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persistent class Config.NLS.Locales extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor, %SYSTEM.Help

SQL Table Name: Config_NLS.Locales

This class is a description of a locale. A locale contains:

Only locales whose names begin with "y" (e.g. "yda8" or "yptw") are considered custom locales and are preserved during system upgrades. All other locales are restored to their original state and any changes to them made with methods from this class will be lost in an upgrade.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %Utility;
Default Localization Domain


property AM as %String;
Sufix which may optionally be appended to time values prior to 12 noon.

Example: "AM"
Property methods: AMDisplayToLogical(), AMGet(), AMGetStored(), AMIsValid(), AMLogicalToDisplay(), AMLogicalToOdbc(), AMNormalize(), AMSet()
property AccentTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
The default accent table.
Property methods: AccentTableDisplayToLogical(), AccentTableGet(), AccentTableGetStored(), AccentTableIsValid(), AccentTableLogicalToDisplay(), AccentTableLogicalToOdbc(), AccentTableNormalize(), AccentTableSet()
property AccentTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
List of available accent tables.
Property methods: AccentTablesBuildValueArray(), AccentTablesCollectionToDisplay(), AccentTablesCollectionToOdbc(), AccentTablesDisplayToCollection(), AccentTablesDisplayToLogical(), AccentTablesGet(), AccentTablesGetObject(), AccentTablesGetObjectId(), AccentTablesGetStored(), AccentTablesGetSwizzled(), AccentTablesIsValid(), AccentTablesLogicalToDisplay(), AccentTablesLogicalToOdbc(), AccentTablesNormalize(), AccentTablesOdbcToCollection(), AccentTablesSet(), AccentTablesSetObject(), AccentTablesSetObjectId()
property CharacterSet as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
Name of character set on which this locale is based.

Examples: "Latin1", "CP1251", "Unicode"
Property methods: CharacterSetDisplayToLogical(), CharacterSetGet(), CharacterSetGetStored(), CharacterSetIsValid(), CharacterSetLogicalToDisplay(), CharacterSetLogicalToOdbc(), CharacterSetNormalize(), CharacterSetSet()
property CollationTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default collation table.
Property methods: CollationTableDisplayToLogical(), CollationTableGet(), CollationTableGetStored(), CollationTableIsValid(), CollationTableLogicalToDisplay(), CollationTableLogicalToOdbc(), CollationTableNormalize(), CollationTableSet()
property CollationTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
List of available collation tables.
Property methods: CollationTablesBuildValueArray(), CollationTablesCollectionToDisplay(), CollationTablesCollectionToOdbc(), CollationTablesDisplayToCollection(), CollationTablesDisplayToLogical(), CollationTablesGet(), CollationTablesGetObject(), CollationTablesGetObjectId(), CollationTablesGetStored(), CollationTablesGetSwizzled(), CollationTablesIsValid(), CollationTablesLogicalToDisplay(), CollationTablesLogicalToOdbc(), CollationTablesNormalize(), CollationTablesOdbcToCollection(), CollationTablesSet(), CollationTablesSetObject(), CollationTablesSetObjectId()
property Country as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
Country supported by this locale.
Property methods: CountryDisplayToLogical(), CountryGet(), CountryGetStored(), CountryIsValid(), CountryLogicalToDisplay(), CountryLogicalToOdbc(), CountryNormalize(), CountrySet()
property CountryAbbr as %String (MAXLEN = 2, MINLEN = 2) [ Required ];
ISO 3166 two-letter abbreviation of Country.

Example: US
Property methods: CountryAbbrDisplayToLogical(), CountryAbbrGet(), CountryAbbrGetStored(), CountryAbbrIsValid(), CountryAbbrLogicalToDisplay(), CountryAbbrLogicalToOdbc(), CountryAbbrNormalize(), CountryAbbrSet()
property Currency as %String (MINLEN = 1);
Currency symbol (string) encoded in native character set.
Property methods: CurrencyDisplayToLogical(), CurrencyGet(), CurrencyGetStored(), CurrencyIsValid(), CurrencyLogicalToDisplay(), CurrencyLogicalToOdbc(), CurrencyNormalize(), CurrencySet()
property DateFormat as %Integer;
The DateFormat code used whenever a $ZDATE, $ZDATEH, $ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH function call omits its second parameter, or specifies a second parameter value of -1.

