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serial class Ens.Alerting.Action extends %Library.SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor

Representation of a single action taken by a user to update a ManagedAlert.

Property Inventory


property Action as Ens.DataType.ManagedAlertAction [ InitialExpression = 0 , Required ];
A set of boolean flags indicating what actions were performed as part of the update.
Property methods: ActionDisplayToLogical(), ActionGet(), ActionGetText(), ActionIsValid(), ActionLogicalToDisplay(), ActionNormalize(), ActionSet(), ActionXSDToLogical()
property ActionTime as Ens.DataType.UTC [ InitialExpression = $$$timeUTC , Required ];
The time at which the action was performed.
Property methods: ActionTimeDisplayToLogical(), ActionTimeGet(), ActionTimeIsValid(), ActionTimeLogicalToDisplay(), ActionTimeLogicalToOdbc(), ActionTimeNormalize(), ActionTimeOdbcToLogical(), ActionTimeSet(), ActionTimeStorageToLogical(), ActionTimetimeCmp(), ActionTimetimeDiff(), ActionTimetimeLocal(), ActionTimetimeLocaltoUTC(), ActionTimetimeUTC(), ActionTimetimeUTCH(), ActionTimetimeUTCHtoUTC(), ActionTimetimeUTCtoLocal(), ActionTimetimeUTCtoUTCH()
property NewValues as array of %String (MAXLEN = 128, XMLITEMNAME = "Value", XMLKEYNAME = "Property");
A list of key/value pairs for new values that were changed by this action.
Property methods: NewValuesBuildValueArray(), NewValuesCollectionToDisplay(), NewValuesCollectionToOdbc(), NewValuesDisplayToCollection(), NewValuesDisplayToLogical(), NewValuesGet(), NewValuesGetObject(), NewValuesGetObjectId(), NewValuesGetSwizzled(), NewValuesIsValid(), NewValuesLogicalToDisplay(), NewValuesLogicalToOdbc(), NewValuesNormalize(), NewValuesOdbcToCollection(), NewValuesSet(), NewValuesSetObject(), NewValuesSetObjectId()
property OldValues as array of %String (MAXLEN = 128, XMLITEMNAME = "Value", XMLKEYNAME = "Property");
A list of key/value pairs for old values that were changed by this action.
Property methods: OldValuesBuildValueArray(), OldValuesCollectionToDisplay(), OldValuesCollectionToOdbc(), OldValuesDisplayToCollection(), OldValuesDisplayToLogical(), OldValuesGet(), OldValuesGetObject(), OldValuesGetObjectId(), OldValuesGetSwizzled(), OldValuesIsValid(), OldValuesLogicalToDisplay(), OldValuesLogicalToOdbc(), OldValuesNormalize(), OldValuesOdbcToCollection(), OldValuesSet(), OldValuesSetObject(), OldValuesSetObjectId()
property Reason as %String (MAXLEN = 500) [ Required ];
A short text string to indicate what the user actually did.
Property methods: ReasonDisplayToLogical(), ReasonGet(), ReasonIsValid(), ReasonLogicalToDisplay(), ReasonLogicalToOdbc(), ReasonNormalize(), ReasonSet()
property Username as %String (MAXLEN = 128) [ InitialExpression = $username , Required ];
The username of the user performing the action.
Property methods: UsernameDisplayToLogical(), UsernameGet(), UsernameIsValid(), UsernameLogicalToDisplay(), UsernameLogicalToOdbc(), UsernameNormalize(), UsernameSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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