abstract class %XML.SAX.ContentHandler extends %Library.RegisteredObject
For details on using this class, see Customizing How the SAX Parser Is Used.
This class defines the interface that a SAX document handler must implement. The SAX parser calls these methods while it parses a document. The default implementation of these methods is to do nothing; you can override these methods in a subclass to perform processing specific to your application.Method Inventory
- LocatePosition()
- Mask()
- OnPostParse()
- PopHandler()
- PushHandler()
- characters()
- comment()
- endCDATA()
- endDTD()
- endDocument()
- endElement()
- endEntity()
- endPrefixMapping()
- error()
- fatalError()
- ignorableWhitespace()
- processingInstruction()
- skippedEntity()
- startCDATA()
- startDTD()
- startDocument()
- startElement()
- startEntity()
- startPrefixMapping()
- warning()
- Line: The current line position
- Offset: The current line offset
By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method to take specific actions for each chunk of character data (such as adding the data to a node or buffer, or printing it to a file).
- chars: The characters.
- length: The number of characters to use from the character array.
The Parser will call this method to report each occurence of a comment in the XML document.
The application must not attempt to read from the array outside of the specified range.
- chars: The characters from the XML document.
- length: The number of characters to read from the array.
Exceptions thrown: SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
The SAX parser will invoke this method at the end of each CDATA parsed.
Exceptions thrown: SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
/The SAX parser will invoke this method at the end of the DTD
Exceptions thrown: SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
/By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the beginning of a document (such as finalising a tree or closing an output file).
By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the end of each element (such as finalising a tree node or writing output to a file).
- uri: The URI of the associated namespace for this element
- localname: The local part of the element name
- qname: The QName of this element
The SAX parser will invoke this method at the end of an entity
- name: The name of the entity that is ending.
Exceptions thrown: SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the end of each namespace prefix mapping.
- prefix: The namespace prefix used
The default implementation does nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions for each error, such as inserting the message in a log file or printing it to the console.
- error: The error information encoded as a string
The default implementation throws an exeption Application writers may override this method in a subclass if they need to take specific actions for each fatal error (such as collecting all of the errors into a single report): in any case, the application must stop all regular processing when this method is invoked, since the document is no longer reliable, and the parser may no longer report parsing events.
- fatalerror: The error information encoded as a string
By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method to take specific actions for each chunk of ignorable whitespace (such as adding data to a node or buffer, or printing it to a file).
- chars: The whitespace characters.
- length: The number of characters to use from the character array.
Application writers may override this method in a subclass if they need to take specific actions for processing instruction.
- target: The target of the processing instruction
- data: The associated data
The parser will invoke this method once for each entity skipped. All processors may skip external entities, depending on the values of the features:
Introduced with SAX2
- name: The name of the skipped entity. If it is a parameter entity, the name will begin with %, and if it is the external DTD subset, it will be the string [dtd].
The SAX parser will invoke this method at the start of each CDATA parsed.
Exceptions thrown: SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
The SAX parser will invoke this method at the start of the DTD
- name: The document type name.
- publicId: The declared public identifier for the external DTD subset, or null if none was declared.
- systemId: The declared system identifier for the external DTD subset, or null if none was declared.
Exceptions thrown: SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the beginning of a document (such as allocating the root node of a tree or creating an output file)
By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the start of each element (such as allocating a new tree node or writin output to a file).
- uri: The URI of the associated namespace for this element
- localname: the local part of the element name
- qname: the QName of this element
- attrs: a list in $List format consisting of a repeating group of attributes.
The format of the repeating group is as follows:
- +0 - uri: The URI of the associated namespace for this attribute
- +1 - localname: The local part of the name of this attribute
- +2 - qname: The QName of this attribute
- +3 - type: The type of this attribute ("CDATA", NMTOKEN", "ENTITY", etc.)
- +4 - value: The value of this attribute
The SAX parser will invoke this method at the start of an entity
- name: The name of the entity that is starting.
Exceptions thrown: SAXException - Any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception.
By default, do nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions at the start of each namespace prefix mapping.
- prefix: The namespace prefix used
- uri: The namespace URI used.
The default implementation does nothing. Application writers may override this method in a subclass to take specific actions for each warning, such as inserting the message in a log file or printing it to the console.
- warning: The warning information encoded as a string
Inherited Members
Inherited Methods
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ValidateObject()
- %XML.ImportHandler
- %XML.SAX.Utils.Recorder
- %XML.SAX.Utils.Sequencer
- %XML.Utils.SchemaHandler
- Ens.BPL.UI.DiagramImportHandler
- Ens.Util.XML.Validator
- EnsLib.EDI.ASTM.SchemaXML
- EnsLib.EDI.X12.SchemaXML
- EnsLib.EDI.X12.SchemaXSD
- EnsLib.HL7.SchemaXML
- EnsLib.HL7.Util.FormatDSXMLv2
- EnsLib.HL7.Util.FormatSimpleXMLv2
- EnsLib.ITK.HL7.FormatXMLv2