Example: 1
Property methods: DateFormatDisplayToLogical(), DateFormatGet(), DateFormatGetStored(), DateFormatIsValid(), DateFormatLogicalToDisplay(), DateFormatNormalize(), DateFormatSet(), DateFormatXSDToLogical()
property DateMaximum as %Integer;
The maximum value for a date allowed in $ZDATE, $ZDATEH, $ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH functions.

Example: 94232 (12/30/2098)
Property methods: DateMaximumDisplayToLogical(), DateMaximumGet(), DateMaximumGetStored(), DateMaximumIsValid(), DateMaximumLogicalToDisplay(), DateMaximumNormalize(), DateMaximumSet(), DateMaximumXSDToLogical()
property DateMinimum as %Integer;
The minimum value for a date allowed in $ZDATE, $ZDATEH, $ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH functions.

Example: 1
Property methods: DateMinimumDisplayToLogical(), DateMinimumGet(), DateMinimumGetStored(), DateMinimumIsValid(), DateMinimumLogicalToDisplay(), DateMinimumNormalize(), DateMinimumSet(), DateMinimumXSDToLogical()
property DateSeparator as %String (MAXLEN = 1, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The character used to delimit the months, days, and years of those dates which are otherwise entirely numeric.

Example: "/"
Property methods: DateSeparatorDisplayToLogical(), DateSeparatorGet(), DateSeparatorGetStored(), DateSeparatorIsValid(), DateSeparatorLogicalToDisplay(), DateSeparatorLogicalToOdbc(), DateSeparatorNormalize(), DateSeparatorSet()
property DecimalSeparator as %String (MAXLEN = 1, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The character used by the $FNUMBER function to separate the whole part of a number from the fractional part of the number. Also used by $ZDATETIME, $ZDATETIMEH, $ZTIME and $ZTIMEH to separate the whole part of the seconds from the optional fractional part of the seconds, if any.

Example: "."
Property methods: DecimalSeparatorDisplayToLogical(), DecimalSeparatorGet(), DecimalSeparatorGetStored(), DecimalSeparatorIsValid(), DecimalSeparatorLogicalToDisplay(), DecimalSeparatorLogicalToOdbc(), DecimalSeparatorNormalize(), DecimalSeparatorSet()
property Description as %String (MAXLEN = 128);
Simple description of locale. Usually in one of these formats:
  • <country>,<language>,<character set>
  • <comment>,<character set>
Property methods: DescriptionDisplayToLogical(), DescriptionGet(), DescriptionGetStored(), DescriptionIsValid(), DescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), DescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), DescriptionNormalize(), DescriptionSet()
property IdentifierTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default identifier table.
Property methods: IdentifierTableDisplayToLogical(), IdentifierTableGet(), IdentifierTableGetStored(), IdentifierTableIsValid(), IdentifierTableLogicalToDisplay(), IdentifierTableLogicalToOdbc(), IdentifierTableNormalize(), IdentifierTableSet()
property IdentifierTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
List of available identifier tables.
Property methods: IdentifierTablesBuildValueArray(), IdentifierTablesCollectionToDisplay(), IdentifierTablesCollectionToOdbc(), IdentifierTablesDisplayToCollection(), IdentifierTablesDisplayToLogical(), IdentifierTablesGet(), IdentifierTablesGetObject(), IdentifierTablesGetObjectId(), IdentifierTablesGetStored(), IdentifierTablesGetSwizzled(), IdentifierTablesIsValid(), IdentifierTablesLogicalToDisplay(), IdentifierTablesLogicalToOdbc(), IdentifierTablesNormalize(), IdentifierTablesOdbcToCollection(), IdentifierTablesSet(), IdentifierTablesSetObject(), IdentifierTablesSetObjectId()
property Language as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
Localization language for this locale.
Property methods: LanguageDisplayToLogical(), LanguageGet(), LanguageGetStored(), LanguageIsValid(), LanguageLogicalToDisplay(), LanguageLogicalToOdbc(), LanguageNormalize(), LanguageSet()
property LanguageAbbr as %String (MAXLEN = 5, MINLEN = 2) [ Required ];
ISO 639-2 two-letter abbreviation of Language possibly followed by "-" and CountryAbbr.

