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class %DeepSee.UI.Architect extends %DeepSee.UI.standardPage, %CSP.Portal.SourceControl.Base

DeepSee Architect page.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DEFAULTVIEWMODE = cube;
If this page has multiple views, this is its initial display mode.
parameter DOCBOOKID = D2MODEL_intro_architect;
Inherited description: Docbook ID for this page.
parameter PAGENAME = Architect;
Displayed name of this page.
parameter RESOURCE = %DeepSee_Architect,%DeepSee_ArchitectEdit;
Inherited description: All Analytics pages require %DeepSee_Portal USE.


property %model as %DeepSee.Model.cube;
Local copy of cube model object.
Property methods: %modelGet(), %modelGetSwizzled(), %modelIsValid(), %modelNewObject(), %modelSet()
property DocumaticPage as %String;
Property methods: DocumaticPageDisplayToLogical(), DocumaticPageGet(), DocumaticPageIsValid(), DocumaticPageLogicalToDisplay(), DocumaticPageLogicalToOdbc(), DocumaticPageNormalize(), DocumaticPageSet()
property canWrite as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If true, user can modify (non-read-only) cube definitions, otherwise they can only view.
Property methods: canWriteDisplayToLogical(), canWriteGet(), canWriteIsValid(), canWriteLogicalToDisplay(), canWriteLogicalToOdbc(), canWriteLogicalToXSD(), canWriteNormalize(), canWriteSet(), canWriteXSDToLogical()
property compileErrorOnLoad as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean;
This will be true if the cube being loaded logged an error on the last compile.
Property methods: compileErrorOnLoadDisplayToLogical(), compileErrorOnLoadGet(), compileErrorOnLoadIsValid(), compileErrorOnLoadLogicalToDisplay(), compileErrorOnLoadLogicalToOdbc(), compileErrorOnLoadLogicalToXSD(), compileErrorOnLoadNormalize(), compileErrorOnLoadSet(), compileErrorOnLoadXSDToLogical()
property cubeClass as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Class name of Cube being viewed. This is determined from the cube name.
Property methods: cubeClassDisplayToLogical(), cubeClassGet(), cubeClassIsValid(), cubeClassLogicalToDisplay(), cubeClassLogicalToOdbc(), cubeClassNormalize(), cubeClassSet()
property cubeDependsOn as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
DependsOn for cube class. If provided, this is used as the DependsOn value of the generated cube. If not, the sourceClass for the cube is used. This is handled seperately from json.
Property methods: cubeDependsOnDisplayToLogical(), cubeDependsOnGet(), cubeDependsOnIsValid(), cubeDependsOnLogicalToDisplay(), cubeDependsOnLogicalToOdbc(), cubeDependsOnNormalize(), cubeDependsOnSet()
property cubeDescription as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Description of Cube being viewed. This is determined from the cube name.
Property methods: cubeDescriptionDisplayToLogical(), cubeDescriptionGet(), cubeDescriptionIsValid(), cubeDescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), cubeDescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), cubeDescriptionNormalize(), cubeDescriptionSet()
property cubeDomain as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Domain of Cube being viewed. This is handled seperately from json.
Property methods: cubeDomainDisplayToLogical(), cubeDomainGet(), cubeDomainIsValid(), cubeDomainLogicalToDisplay(), cubeDomainLogicalToOdbc(), cubeDomainNormalize(), cubeDomainSet()
property cubeFullName as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "CUBE");
Name of Cube (with extension).
Property methods: cubeFullNameDisplayToLogical(), cubeFullNameGet(), cubeFullNameIsValid(), cubeFullNameLogicalToDisplay(), cubeFullNameLogicalToOdbc(), cubeFullNameNormalize(), cubeFullNameSet()
property cubeName as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Name of Cube being viewed.
Property methods: cubeNameDisplayToLogical(), cubeNameGet(), cubeNameIsValid(), cubeNameLogicalToDisplay(), cubeNameLogicalToOdbc(), cubeNameNormalize(), cubeNameSet()
property currItem as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = -1 ];
ID (index number, 0-based) of current selected item.
