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deprecated class %iKnow.Matching.Formats.SimpleDateFormat extends %iKnow.Matching.Formats.Format

This is a very simple example of a %iKnow.Matching.Formats.Format implementation, simply checking whether the supplied strings can be converted to a proper date and optionally returning it as output.

Format parameters:

  1. dateFormat (%Integer, default -1): the dformat parameter passed to $zdateh or $zdatetimeh
  2. timeFormat (%Integer, default 0): the tformat parameter passed to $zdatetimeh, 0 means no time is checked
  3. output (%Boolean, default 0): whether or not to output the identified date

Method Inventory


method MatchSingle(string As %String, formatParams As %List, Output matchScore As %Numeric, Output matchedWordBits, Output isScattered As %Boolean, Output formatOutput) as %Status
Inherited description:

Implementations of this method check whether an individual string complies with the format this class represents, returning a matchScore (0..1) and optional matchedWordBits, isScattered and formatOutput through output parameters.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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