Examples: fr, en-US
Property methods: LanguageAbbrDisplayToLogical(), LanguageAbbrGet(), LanguageAbbrGetStored(), LanguageAbbrIsValid(), LanguageAbbrLogicalToDisplay(), LanguageAbbrLogicalToOdbc(), LanguageAbbrNormalize(), LanguageAbbrSet()
property LowerCaseTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
The default lower-case table.
Property methods: LowerCaseTableDisplayToLogical(), LowerCaseTableGet(), LowerCaseTableGetStored(), LowerCaseTableIsValid(), LowerCaseTableLogicalToDisplay(), LowerCaseTableLogicalToOdbc(), LowerCaseTableNormalize(), LowerCaseTableSet()
property LowerCaseTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
List of available lower-case tables.
Property methods: LowerCaseTablesBuildValueArray(), LowerCaseTablesCollectionToDisplay(), LowerCaseTablesCollectionToOdbc(), LowerCaseTablesDisplayToCollection(), LowerCaseTablesDisplayToLogical(), LowerCaseTablesGet(), LowerCaseTablesGetObject(), LowerCaseTablesGetObjectId(), LowerCaseTablesGetStored(), LowerCaseTablesGetSwizzled(), LowerCaseTablesIsValid(), LowerCaseTablesLogicalToDisplay(), LowerCaseTablesLogicalToOdbc(), LowerCaseTablesNormalize(), LowerCaseTablesOdbcToCollection(), LowerCaseTablesSet(), LowerCaseTablesSetObject(), LowerCaseTablesSetObjectId()
property Midnight as %String;
The suffix which may optionally be appended to time values corresponding to exactly 12 midnight.

Example: "MIDNIGHT"
Property methods: MidnightDisplayToLogical(), MidnightGet(), MidnightGetStored(), MidnightIsValid(), MidnightLogicalToDisplay(), MidnightLogicalToOdbc(), MidnightNormalize(), MidnightSet()
property MinusSign as %String (MAXLEN = 1, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The character which may precede or follow a negative numeric quantity formatted by the $FNUMBER function.

Example: "-"
Property methods: MinusSignDisplayToLogical(), MinusSignGet(), MinusSignGetStored(), MinusSignIsValid(), MinusSignLogicalToDisplay(), MinusSignLogicalToOdbc(), MinusSignNormalize(), MinusSignSet()
property MonthAbbr as %String (MAXLEN = 100, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The abbreviations of the names of the twelve months, used whenever a $ZDATE, $ZDATEH, $ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH function call omits its MonthNameList parameter, or specifies a MonthNameList parameter value of -1, and the selected date format uses month name abbreviations (i.e., the effective DateFormat code is 0, 2, 5, 6 or 7)

Example: " Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec"
Property methods: MonthAbbrDisplayToLogical(), MonthAbbrGet(), MonthAbbrGetStored(), MonthAbbrIsValid(), MonthAbbrLogicalToDisplay(), MonthAbbrLogicalToOdbc(), MonthAbbrNormalize(), MonthAbbrSet()
property MonthName as %String (MAXLEN = 100, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The full names of the twelve months, used whenever a $ZDATE, $ZDATEH, $ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH function call omits its MonthNameList parameter, or specifies a MonthNameList parameter value of -1, and the selected date format uses full month names (i.e., the effective DateFormat code is 9).

Example: " January February March April... November December"
Property methods: MonthNameDisplayToLogical(), MonthNameGet(), MonthNameGetStored(), MonthNameIsValid(), MonthNameLogicalToDisplay(), MonthNameLogicalToOdbc(), MonthNameNormalize(), MonthNameSet()
property Name as %String (MAXLEN = 64) [ Required ];
Code name of the locale. Generally this is a 3-letter code expressing the language and country followed by a character size indicator: "8" for 8-bit character sets and "w" for Unicode.
Property methods: NameDisplayToLogical(), NameGet(), NameGetStored(), NameIsValid(), NameLogicalToDisplay(), NameLogicalToOdbc(), NameNormalize(), NameSet()
property Noon as %String;
The suffix which may optionally be appended to time values corresponding to exactly 12 noon.

Example: "NOON"
Property methods: NoonDisplayToLogical(), NoonGet(), NoonGetStored(), NoonIsValid(), NoonLogicalToDisplay(), NoonLogicalToOdbc(), NoonNormalize(), NoonSet()
property NumericGroupSeparator as %String (MAXLEN = 1, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The character used to separate groups of numeric digits within the whole number portion of a number formatted by the $FNUMBER function.