Property methods: currItemDisplayToLogical(), currItemGet(), currItemIsValid(), currItemLogicalToDisplay(), currItemLogicalToOdbc(), currItemNormalize(), currItemSet()
property currItemType as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Type of the current selected item.
Property methods: currItemTypeDisplayToLogical(), currItemTypeGet(), currItemTypeIsValid(), currItemTypeLogicalToDisplay(), currItemTypeLogicalToOdbc(), currItemTypeNormalize(), currItemTypeSet()
property dataSource as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Data source. This is a copy of the value in the cube model.
Property methods: dataSourceDisplayToLogical(), dataSourceGet(), dataSourceIsValid(), dataSourceLogicalToDisplay(), dataSourceLogicalToOdbc(), dataSourceNormalize(), dataSourceSet()
property expandAll as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Whether to expand all elements under each type. When user clicks Collapse All then this is set to 0. At end of renderTable it is set to 2.
Property methods: expandAllDisplayToLogical(), expandAllGet(), expandAllIsValid(), expandAllLogicalToDisplay(), expandAllNormalize(), expandAllSet(), expandAllXSDToLogical()
property hlpDropTooltip as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Create new %1") ];
Property methods: hlpDropTooltipDisplayToLogical(), hlpDropTooltipGet(), hlpDropTooltipIsValid(), hlpDropTooltipLogicalToDisplay(), hlpDropTooltipLogicalToOdbc(), hlpDropTooltipNormalize(), hlpDropTooltipSet()
property hlpMoveDown as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Move this item down") ];
Property methods: hlpMoveDownDisplayToLogical(), hlpMoveDownGet(), hlpMoveDownIsValid(), hlpMoveDownLogicalToDisplay(), hlpMoveDownLogicalToOdbc(), hlpMoveDownNormalize(), hlpMoveDownSet()
property hlpMoveUp as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Move this item up") ];
Property methods: hlpMoveUpDisplayToLogical(), hlpMoveUpGet(), hlpMoveUpIsValid(), hlpMoveUpLogicalToDisplay(), hlpMoveUpLogicalToOdbc(), hlpMoveUpNormalize(), hlpMoveUpSet()
property hlpRemove as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Remove this item") ];
Property methods: hlpRemoveDisplayToLogical(), hlpRemoveGet(), hlpRemoveIsValid(), hlpRemoveLogicalToDisplay(), hlpRemoveLogicalToOdbc(), hlpRemoveNormalize(), hlpRemoveSet()
property hlpShowHide as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Hide or show the properties box") ];
Property methods: hlpShowHideDisplayToLogical(), hlpShowHideGet(), hlpShowHideIsValid(), hlpShowHideLogicalToDisplay(), hlpShowHideLogicalToOdbc(), hlpShowHideNormalize(), hlpShowHideSet()
property inheritsFrom as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Name of the inherited cube, if it exists.
Property methods: inheritsFromDisplayToLogical(), inheritsFromGet(), inheritsFromIsValid(), inheritsFromLogicalToDisplay(), inheritsFromLogicalToOdbc(), inheritsFromNormalize(), inheritsFromSet()
property lblAgeLevel as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextHTML("Level (type=age)") ];
Property methods: lblAgeLevelDisplayToLogical(), lblAgeLevelGet(), lblAgeLevelIsValid(), lblAgeLevelLogicalToDisplay(), lblAgeLevelLogicalToOdbc(), lblAgeLevelNormalize(), lblAgeLevelSet()
property lblDataLevel as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextHTML("Level (type=data)") ];
Property methods: lblDataLevelDisplayToLogical(), lblDataLevelGet(), lblDataLevelIsValid(), lblDataLevelLogicalToDisplay(), lblDataLevelLogicalToOdbc(), lblDataLevelNormalize(), lblDataLevelSet()
property lblExpression as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextHTML("(expression)") ];
Property methods: lblExpressionDisplayToLogical(), lblExpressionGet(), lblExpressionIsValid(), lblExpressionLogicalToDisplay(), lblExpressionLogicalToOdbc(), lblExpressionNormalize(), lblExpressionSet()
property lblTimeLevel as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextHTML("Level (type=time)") ];
Property methods: lblTimeLevelDisplayToLogical(), lblTimeLevelGet(), lblTimeLevelIsValid(), lblTimeLevelLogicalToDisplay(), lblTimeLevelLogicalToOdbc(), lblTimeLevelNormalize(), lblTimeLevelSet()
property msgCubeInherited as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("This cube inherits items from the %1 cube") ];
