View Query:SELECT pq2.Pid, pq2.NameSpace, pq2.UserName, pq2.Roles, pq2.LoginRoles, pq2.Routine, pq2.InTransaction, pq2.ClientNodeName, pq2.ClientIPAddress, pq2.ClientExecutableName, pq2.MemoryAllocated, pq2.MemoryUsed, pq2.MemoryPeak, pq2.StatementId, information_schema.getStatement(pq2.StatementId,pq2.NameSpace) as Statement FROM (select Pid, NameSpace, UserName, Roles, LoginRoles, Routine, InTransaction, ClientNodeName, ClientIPAddress, ClientExecutableName, MemoryAllocated, MemoryUsed, MemoryPeak, cast($listget($listget(AppFrameInfo),4) as varchar(32)) as StatementId FROM %SYS.ProcessQuery pq1 WHERE JobType = 28 ) pq2
- Query analysis:
Col Schema Table Col Name Col Label Datatype ODBC Type Code Length Precision Scale 1 %SYS ProcessQuery Pid Pid %Library.Integer 4 4 10 0 2 %SYS ProcessQuery NameSpace NameSpace %Library.String 12 50 50 0 3 %SYS ProcessQuery UserName UserName %Library.String 12 160 160 0 4 %SYS ProcessQuery Roles Roles %Library.String 12 50 50 0 5 %SYS ProcessQuery LoginRoles LoginRoles %Library.String 12 50 50 0 6 %SYS ProcessQuery Routine Routine %Library.String 12 50 50 0 7 %SYS ProcessQuery InTransaction InTransaction %Library.Integer 4 4 10 0 8 %SYS ProcessQuery ClientNodeName ClientNodeName %Library.String 12 50 50 0 9 %SYS ProcessQuery ClientIPAddress ClientIPAddress %Library.String 12 50 50 0 10 %SYS ProcessQuery ClientExecutableName ClientExecutableName %Library.String 12 50 50 0 11 %SYS ProcessQuery MemoryAllocated MemoryAllocated %Library.Integer 4 4 10 0 12 %SYS ProcessQuery MemoryUsed MemoryUsed %Library.Integer 4 4 10 0 13 %SYS ProcessQuery MemoryPeak MemoryPeak %Library.Integer 4 4 10 0 14 StatementId %Library.String 12 32 32 0 15 Statement %Library.String 12 262144 262144 0
Column Descriptions:
Pid - Process ID. Process ID ($J) given to the process by the O/S, decimal form on all platforms.
Username - $Username of process.
Roles - Roles a process currently has.
LoginRoles - Roles a process has when it initially logs in.
Routine - Name of the routine which the process is currently executing.
InTransaction - In a transaction. If 0, the process is not in a transaction. If >0, the process has executed a tstart command, is in a transaction, and the value is the offset in the journal file where the transaction has started.
ClientNodeName - Node name of the client which initiated the connection. It is passed down to the process as part of the initial connection message. This property may be set by the end-user if they are managing their own connections.
ClientIPAddress - IP address of the client which initiated the connection. It is passed down to the process as part of the initial connection message. This property may be set by the end-user if they are managing their own connections.
ClientExecutableName - The name of the Executable or DLL on the client which initiated the connection. It is passed down to the process as part of the initial connection message. This property may be set by the end-user if they are managing their own connections.
MemoryAllocated - Maximum amount of memory in KB that the process is allowed to use. This property requires a mailbox message to be sent to the process being examined.
MemoryUsed - Memory used in KB (Current $s). Current amount of memory the process has used in KB. This property requires a mailbox message to be sent to the process being examined.
MemoryPeak - Peak memory allocated in KB. This property requires a mailbox message to be sent to the process being examined.
StatementId - Statement hash ID from the SQL Statement Index (if the process is currently executing an SQL Statement)
Statement - SQL Statement Text currently being executed (if the caller has permission for this statement).
parameter READONLY = 1;