Example: ","
Property methods: NumericGroupSeparatorDisplayToLogical(), NumericGroupSeparatorGet(), NumericGroupSeparatorGetStored(), NumericGroupSeparatorIsValid(), NumericGroupSeparatorLogicalToDisplay(), NumericGroupSeparatorLogicalToOdbc(), NumericGroupSeparatorNormalize(), NumericGroupSeparatorSet()
property NumericGroupSize as %Integer;
The number of digits in a numeric group formatted by the $FNUMBER function.

Example: 3
Property methods: NumericGroupSizeDisplayToLogical(), NumericGroupSizeGet(), NumericGroupSizeGetStored(), NumericGroupSizeIsValid(), NumericGroupSizeLogicalToDisplay(), NumericGroupSizeNormalize(), NumericGroupSizeSet(), NumericGroupSizeXSDToLogical()
property PM as %String;
The suffix which may optionally be appended to time values at or after 12 noon.

Example: "PM"
Property methods: PMDisplayToLogical(), PMGet(), PMGetStored(), PMIsValid(), PMLogicalToDisplay(), PMLogicalToOdbc(), PMNormalize(), PMSet()
property PatternTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default pattern match table.
Property methods: PatternTableDisplayToLogical(), PatternTableGet(), PatternTableGetStored(), PatternTableIsValid(), PatternTableLogicalToDisplay(), PatternTableLogicalToOdbc(), PatternTableNormalize(), PatternTableSet()
property PatternTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
List of available pattern match tables.
Property methods: PatternTablesBuildValueArray(), PatternTablesCollectionToDisplay(), PatternTablesCollectionToOdbc(), PatternTablesDisplayToCollection(), PatternTablesDisplayToLogical(), PatternTablesGet(), PatternTablesGetObject(), PatternTablesGetObjectId(), PatternTablesGetStored(), PatternTablesGetSwizzled(), PatternTablesIsValid(), PatternTablesLogicalToDisplay(), PatternTablesLogicalToOdbc(), PatternTablesNormalize(), PatternTablesOdbcToCollection(), PatternTablesSet(), PatternTablesSetObject(), PatternTablesSetObjectId()
property PhysicalCursor as %Boolean;
True if terminals should have Physical Cursor set by default.
Used by Japanese locales
Property methods: PhysicalCursorDisplayToLogical(), PhysicalCursorGet(), PhysicalCursorGetStored(), PhysicalCursorIsValid(), PhysicalCursorLogicalToDisplay(), PhysicalCursorLogicalToXSD(), PhysicalCursorNormalize(), PhysicalCursorSet(), PhysicalCursorXSDToLogical()
property PlusSign as %String (MAXLEN = 1, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The character which may optionally precede or follow a non-negative numeric quantity formatted by the $FNUMBER function.

Example: "+"
Property methods: PlusSignDisplayToLogical(), PlusSignGet(), PlusSignGetStored(), PlusSignIsValid(), PlusSignLogicalToDisplay(), PlusSignLogicalToOdbc(), PlusSignNormalize(), PlusSignSet()
deprecated property Resource as %Integer;
Deprecated. For compatibility with previous versions.
Property methods: ResourceDisplayToLogical(), ResourceGet(), ResourceGetStored(), ResourceIsValid(), ResourceLogicalToDisplay(), ResourceNormalize(), ResourceSet(), ResourceXSDToLogical()
property TimeFormat as %Integer;
The TimeFormat code used whenever a $ZDATETIME, $ZDATETIMEH, $ZTIME or $ZTIMEH function call omits its TimeFormat parameter, or specifies a TimeFormat parameter value of -1.

Example: 1
Property methods: TimeFormatDisplayToLogical(), TimeFormatGet(), TimeFormatGetStored(), TimeFormatIsValid(), TimeFormatLogicalToDisplay(), TimeFormatNormalize(), TimeFormatSet(), TimeFormatXSDToLogical()
property TimePrecision as %Integer;
The number of fractional digits displayed in a time value whenever a $ZDATETIME or $ZTIME function call omits its Precision parameter, or specifies a Precision parameter value of -1.

Example: 0
Property methods: TimePrecisionDisplayToLogical(), TimePrecisionGet(), TimePrecisionGetStored(), TimePrecisionIsValid(), TimePrecisionLogicalToDisplay(), TimePrecisionNormalize(), TimePrecisionSet(), TimePrecisionXSDToLogical()
property TimeSeparator as %String (MAXLEN = 1, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The character used to delimit the hours, minutes and seconds in a time value.