Property methods: msgCubeInheritedDisplayToLogical(), msgCubeInheritedGet(), msgCubeInheritedIsValid(), msgCubeInheritedLogicalToDisplay(), msgCubeInheritedLogicalToOdbc(), msgCubeInheritedNormalize(), msgCubeInheritedSet()
property msgInvalid as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$TextHTML("Please click [Open] to select a model definition.") ];
Property methods: msgInvalidDisplayToLogical(), msgInvalidGet(), msgInvalidIsValid(), msgInvalidLogicalToDisplay(), msgInvalidLogicalToOdbc(), msgInvalidNormalize(), msgInvalidSet()
property msgItemInherited as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("This item has been inherited from the %1 cube") ];
Property methods: msgItemInheritedDisplayToLogical(), msgItemInheritedGet(), msgItemInheritedIsValid(), msgItemInheritedLogicalToDisplay(), msgItemInheritedLogicalToOdbc(), msgItemInheritedNormalize(), msgItemInheritedSet()
property msgItemOverride as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("This is an override of an inherited cube item") ];
Property methods: msgItemOverrideDisplayToLogical(), msgItemOverrideGet(), msgItemOverrideIsValid(), msgItemOverrideLogicalToDisplay(), msgItemOverrideLogicalToOdbc(), msgItemOverrideNormalize(), msgItemOverrideSet()
property msgOpenModel as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Please open a model definition first.") ];
Property methods: msgOpenModelDisplayToLogical(), msgOpenModelGet(), msgOpenModelIsValid(), msgOpenModelLogicalToDisplay(), msgOpenModelLogicalToOdbc(), msgOpenModelNormalize(), msgOpenModelSet()
property readOnly as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, user cannot modify the current cube definition.
Property methods: readOnlyDisplayToLogical(), readOnlyGet(), readOnlyIsValid(), readOnlyLogicalToDisplay(), readOnlyLogicalToOdbc(), readOnlyLogicalToXSD(), readOnlyNormalize(), readOnlySet(), readOnlyXSDToLogical()
property timeFunctions as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: timeFunctionsDisplayToLogical(), timeFunctionsGet(), timeFunctionsIsValid(), timeFunctionsLogicalToDisplay(), timeFunctionsLogicalToOdbc(), timeFunctionsNormalize(), timeFunctionsSet()


Return the array of links to show in the locator bar.
method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
This class method callback is called just before the server-side page object is created.
method %OnDrawHTMLHead() as %Status
This callback is called at the end of the HTML HEAD section of the page.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page.
method %OnGetProductName() as %String
Get the product name for the page.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
classmethod CheckBuildLock(pCubeName) as %Boolean [ ZenMethod ]
Check to see if the current cube has a build lock, indicating there is an update underway
method DrawTableHeader(pSeed As %String) as %Status
Draw the contents of the Table Header (the region between the diagram and the table).
classmethod GetCompiledFactNumbers(pCubeName) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Return an index of the currently used fact numbers in the compiled metadata. This index is returned as a JSON object which takes the form:
  Set tCompiledFactNums = {
method GetCubeDefinition(ByRef pParms, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
Get Cube definition for JSON provider.
classmethod GetDataSourceInfo(pRoot As %String, Output pTree, ByRef pParms) as %Status
Provide contents of the data source tree.
method GetInheritedCubeDefinition(ByRef pParms, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
Get the inherited Cube definition for JSON provider.
method GetInternalName() as %String
Return the internal name of the current document, including the three letter extension in upper-case. For example, MyPackage.MyClass.CLS would be the internal name for the class MyPackage.MyClass.
classmethod GetPropInfo(sourceClass, fullName) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
This method returns the following values via proxy object:
1) IsDate is set to 1 if the property type is a date format. Verified against the ODBC type.
2) IsNumeric is set to 1 if the property type is any kind of numeric format. Verified against the ODBC type.
