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deprecated class %iKnow.Utils.MaintenanceAPI extends %iKnow.Queries.AbstractAPI

This API groups a number of utility and maintenance operations and queries.

Method Inventory


parameter GetSkipListElementsRT = entUniId:%Integer,entity:%String;
parameter GetSkipListsRT = skipListId:%Integer,name:%String,description:%String;
parameter GetUserDictionariesRT = userDictId:%Integer,name:%String,description:%String;
parameter GetUserDictionaryEntriesRT = position:%Integer,rewriteFrom:%String,rewriteTo:%String;


classmethod AddEntityToSkipList(domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer) as %Status
Adds an existing entity (by ID) to a SkipList. For cross-domain SkipLists, use AddStringToSkipList()
classmethod AddStringToSkipList(domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer, string As %String) as %Status
Adds a string to a SkipList, adding it as an entity if it didn't exist in the domain before.
deprecated classmethod AddUserDictionaryEntry(userDictId As %Integer, rewriteFrom As %String, rewriteTo As %String, ByRef position As %Integer = 0) as %Status

Adds a single entry to a User Dictionary at position. If position <= 0 (default), it is added at the bottom of the list, otherwise at the requested position, shifting existing entries down if it was already taken.

Deprecated: please use AddEntry() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod ClearSkipList(pDomainId As %Integer, pSkipListId As %Integer) as %Status
Clears the contents of a single SkipList.
classmethod CreateSkipList(domainId As %Integer, name As %String, description As %String = "", Output sc As %Status = $$$OK) as %Integer

Create a new SkipList with the given name and description

deprecated classmethod CreateUserDictionary(name As %String, description As %String = "", Output sc As %Status) as %Integer

This method creates a User Dictionary with a given name and optional description and returns the created user dictionary ID afterwards. This method will return -1 if an error occurred, which is passed by reference as sc.

Deprecated: please use %New() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod DropSkipList(domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer) as %Status
Drops a SkipList (entities part of the list will not be deleted from the domain)
deprecated classmethod DropUserDictionary(userDictId As %Integer) as %Status
This method drops the User Dictionary identified by the supplied userDictId, including all its entries.

Deprecated: please use %DeleteId() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod GetSkipListElements(ByRef result, domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer) as %Status
Retrieves a list of all the strings in the specified SkipList
classmethod GetSkipListId(domainId As %Integer, name As %String, Output sc As %Status = $$$OK) as %Integer
Finds the SkipList ID corresponding to the supplied name.
classmethod GetSkipLists(ByRef result, domainId As %Integer, pIncludeCrossDomain As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Retrieves a list of all the SkipLists registered in this domain.
deprecated classmethod GetUserDictionaries(ByRef result) as %Status
Returns a list of all the User Dictionaries in this namespace.

Deprecated: please use %iKnow.UserDictionary

deprecated classmethod GetUserDictionaryEntries(ByRef result, userDictId As %Integer) as %Status

Returns the contents of a User Dictionary.

Deprecated: please use GetEntries() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

deprecated classmethod GetUserDictionaryId(name As %String) as %Integer
Returns the ID corresponding to the supplied User Dictionary name.

Deprecated: please use NameIndexOpen() %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod HasSkipLists(pDomainId As %Integer) as %Boolean
Returns whether or not there are any SkipLists in the domain
classmethod RemoveEntityFromSkipList(domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer) as %Status
Removes an entity (by ID) from a SkipList (but not from the domain) For cross-domain SkipLists, use RemoveStringFromSkipList()
classmethod RemoveStringFromSkipList(domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer, string As %String) as %Status
Removes a string from a SkipList (but not from the domain)
deprecated classmethod RemoveUserDictionaryEntry(userDictId As %Integer, position As %Integer) as %Status

Removes the User Dictionary entry registered at position. This method will not impact the order or position of any remaning entries.

Deprecated: please use RemoveEntry() in %iKnow.UserDictionary

classmethod SkipListContainsElement(domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer, Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK) as %Boolean
Returns whether or not the SkipList identified by skipListId contains the supplied entity.
classmethod SkipListContainsString(domainId As %Integer, skipListId As %Integer, entity As %String, Output pSC As %Status = $$$OK) as %Boolean
Returns whether or not the SkipList identified by skipListId contains the supplied entity.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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