Example: ":"
Property methods: TimeSeparatorDisplayToLogical(), TimeSeparatorGet(), TimeSeparatorGetStored(), TimeSeparatorIsValid(), TimeSeparatorLogicalToDisplay(), TimeSeparatorLogicalToOdbc(), TimeSeparatorNormalize(), TimeSeparatorSet()
property TitleCaseTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
The default title-case table.
Property methods: TitleCaseTableDisplayToLogical(), TitleCaseTableGet(), TitleCaseTableGetStored(), TitleCaseTableIsValid(), TitleCaseTableLogicalToDisplay(), TitleCaseTableLogicalToOdbc(), TitleCaseTableNormalize(), TitleCaseTableSet()
property TitleCaseTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
List of available title-case tables.
Property methods: TitleCaseTablesBuildValueArray(), TitleCaseTablesCollectionToDisplay(), TitleCaseTablesCollectionToOdbc(), TitleCaseTablesDisplayToCollection(), TitleCaseTablesDisplayToLogical(), TitleCaseTablesGet(), TitleCaseTablesGetObject(), TitleCaseTablesGetObjectId(), TitleCaseTablesGetStored(), TitleCaseTablesGetSwizzled(), TitleCaseTablesIsValid(), TitleCaseTablesLogicalToDisplay(), TitleCaseTablesLogicalToOdbc(), TitleCaseTablesNormalize(), TitleCaseTablesOdbcToCollection(), TitleCaseTablesSet(), TitleCaseTablesSetObject(), TitleCaseTablesSetObjectId()
property TranDDP as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for DDP.
Property methods: TranDDPDisplayToLogical(), TranDDPGet(), TranDDPGetStored(), TranDDPIsValid(), TranDDPLogicalToDisplay(), TranDDPLogicalToOdbc(), TranDDPNormalize(), TranDDPSet()
property TranDTMDCP as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for DTM-DCP.
Property methods: TranDTMDCPDisplayToLogical(), TranDTMDCPGet(), TranDTMDCPGetStored(), TranDTMDCPIsValid(), TranDTMDCPLogicalToDisplay(), TranDTMDCPLogicalToOdbc(), TranDTMDCPNormalize(), TranDTMDCPSet()
property TranMagTape as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for magtapes.
Property methods: TranMagTapeDisplayToLogical(), TranMagTapeGet(), TranMagTapeGetStored(), TranMagTapeIsValid(), TranMagTapeLogicalToDisplay(), TranMagTapeLogicalToOdbc(), TranMagTapeNormalize(), TranMagTapeSet()
property TranPrinter as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for printers.
Property methods: TranPrinterDisplayToLogical(), TranPrinterGet(), TranPrinterGetStored(), TranPrinterIsValid(), TranPrinterLogicalToDisplay(), TranPrinterLogicalToOdbc(), TranPrinterNormalize(), TranPrinterSet()
property TranProgrammer as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for the InterSystems IRIS Terminal.
Property methods: TranProgrammerDisplayToLogical(), TranProgrammerGet(), TranProgrammerGetStored(), TranProgrammerIsValid(), TranProgrammerLogicalToDisplay(), TranProgrammerLogicalToOdbc(), TranProgrammerNormalize(), TranProgrammerSet()
property TranSequential as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for files and other sequential devices.
Property methods: TranSequentialDisplayToLogical(), TranSequentialGet(), TranSequentialGetStored(), TranSequentialIsValid(), TranSequentialLogicalToDisplay(), TranSequentialLogicalToOdbc(), TranSequentialNormalize(), TranSequentialSet()
property TranSystemCall as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for OS system calls.
Property methods: TranSystemCallDisplayToLogical(), TranSystemCallGet(), TranSystemCallGetStored(), TranSystemCallIsValid(), TranSystemCallLogicalToDisplay(), TranSystemCallLogicalToOdbc(), TranSystemCallNormalize(), TranSystemCallSet()
property TranTCP as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for TCP/IP connections.
Property methods: TranTCPDisplayToLogical(), TranTCPGet(), TranTCPGetStored(), TranTCPIsValid(), TranTCPLogicalToDisplay(), TranTCPLogicalToOdbc(), TranTCPNormalize(), TranTCPSet()
property TranTerminal as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for LAT and Telnet terminals.
Property methods: TranTerminalDisplayToLogical(), TranTerminalGet(), TranTerminalGetStored(), TranTerminalIsValid(), TranTerminalLogicalToDisplay(), TranTerminalLogicalToOdbc(), TranTerminalNormalize(), TranTerminalSet()
property TranZCVT as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default translation table for $ZCVT().
Property methods: TranZCVTDisplayToLogical(), TranZCVTGet(), TranZCVTGetStored(), TranZCVTIsValid(), TranZCVTLogicalToDisplay(), TranZCVTLogicalToOdbc(), TranZCVTNormalize(), TranZCVTSet()
property UpperCaseTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
The default upper-case table.
Property methods: UpperCaseTableDisplayToLogical(), UpperCaseTableGet(), UpperCaseTableGetStored(), UpperCaseTableIsValid(), UpperCaseTableLogicalToDisplay(), UpperCaseTableLogicalToOdbc(), UpperCaseTableNormalize(), UpperCaseTableSet()
property UpperCaseTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1);
List of available upper-case tables.
Property methods: UpperCaseTablesBuildValueArray(), UpperCaseTablesCollectionToDisplay(), UpperCaseTablesCollectionToOdbc(), UpperCaseTablesDisplayToCollection(), UpperCaseTablesDisplayToLogical(), UpperCaseTablesGet(), UpperCaseTablesGetObject(), UpperCaseTablesGetObjectId(), UpperCaseTablesGetStored(), UpperCaseTablesGetSwizzled(), UpperCaseTablesIsValid(), UpperCaseTablesLogicalToDisplay(), UpperCaseTablesLogicalToOdbc(), UpperCaseTablesNormalize(), UpperCaseTablesOdbcToCollection(), UpperCaseTablesSet(), UpperCaseTablesSetObject(), UpperCaseTablesSetObjectId()
property WeekdayAbbr as %String (MAXLEN = 100, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The abbreviations of the names of the seven days of the week, starting with Sunday and ending with Saturday, used whenever a $ZDATE or $ZDATEIME function call selects a date format which uses weekday name abbreviations (i.e., the effective DateFormat code is 11).