3) Caption is the property's parameter CAPTION.
4) SQLNames in the fashion of Prop1 -> Prop2 -> Prop3.
5) IsBoolean is set to 1 if the property type is a boolean. Verified against the ODBC type.
classmethod GetTimeLevelClasses(pSubClass, pCalendar="gregorian") as %String
Produces a list of Time level class delimited by commas.
method LoadListingSource() as %String
Return Data Connector list
method OnDrawRibbon() as %Status
Draw additional stuff in the ribbon bar
method OnGetRibbonInfo(Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pViewIcons As %List, Output pSortOptions As %List, Output pSearchBox As %Boolean, Output pRibbonTitle As %String, Output pCommands As %List) as %Status
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
method SubmitCube(pCommand As %String, pProvider As %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider, pSubmitObject As %RegisteredObject, ByRef pResponseObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
Object submit handler JSON provider. This is called when the client submits the Cube definition.
clientmethod addInheritedItemToModel(type, inheritedItem) [ Language = javascript ]
Add a new item to the model and select it. Designed for adding an overriden item from an inherited cube
clientmethod addItem() [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke dialog to add a new item to the model.
clientmethod addNewItemToModel(typenewname) [ Language = javascript ]
Add a new item to the model and select it.
clientmethod addUndoAction() [ Language = javascript ]
Remember the current state in the undo buffer.
clientmethod adjustSizes() [ Language = javascript ]
Adjust sizes of components on the page.
clientmethod analyzeCubeModel(cube, definedMsrNums, definedFactNums, sourceIndex, missing) [ Language = javascript ]
This will compare the current cube model with the compiled definition. It will return two arrays definedMsrNums, definedFactNums containing the known factNumbers that have been used in measures and levels/relationships, respectively. For those items that have factNumbers assigned, the mapping between column sources and factNumbers is returned in sourceIndex. Anything that has been modified in the current session or did not previously have a compiled fact number will be returned in the missing index.

If factNumbers of the model elements have not been explicitly set but have been previously assigned internally via the compile, the factNumbers in the current cube model will be set to those numbers. In the case of inherited cubes, only the compiled factNumbers of the supercube will be held constant.
clientmethod applyDependsOn(value) [ Language = javascript ]
user modified DependsOn. Since it is not part of json, handle it seperately.
clientmethod applyDescription(what) [ Language = javascript ]
Set textarea description back into the text description field.
clientmethod applyDetails() [ Language = javascript ]
Apply changes from detail form.
clientmethod applyDomain(value) [ Language = javascript ]
user modified Domain. Since it is not part of json, handle it seperately.
clientmethod assignFactNumbers() [ Language = javascript ]
Examine the cube definition object. If the cube's namedFactNums property is set, automatically assign a factNumber to any structural element that does not already have one defined.
clientmethod browseClass(popupName) [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke class finder dialog. popupName="sourceclasses" or "cubes"
clientmethod buildCube() [ Language = javascript ]
Rebuild the cube.
clientmethod canUndo() [ Language = javascript ]
Return true if it is possible to undo an action
clientmethod canUserBuild() [ Language = javascript ]
Test if the user has build privileges.
clientmethod canUserModify(noAlert As %Library.String) [ Language = javascript ]
Test if the user has write privilege.
clientmethod cancelDetailForm() [ Language = javascript ]
Cancel changes from detail form.
clientmethod changeDataSource() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the data source dialog.
clientmethod changeSubjectArea() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the cube finder dialog.
clientmethod changeType(idfield) [ Language = javascript ]
This function takes care of certain fields when their values are changed.
clientmethod changeUndoState(undostate) [ Language = javascript ]
Change Undo button state and View button state (opposite of Undo button)
clientmethod changeUseSQL() [ Language = javascript ]
User checked/unchecked the Use SQL field
clientmethod checkItemModified(item, type) [ Language = javascript ]
Pass in an item and type and test if the settings substantial to data storage definition (eg: values, type, etc.) have changed.
clientmethod chooseSCMenu(menuName, commandName, saveFlags) [ Language = javascript ]
Handle a source control menu selection.
