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class %Installer.Production extends %Installer.Sequence

This is a "Production" activity within a Manifest document. It configures a production; contains and applies the "Settings" and "Credentials" tags.

Property Inventory


property AutoStart as %Installer.Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
AutoStart value
Property methods: AutoStartDisplayToLogical(), AutoStartGet(), AutoStartIsValid(), AutoStartLogicalToDisplay(), AutoStartLogicalToXSD(), AutoStartNormalize(), AutoStartSet(), AutoStartXSDToLogical()
property Target as %String (XMLNAME = "Name") [ Required ];
Production name name
Property methods: TargetDisplayToLogical(), TargetGet(), TargetIsValid(), TargetLogicalToDisplay(), TargetLogicalToOdbc(), TargetNormalize(), TargetSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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