Example: " Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat"
Property methods: WeekdayAbbrDisplayToLogical(), WeekdayAbbrGet(), WeekdayAbbrGetStored(), WeekdayAbbrIsValid(), WeekdayAbbrLogicalToDisplay(), WeekdayAbbrLogicalToOdbc(), WeekdayAbbrNormalize(), WeekdayAbbrSet()
property WeekdayName as %String (MAXLEN = 100, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The full names of the seven days of the week, starting with Sunday and ending with Saturday, used whenever a $ZDATE or $ZDATEIME function call selects a date format which uses full weekday names (i.e., the effective DateFormat code is 12).

Example: " Sunday Monday Tuesday... Friday Saturday"
Property methods: WeekdayNameDisplayToLogical(), WeekdayNameGet(), WeekdayNameGetStored(), WeekdayNameIsValid(), WeekdayNameLogicalToDisplay(), WeekdayNameLogicalToOdbc(), WeekdayNameNormalize(), WeekdayNameSet()
property XLTTables as array of %List;
("table name")=$LB(InputFrom,InputTo,OutputFrom,OutputTo)
Example: TranslationTables("LatinG")=$LB("LatinG","Unicode","Unicode","LatinG")
Property methods: XLTTablesBuildValueArray(), XLTTablesCollectionToDisplay(), XLTTablesCollectionToOdbc(), XLTTablesDisplayToCollection(), XLTTablesGet(), XLTTablesGetObject(), XLTTablesGetObjectId(), XLTTablesGetStored(), XLTTablesGetSwizzled(), XLTTablesIsValid(), XLTTablesLogicalToOdbc(), XLTTablesLogicalToXSD(), XLTTablesOdbcToCollection(), XLTTablesOdbcToLogical(), XLTTablesSet(), XLTTablesSetObject(), XLTTablesSetObjectId(), XLTTablesXSDToLogical()
property XYTable as %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
The default $X/$Y table.
Property methods: XYTableDisplayToLogical(), XYTableGet(), XYTableGetStored(), XYTableIsValid(), XYTableLogicalToDisplay(), XYTableLogicalToOdbc(), XYTableNormalize(), XYTableSet()
property XYTables as list of %String (MAXLEN = 64, MINLEN = 1) [ Required ];
List of available $X/$Y tables.
Property methods: XYTablesBuildValueArray(), XYTablesCollectionToDisplay(), XYTablesCollectionToOdbc(), XYTablesDisplayToCollection(), XYTablesDisplayToLogical(), XYTablesGet(), XYTablesGetObject(), XYTablesGetObjectId(), XYTablesGetStored(), XYTablesGetSwizzled(), XYTablesIsValid(), XYTablesLogicalToDisplay(), XYTablesLogicalToOdbc(), XYTablesNormalize(), XYTablesOdbcToCollection(), XYTablesSet(), XYTablesSetObject(), XYTablesSetObjectId()
property YearOption as %Integer;
The YearOption code used whenever a $ZDATE, $ZDATEH, $ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH function call omits its YearOption parameter, or specifies a YearOption parameter value of -1.