clientmethod clearUndoBuffer() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod cloneObject(obj, clone) [ Language = javascript ]
Create a clone of the given object.
clientmethod commandBtnTimeout() [ Language = javascript ]
Timeout for the timer managing the compile button
clientmethod compile() [ Language = javascript ]
Compile the cube.
clientmethod constrainDragX(engine, wrapper, intendedX) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to limit horizontal resizing
clientmethod constrainDragY(engine, wrapper, intendedY) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to limit vertical resizing
clientmethod createDim(newname, dimtype, sourceprop, caption) [ Language = javascript ]
Create new dimension. If drag & drop, sourceprop passed in will not be null.
clientmethod createHier(newname) [ Language = javascript ]
Create new hierarchy.
clientmethod createLevel(newname, newsource) [ Language = javascript ]
Create new level If drag & drop, newsource passed in will not be null.
clientmethod createListing(newname, fieldName) [ Language = javascript ]
Create new listing object. If drag & drop, fieldName passed in will not be null.
clientmethod createListingField(newname, fieldExpression) [ Language = javascript ]
Create new listing object. If drag & drop, fieldExpression passed in will not be null.
clientmethod createMeasure(newname, newsource, type) [ Language = javascript ]
Create a new measure. 'type' passed in is 'number', 'date', 'boolean' or 'string'
clientmethod createProp(newname, newsource) [ Language = javascript ]
Create new property. If drag & drop, newsource passed in will not be null.
clientmethod createRelationship(newname) [ Language = javascript ]
Create new relationship object.
clientmethod doDocument() [ Language = javascript ]
Open Documatic page to view all details (if user has not modified anything).
clientmethod dropDetailListingFieldExpression(dragData) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod editDescription(what) [ Language = javascript ]
Toggle to show/hide Description textarea; set what's in text into textarea.
clientmethod editItem(what) [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke dialog to edit certain items: RangeExpression, FormatString, SourceProperty, SourceExpression, CubeResource, ListingResource, ListingField.
clientmethod enableItem(row, flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Enable/disable a row in the table.
clientmethod endDrag(engine, wrapper) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to wrap up window resize event
clientmethod fetchCube() [ Language = javascript ]
This method is called from child pages (reorder) to get a live javaScript object of the cube
clientmethod findRowForItem(item) [ Language = javascript ]
Find the row number in the table for the given model item. This must be called after the table has been rendered.
clientmethod findRowForItemName(name, itemGroup) [ Language = javascript ]
Find the row number in the table for the given model item name. If itemGroup is defined, return the first occurence of name within the particular group of model items. This must be called after the table has been rendered.
clientmethod getCSSForType(type) [ Language = javascript ]
Find the css class for the given row type.
clientmethod getClientModel() [ Language = javascript ]
Get the jsonProvider object on the client.
clientmethod getCubeObject() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the cube definition object.
clientmethod getCurrentName() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the current name of the class/object being modified.
clientmethod getDimName(item, name) [ Language = javascript ]
Given the base name, return the new name with proper index number
clientmethod getHierName(item, name) [ Language = javascript ]
Given the base name, return the new name with proper index number
clientmethod getInheritedCubeObject() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the cube definition object for the inherited cube.
clientmethod getLevName(item, name) [ Language = javascript ]
Given the base name, return the new name with proper index number
clientmethod getLevelSourceForIndex(dimension, level) [ Language = javascript ]
Given the objects representing a dimension and a level, produce a string that can be used as an identifier in the sourceIndex when determining shared storage for fact table columns.
clientmethod getListName() [ Language = javascript ]
Return new list name. Starting "New_listing1".
clientmethod getListingFieldName(cube, name) [ Language = javascript ]
Return new list name. Starting "New_listing1".
clientmethod getMeaName(item, name) [ Language = javascript ]
Given the base name, return the new name with proper index number
clientmethod getModifiedFactList(specList) [ Language = javascript ]
Fetch the list of dimensions, measures, and relationships that are known to have been modified since the last build.
clientmethod getPageTitle() as %String [ Language = javascript ]
Get the title string to add to the locator row. This should be implemented in a subclass.
