject extends %Library.Base

For information on the API provided by this superclass, see Using Dynamic Entities.

Dynamic Entity base class.

Method Inventory


classmethod %FromJSON(str) as %DynamicAbstractObject
Given a JSON source, parse the source and return an object of type %DynamicAbstractObject. If an error occurs during parsing, an exception will be thrown.

str The input can be from a number of sources

(1) A string value containing the source.
(2) A stream object to read the source from.

Returns An object of type %DynamicAbstractObject containing the parsed JSON.

NOTE: RFC 7159 specifies that the default encoding for JSON values uses UTF-8. This implies that for streams not containing 16-bit Unicode it may be necessary to explicitly convert individual character values via a call to $ZCONVERT (e.g. $zcvt(value,"I","UTF8") ) or entire streams by setting the TranslateTable attribute of the stream to "UTF8".

     set filename = "c:/iscsrc/json/greg4.json"
     set stream = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
     set sc = stream.LinkToFile(filename)
     if ('sc) { w "Error on linking file "_filename,!   q }
     try {
         set obj = ##class(%DynamicAbstractObject).%FromJSON(stream)
     } catch ex {
         w "Error. Unable to parse file "_filename,!
         w "Error type   "_ex.Name,!
         w "Error code   "_ex.Code,!
         w "Error location "_ex.Location,!
         set obj = ""
     q obj

     set src = "{""name"" : ""greg"", ""weight"" : 220 }"
     set obj = ##class(%DynamicAbstractObject).%FromJSON(src)
classmethod %FromJSONFile(filename) as %DynamicAbstractObject
Given a filename, parse the contents and return an object of type %DynamicAbstractObject. If an error occurs during parsing, an exception will be thrown.

filename A file URI where the source can be read. The file must be encoded as UTF-8.

Returns An object of type %DynamicAbstractObject containing the parsed JSON.

abstract method %GetIterator() as %Iterator.AbstractIterator

Perform an iteration of all the values in a %DynamicAbstractObject subclass.

In the example below, we will output all values contained in a %DynamicArray or a %DynamicObject.

     set iter = AbstractObject.%GetIterator()
     while iter.%GetNext(.key, .value, .type ) {
        write "key = "_key_", value = "_value_", type = "_type,!
See the descriptions of the %GetNext() in the %Iterator.Array and %Iterator.Object classes for more details.
method %GetSerial(force As %Integer = 0) as %String
method %GetSwizzleObject(force As %Integer = 0, ByRef oid As %ObjectIdentity) as %Status
method %GetTypeOf(key) as %String
Find out the type of value.

Returns One of the following strings are returned.
"null" - JSON null
"boolean" - Either "true" or "false"
"number" - Any numeric value
"oref" - An %ObjectHandle (an ObjectScript oref)
"object" - A nested object
"array" - A nested array
"string" - Normal text string
"unassigned" - The value is unassigned

method %OnClose() as %Status
classmethod %SetSerial(val As %String) as %Status
method %Size() as %Integer
Find the size of an %DynamicArray or a %DynamicObject.

Returns An integer showing the size of the array or object. In the case of an array, the size includes unassigned entries within the array. In the case of an object, the size only includes elements that have assigned values.

method %ToJSON(outstrm As %Stream.Object) as %String
Convert a %DynamicAbstractObject into a JSON string.

outstrm is optional. There are a number of possibilities:
(1) Parameter outstrm is not defined and the method is called via 'DO'. In this case the JSON string is written to the current output device.
(2) Parameter outstrm is not defined and the method is called as an expression. In this case the JSON string becomes the value of the expression.
(3) Parameter outstrm is defined. If it is %Stream object then the JSON string will be written to the stream. If outstrm is present but not an object then it is presumed to be a fully qualified file specification. In that case, a %Stream.FileCharacter stream is created, linked to that file and the JSON string is written to that stream. On completion, this stream is saved. The full path to the file must be defined. If outstrm is an object but is not an instance of %Stream.Object then an exception will be thrown.

NOTE: RFC 7159 specifies that the default encoding for JSON values uses UTF-8. When writing a stream containing 8-bit characters this implies that it may be necessary to explicitly convert individual values via a call to $ZCONVERT (e.g. $zcvt(value,"O","UTF8") ) or entire streams by setting the TranslateTable attribute of the stream to "UTF8"

  set obj = {"title" : "MR" , "lastname" : "JONES"}
  set obj.firstname = "JIMMY"
  do obj.%ToJSON()
  set source = obj.%ToJSON()
  write source

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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