Example: 0
Property methods: YearOptionDisplayToLogical(), YearOptionGet(), YearOptionGetStored(), YearOptionIsValid(), YearOptionLogicalToDisplay(), YearOptionNormalize(), YearOptionSet(), YearOptionXSDToLogical()


classmethod Compile(Name As %String) as %Status
Compiles a single Locale

  • Name - Locale name
classmethod CompileAll() as %Status
Compiles all Tables from all Locales

method ConvertCacheToIRIS()
Convert Cache standard collation to IRIS standard
classmethod Create(Name As %String, ByRef Properties As %String) as %Status
Creates a Locale in the NLS database.

  • Name - Name of the Locale to create
  • Properties - Array of properties corresponding to the class properties
classmethod Delete(Name As %String) as %Status
Deletes a Locale from the NLS database.

  • Name - Name of Locale to delete
classmethod Exists(Name As %String, ByRef Locale As %ObjectHandle, ByRef Status As %Status) as %Boolean
Checks for the existence of a Locale in the NLS database.

  • Name - Name of the Locale to check existence of
Return values:

If Value of the method = 0 (Locale does not exist, or some error occured)
  • Locale = Null
  • Status = Locale "x" does not exist, or other error message
If Value of the method = 1 (Locale exists)
  • Locale = Object handle to Locale
  • Status = $$$OK
classmethod Export(FileName As %String = "Locales.xml", ByRef NumExported As %Integer, Locales As %String = "*") as %Status
Exports Locale Objects to a file in xml format.

  • FileName - Output file name
  • NumExported (byref) - Returns number of Locale records exported.
  • Locales - Comma separated list of Locales to export, "*" = All
classmethod ExportAllToNls(ByRef NumExported As %Integer, Deep As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Exports all Locale records to ^%nls.

  • NumExported (byref) - Returns number of exported entities ("Locales","Table" and "SubTables") [out]
  • Deep - True if we also want to export associated Tables and SubTables
classmethod ExportDir(Dir As %String, ByRef NumExported As %Integer, Locales As %String = "*") as %Status
Exports Locale Objects to separate xml files.

  • Dir - Directory where the files will be created
  • NumExported (byref) - Returns number of Locale records exported.
  • Locales - Comma separated list of Locales to export, "*" = All
classmethod ExportList(FileName As %String = "LocalesExport.xml", ByRef NumExported As %Integer, ByRef Locales As %String) as %Status
Similar to Export() but uses a list of Locales to export rather than a query. Used internally by some utilities.

  • FileName - Output file name
  • NumExported (byref) - Returns number of exported entities ("Locales","Table" and "SubTables") [out]
  • Locales (byref) - Array of Locales to export
classmethod ExportToNls(Name As %String, Deep As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Exports one Locale record to ^%nls.

  • Name - Locale name
  • Deep - If true exports all associated Tables.
classmethod Get(Name As %String, ByRef Properties As %String) as %Status
Gets a locale's properties from the NLS database.

  • Name - Name of the Locale to get
Return values:
  • Properties - Array of properties. See the Create() method for a full list
method GetTables(ByRef Tables As %String)
Gets all tables defined in a locale and creates an array with Table(,,)
classmethod Import(FileName As %String = "Locales.xml", ByRef NumImported As %Integer, Flags As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Imports Locale records from an xml file.

  • FileName - Filename to import Locale records from
  • NumImported (byref) - Returns number of records imported
  • Flags - Control import
    • Bit 0 - Do not import records, just return count
Note: On failure, no records will be imported
classmethod ImportAll(FileName As %String = "LocalesExport.xml", ByRef NumImported As %String, SelBits As %Integer = -1) as %Status
Imports all NLS records from an xml file.

