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class Ens.SSH.Util extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Class to provide Interoperable SSH utilities

Method Inventory


classmethod InteractiveAuth(username As %String, instructions As %String, prompts As %List, promptflags As %List, ByRef context As Ens.Adapter) as %List
This classmethod is the basic template for providing the Keyboard Interactive callback for SSH Session authentication. See %Net.SSH.Session::AuthenticateWithKeyboardInteractive. Subclass this class and override InteractiveAuth to handle different challenge/response requirements. context is the adapter instance
classmethod createChallengeSource(username As %String, instructions As %String, prompts As %List, promptflags As %List, ByRef context As Ens.Adapter) as Ens.SSH.InteractiveAuth.Challenge
classmethod createListReturnFromResponse(DTLResponse As Ens.SSH.InteractiveAuth.Response, ByRef context As Ens.Adapter) as %List

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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