clientmethod getPropName(item, name) [ Language = javascript ]
Given the base name, return the new name with proper index number
clientmethod getSelectedItem() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the current selected item.
clientmethod getTimeFunctionsForCalendar(calendar) [ Language = javascript ]
Report the supported functions for a given calendar.
clientmethod getiKnowMeasures() [ Language = javascript ]
Return a list of iKnow measures
clientmethod isClosed(cube, item) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod itemIsOverride(item) [ Language = javascript ]
If it exists, search the inherited cube object for the same logical definition as item.
clientmethod moveItemDown(type, row, index, hier, level, prop) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod moveItemUp(type, row, index, hier, level, prop) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod newCube() [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke dialog to add a new cube.
clientmethod onDocumentLoadComplete() [ Language = javascript ]
Callback method invoked after we have successfully loaded the current document.
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
This client event is fired when the a popup page launched from this page fires an action.
clientmethod onlayoutHandler(load) [ Language = javascript ]
Adjust sizes of components on the page.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Add check to ensure that we correctly load documents on the client when source control hooks are in use. Also set up a timer to ensure we don't hit timeouts while editing documents in Studio, as well as When in Studio mode, also detect whether we are running IE10, as we need to save documents differently if that is the case.
clientmethod overrideInheritedItem() [ Language = javascript ]
Called by the Override button to override an inherited item in the local cube definition.
clientmethod removeItem(type, row, index, hier, level, prop) [ Language = javascript ]
Remove a row from the table.
clientmethod renderCubeItems(cube, itemGroupType, html) [ Language = javascript ]
Render the actual items in a given group type in the table. This does not draw the title bars.
clientmethod renderTable() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the contents of the model table.
clientmethod reorder() [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke dialog to reorder certain elements of the model.
clientmethod rowClick(type, row) [ Language = javascript ]
User click on a row in the table.
clientmethod rowMouseOut(div) [ Language = javascript ]
method for when mouse out
clientmethod rowMouseOver(element, div) [ Language = javascript ]
method for when user mouse over a row in the table
clientmethod save() [ Language = javascript ]
Save the cube.
clientmethod saveCube() [ Language = javascript ]
Do save now. This method is called from compile also.
clientmethod selectItem(type, row, force) [ Language = javascript ]
Select a row in the table.
clientmethod selectNewItem(newItem, newType) [ Language = javascript ]
Helper method: select an item, make sure it is visible and give focus to the details panel.
clientmethod setCommandsFromBuildState() [ Language = javascript ]
This method is responsible for controlling the Compile button's availability according to the build lock.
clientmethod setDataSource(cls) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the dataSource for the current cube.
clientmethod setDetailContentDisabled(setDisabled) [ Language = javascript ]
This prevents a user from making changes to the item details using the cover pane.
clientmethod setFactsModified(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Set or Clear all isModified flags in the cube definition according to value.
clientmethod setModified(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the modified flag for the page.
clientmethod setReadOnly(readOnly) [ Language = javascript ]
method used by Source Control to set the value of the readOnly flag.
clientmethod setViewModeHandler(mode As %Library.String, oldmode As %Library.String) [ Language = javascript ]
Do the actual work of updating the view to match the current view mode.
clientmethod startDrag(engine, wrapper) [ Language = javascript ]
Callback to initiate window resize event
clientmethod tableDropHandler(dragData) [ Language = javascript ]
Drop handler for model table.
clientmethod toggleDisclosure(key) [ Language = javascript ]
User click on disclosure icon in table.
clientmethod toggleExpand(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
user clicked Expand All (flag=1) or Collapsed All (flag=0).
clientmethod toggleSettings() [ Language = javascript ]
Toggle display of settings (property tabs) box.
clientmethod toggleSource(element, type) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod toolAnalyzer() [ Language = javascript ]
Show analyzer in a new window.
clientmethod toolQuery() [ Language = javascript ]
Show query tool in a new window.
clientmethod transformToSQLExpression(expr) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod undo() [ Language = javascript ]
Undo the most recent change.
clientmethod updateTable() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the contents of the model table.
clientmethod viewCube() [ Language = javascript ]
Open CubeView page to view all details (if user has not modified anything).

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

FeedbackOpens in a new tab