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abstract class Ens.Deployment.Deploy
Ens.Deployment.Deploy provides an API to deploy code and settings changes to a production.
Dynamic SQL
This is the main class of methods for applying the deployment of code changes that have been exported from one production to another production.
The primary deployment method is DeployCode() which is invoked from the portal or can be invoked from the command line:
Set tSC = ##class(Ens.Deployment.Deploy).DeployCode(DeploymentFile,TargetProduction,CreateRollback,RollbackFilename,WhereToLog,LogFile,AllowDeployToSource,AutoRevert)
DeploymentFile is the name of file containing the export generated from the production portal.
TargetProduction is the name of the production to apply the changes to.
CreateRollback indicates if a rollback file is to be made. The default is true. If set to false the code checks that the rollback file specified by the next parameter exists.
RollbackFilename is the name of the file to create and use to rollback the changes.Deployment Files can be re-applied but rollback file names must be unique.
WhereToLog indicates the locations to log information during the deployment and can either be empty or a combination of:
L - Write to the file name specified in the LogFile parameter
C - write line text to current device
H - write HTML version of text to temporary global for retrieval by portal
EI - write text to event log Info
The start and finish of the deployment will always be written to the event log.
LogFile is the name of the file to log deployment information to.
AllowDeployToSource specifies if the deployment file can be applied to the same machine,instance and namespace as that where it was created. The default is to not allow except for applying a rollback file
AutoRevert specifies if the deployment ought to undo any changes made after it encounters an error during the deployment. The default is to auto revert on error.
classmethod ApplyDeploymentFile(ByRef pDeploymentToken, ByRef pDeploymentInvocation, pFilename As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, pLogFile As %String, pTargetProduction As %String = "", ByRef pDeployDetails, ByRef pPTDToDelete, ByRef pStandardOBJLoadList, ByRef pHostItemsToRemove, ByRef pObjectsToDelete, Output pSingleFailure As %String = "", Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "", pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 1, Output pHadToTryRevert=0) as %Status
Apply the Deployment file to the target production based upon pDeployDetails and ItemsToRemove
classmethod BuildContentsListToRemove(pDeploymentFile As %String, pDeploymentVDOC As %RegisteredObject, pTargetProductionName As %String = "", ByRef pDeployDetails As %String) as %Status
Convert Export Remove Project Document to array.
classmethod ChangeProductionSettings(pTargetProductionName As %String, ByRef pDeployDetails As %String) as %Status
Make the changes to the target production settings
classmethod CheckSourceAndTargetSame(ByRef pSourceInfo As %String, ByRef pTargetInfo As %String) as %Boolean
Returns true if the deployment source machine, instance and production are the same as the deployment target machine,instance and production
classmethod ClearDeploymentInProgressFlag() as %Status
Clear DeploymentToken and Deployment Invocation Object
InProgress flag
Given 2 items report what changes are made to first item to make the
static values the same as the second item.
classmethod DeleteObjects(ByRef pDeployDetails, ByRef pObjectsToDelete As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, Output pSingleFailure As %String = "", Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "", pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod DeployCode(pDeploymentFile As %String = "", pTargetProduction As %String = "", pCreateRollback As %Integer = 1, pRollbackFilename As %String = "", pWhereToLog As %String = "", pLogFile As %String = "", pAllowDeployToSource As %Boolean = 0, pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 1, pTempPortalNode As %String = "") as %Status
Deploy the code to the target production in the current namespace.
This method is called from the portal page and can be called independently.
If called directly from a web page it is possible that this job can take longer
than the Gateway Server Timeout - hence calling via %RunBackgroundMethod is preferrable.
classmethod DisableItemsBeforeDeployment(pDeployDetails As %String, Output pItemsDisabled As %String, Output pSingleFailure As %String = "", Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "", pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Disable items that are to be changed. Record original state.
Disable all business services first and then Business Processes and Operations.
Do not disable Business Processes which have an actor pool size = 0.
classmethod DisableOneItem(pConfigItemName As %String, pConfigType As %Integer, Output pIsStillEnabled, ByRef pItemsDisabled As %String) as %Status
classmethod EnableDisabledItemsThatAreFlaggedEnabled(ByRef pDeployDetails As %String) as %Status
This method enables all items that ought to be enabled.
This covers those disabled at the start of deployment, those items added by the deployment
and those items whose Enabled flag was turned on by the deployment.
classmethod GenerateListsFromProjectContents(ByRef pDeployDetails As %String, Output pPTDToDelete, Output pStandardOBJLoadList, Output pHostItemsToRemove As %String, Output pObjectsToDelete As %String) as %Status
Generate an XML VDOC for a ProjectTextDocument in the DeploymentDOC.
Pass in DeploymentVDOC and the PTD Name being searched for. Uses regular expression for the name.
