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class %Net.HttpResponse extends %Library.RegisteredObject

This class encapsulates the response from the web server.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ContentBoundary as %String;
If specified the boundary signal for the Data
Property methods: ContentBoundaryDisplayToLogical(), ContentBoundaryGet(), ContentBoundaryIsValid(), ContentBoundaryLogicalToDisplay(), ContentBoundaryLogicalToOdbc(), ContentBoundaryNormalize(), ContentBoundarySet()
property ContentInfo as %String;
Additional information specified in the HTTP headers about the Data.
Property methods: ContentInfoDisplayToLogical(), ContentInfoGet(), ContentInfoIsValid(), ContentInfoLogicalToDisplay(), ContentInfoLogicalToOdbc(), ContentInfoNormalize(), ContentInfoSet()
property ContentLength as %String;
Length of the Data. Comes from the HTTP 'Content-Length:' header.
Property methods: ContentLengthDisplayToLogical(), ContentLengthGet(), ContentLengthIsValid(), ContentLengthLogicalToDisplay(), ContentLengthLogicalToOdbc(), ContentLengthNormalize(), ContentLengthSet()
property ContentType as %String;
Value of the HTTP 'Content-Type:' header.
Property methods: ContentTypeDisplayToLogical(), ContentTypeGet(), ContentTypeIsValid(), ContentTypeLogicalToDisplay(), ContentTypeLogicalToOdbc(), ContentTypeNormalize(), ContentTypeSet()
property Data as %RawString;

For information on using this class, see Sending HTTP RequestsOpens in a new tab.

The stream or a string contains all the data sent by the web server after the HTTP headers. You can test if this is a stream with $isobject(response.Data) and if it is not a stream then it is a string with the data in it.
Property methods: DataGet(), DataIsValid(), DataSet()
property Headers as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
Storage for the HTTP headers in the reply.
Property methods: HeadersDisplayToLogical(), HeadersGet(), HeadersIsValid(), HeadersLogicalToDisplay(), HeadersLogicalToOdbc(), HeadersNormalize(), HeadersSet()
property HttpVersion as %String;
The version of HTTP that the server supports.
Property methods: HttpVersionDisplayToLogical(), HttpVersionGet(), HttpVersionIsValid(), HttpVersionLogicalToDisplay(), HttpVersionLogicalToOdbc(), HttpVersionNormalize(), HttpVersionSet()
property ReasonPhrase as %String;
This is the human readable reason that goes with the StatusCode.
Property methods: ReasonPhraseDisplayToLogical(), ReasonPhraseGet(), ReasonPhraseIsValid(), ReasonPhraseLogicalToDisplay(), ReasonPhraseLogicalToOdbc(), ReasonPhraseNormalize(), ReasonPhraseSet()
property StatusCode as %Integer;
The HTTP status code. This is useful to determine if the request was successful. Look in the rfc for HTTP to see which codes are supported and what they mean. A human readable form of this code is stored as the ReasonPhrase
Property methods: StatusCodeDisplayToLogical(), StatusCodeGet(), StatusCodeIsValid(), StatusCodeLogicalToDisplay(), StatusCodeNormalize(), StatusCodeSet()
property StatusLine as %String;
The HTTP status line. This is the first line of the response and signals if the request was successful or if there was a problem.
Property methods: StatusLineDisplayToLogical(), StatusLineGet(), StatusLineIsValid(), StatusLineLogicalToDisplay(), StatusLineLogicalToOdbc(), StatusLineNormalize(), StatusLineSet()


method GetHeader(name As %String) as %String
Get the value associated with this header.
method GetNextHeader(name As %String) as %String
Return the name of the next header that was received from the web server.
method OutputHeaders(test As %Boolean = 0)
Output the HTTP headers from the web server to the current device. The headers will not be in the same order but this does not alter the semantics.
method OutputToDevice()
Output the full response from the web server to the current device. The headers will not be in the same order but this does not alter the semantics. This is useful to see what the web server sent back.
method SetHeader(name As %String, value As %String)
Used internally to set a header name and value. This can also be called externally if you want to record another header value.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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