  • FileName - Filename to import NLS records from
  • NumImported (byref) - Returns number of records imported for each type of NLS record:
    • NumImported("Locales")
    • NumImported("Tables")
    • NumImported("SubTables")
  • SelBits - Select which record types to import (can be added):
    • 1 - SubTables
    • 2 - Tables
    • 4 - Locales
Note: On failure, no records will be imported
classmethod ImportAllFromNls(ByRef NumImported As %Integer, Flags As %Integer = 0, Deep As %Integer = 0, Ref As %String = "^%nls") as %Status
Imports all Locale records from ^%nls.

  • NumImported (byref) - Returns number of records imported
  • Flags - Control import
    • Bit 0 - Do not import records, just return count
  • Deep - If true also import referenced Tables
  • Ref - Source global reference
classmethod ImportDir(Dir As %String, ByRef NumImported As %String, forcemulticompile As %Boolean = "") as %Status
Imports locale files from a directory.

  • Dir - Directory to import NLS files from
  • NumImported (byref) - Returns number of locales imported.
classmethod ImportFromNls(Name As %String, Ref As %String = "^%nls") as %Status
Imports one Locale record from ^%nls.

  • Name - Locale name
  • Ref - Source global reference
classmethod ImportLegacy(FileName As %String, ByRef NumImported As %String, SelBits As %Integer = -1, ByRef Warnings As %String) as %Status
Imports all NLS records from a legacy goq file.

  • FileName - Filename to import NLS records from
  • NumImported (byref) - Returns number of records imported for each type of NLS record:
    • NumImported("Locales")
    • NumImported("Tables")
    • NumImported("SubTables")
  • SelBits - Select which record types to import (can be added):
    • 1 - SubTables
    • 2 - Tables
    • 4 - Locales
  • Warnings - Returned list of warnings
Note: System records are skipped
classmethod Install(Locale As %String) as %Status
Sets the new "current locale" and loads its tables. If the desired locale is not loadable, compiles it it before the installation.

  • Locale - Locale name
classmethod IsInstallable(Name As %String, ByRef Errors As %String, ByRef Warnings As %String) as %Boolean
Checks whether a locale can be installed in the current system

  • Name - Locale name
  • Errors - Returned list of errors
  • Warnings - Returned list of warnings
  • Returns: True if the locale can be installed
    False otherwise
    classmethod IsLoadable(Name As %String, ByRef Locale As %ObjectHandle, ByRef Errors As %String) as %Boolean
    Verifies whether a locale can be loaded

    • Name - Locale name
    • Locale - Returned locale reference
    • Errors - Returned list of errors
    Returns: True if all its tables are loadable
    False otherwise
    classmethod IsValid(Name As %String, ByRef Errors As %String, ByRef Warnings As %String) as %Boolean
    Verifies validity of locale

    • Name - Locale name
    • Errors - Returned list of errors
  • Warnings - Returned list of warnings
  • Returns: True if the locale has a consistent definition
    False otherwise
    classmethod Load(Locale As %String) as %Status
    Loads all the tables from a Locale and sets the defaults as approprate
    classmethod Modify(Name As %String, ByRef Properties As %String) as %Status
    Modifies an existing Locale's properties in the NLS database.

    • Name - Name of the Locale to modify
    • Properties - Array of properties to modify.
    • If a specific property is not passed in the properties array, or is the same as the existing value, the value is not modified.
    classmethod OpenCurrent(ByRef Status As %Status = 1) as %ObjectHandle
    Opens current Locale
    classmethod Reload() as %Status
    Reload the current locale to activate changes in configured defaults
    method ValidateConfigDefaults() as %Status
    Remove any configured table default not available in this locale


    query Detail(Names As %String)
    Selects Name As %String, Description As %String
    List all Locale records, brief display.
    Names - Comma separated list of Locale names, "*" = All
    Note: This query may change in future versions
    query List(Names As %String)
    Selects Name As %String, Description As %String


    index (NameIndex on Name) [IdKey, Type = key];
    Index methods: NameIndexCheck(), NameIndexDelete(), NameIndexExists(), NameIndexOpen(), NameIndexSQLCheckUnique(), NameIndexSQLExists(), NameIndexSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), NameIndexSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

    Inherited Members

    Inherited Methods


    Storage Model: Storage (Config.NLS.Locales)


    Storage Model: Storage (Config.NLS.Locales)

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