Returns a VDOC. If error then GetValueAt("/1/name()") = "Error"
Obtain a deployment token for this namespace on this instance on this machine
classmethod GetLastDeploymentInvocationId(ByRef pSC As %Status) as %String
classmethod GetProjectContents(pDeploymentFile As %String, pDeploymentVDOC As %RegisteredObject, ByRef pTargetProductionName As %String = "", Output pDeployDetails) as %Status
Find contents of the Deployment file and also find new items and populate in pDeployDetails("Remove")
If the Target Production name is not specified and the target cannot be identified in the source
then the current active production in the namespace will be used. If a production has not been run
in the current namespace then this method returns an error of "Cannot identify a target production"
Initialise DeploymentToken and create Deployment Invocation Object
classmethod IsDeploymentTokenInProgress(Output pUsername As %String = "", Output pJob As %String = "", Output pSC As %Status) as %Integer
Checks if the Deployment token object for this namespace is marked as InProgress
whether or not the deployment token object is locked.
classmethod IsDeploymentTokenUnlocked() as %Boolean
Checks if the Deployment token object for this namespace is held open.
To reduce delay if it is in use the lock timeout is reduced to 2 seconds whilst testing.
classmethod LoadAndCompileCode(ByRef pDeployDetails As %String, pFilename As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, Output pErrors, Output pLoadedList, ByRef pStandardOBJLoadList As %String, Output pSingleFailure As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "", pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod MakeHostItemChanges(Output pItemsInsertedId As %String, ByRef pDeployDetails As %String, pTargetProduction As %String, pFilename As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, Output pSingleFailure As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "", pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Make changes to host items.
classmethod MakePreDeploymentRollback(pDeploymentFile As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, ByRef pDeployDetails As %String, pProjectName As %String = "", pDescription As %String = "") as %Status
Make rollback instructions of the items that will be modified by the deployment file.
This rollback file can be applied as a deployment file.
classmethod PTDCleanup(ByRef pPTDToDelete As %String) as %Status
Remove temporary Project Text Documents created during deployment
Carry out necessary checks before requesting the deployment token
Converts DeploymentFile to XMLVDoc
Extracts EnsExportNotes to XMLVDoc
Checks if allowed to deploy to same as source(note needed when applying a rollback
Checks if the rollback file either exists if not doing a rollback or if does not exist if doing a rollback
classmethod RecordBasicContentsInfo(pDeploymentVDOC As %RegisteredObject, Output pDeployDetails) as %Status
Go through XML file and record the locations in the array pDeployDetails
This will create pDeployDetails and also calculate extension based on type
and generate the unique ItemName.
classmethod RecordContentsInfoRelativeToTarget(pDeploymentFile As %String, pDeploymentVDOC As %RegisteredObject, pTargetProductionName As %String = "", ByRef pDeployDetails As %String) as %Status
For each item listed in pDeployDetails examine if the item is in the target production
classmethod RecordCurrentProductionSettings(pTargetProductionName, ByRef pDeployDetails As %String) as %Status
classmethod RecordProductionSettingsChanges(pDeploymentFile As %String, pDeploymentVDOC As %RegisteredObject, pTargetProductionName, pItemName As %String, ByRef pDeployDetails As %String) as %Status
Retrieve production setting changes relative to a ProductionSettings project text document in
the deployment file.
classmethod RemoveItemsFromProduction(pTargetProduction As %String, pHostItemsToRemove As %String, Output pHostItemRemovedStream As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, Output pSingleFailure As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "", pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
classmethod RevertDeleteObjects(ByRef pDeployDetails As %String, ByRef pObjectsToDelete As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String) as %Status
classmethod RevertDisableItemsBeforeDeployment(ByRef pItemsDisabled As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "") as %Status
Re-enable items that had been disabled - alphabetical order
classmethod RevertLoadAndCompileCode(ByRef pDeployDetails As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, ByRef pStandardOBJLoadList As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod RevertMakeHostItemChanges(ByRef pItemsInsertedId, ByRef pDeployDetails As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String, pTargetProduction As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "") as %Status
Revert changes made to host items
classmethod RevertRemoveItemsFromProduction(ByRef pHostItemRemovedStream, pRollbackFilename As %String, pTargetProduction As %String, Output pRequiresManualIntervention As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod RollbackLastDeployment(pDeploymentFile As %String = "", pRollbackFilename As %String = "", pLogFile As %String = "", pWhereToLog As %String = "LHEI", pAutoRevert As %Boolean = 0)
Applies the rollback of the last deployment started.
classmethod SaveToClass(pTargetProduction As %String, ByRef pDeployDetails As %String) as %Status
classmethod StoreFilesinInvocationObject(ByRef pDeploymentInvocation As %RegisteredObject, pDeploymentFile As %String, pRollbackFilename As %String) as %Status
Move pDeploymentFile and pRollbackFile into stream storage of invocation object - ready to be able to get them back later if crash and move to a mirror.