This holds the document key
Property methods: DocKeyDisplayToLogical(), DocKeyGet(), DocKeyIsValid(), DocKeyLogicalToDisplay(), DocKeyNormalize(), DocKeySet()
Quit after discovering the DocKey
Property methods: DocKeyOnlyDisplayToLogical(), DocKeyOnlyGet(), DocKeyOnlyIsValid(), DocKeyOnlyLogicalToDisplay(), DocKeyOnlyNormalize(), DocKeyOnlySet()
property Error as %Status [ InitialExpression = $$$OK ];
This holds error messages
Property methods: Error(), ErrorGet(), ErrorIsValid(), ErrorLogicalToOdbc(), ErrorSet()
This holds the current line
Property methods: LineDisplayToLogical(), LineGet(), LineIsValid(), LineLogicalToDisplay(), LineLogicalToOdbc(), LineNormalize(), LineSet()
property LineNumber as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
This holds the current line number
Property methods: LineNumberDisplayToLogical(), LineNumberGet(), LineNumberIsValid(), LineNumberLogicalToDisplay(), LineNumberNormalize(), LineNumberSet()
This holds the next state of the machine
Property methods: NextStateDisplayToLogical(), NextStateGet(), NextStateIsValid(), NextStateLogicalToDisplay(), NextStateLogicalToOdbc(), NextStateNormalize()
This holds the previous state of the machine
Property methods: PrevStateDisplayToLogical(), PrevStateGet(), PrevStateIsValid(), PrevStateLogicalToDisplay(), PrevStateLogicalToOdbc(), PrevStateNormalize(), PrevStateSet()
property PrivateSection as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
This holds the PRIVATE section flag
Property methods: PrivateSectionDisplayToLogical(), PrivateSectionGet(), PrivateSectionIsValid(), PrivateSectionLogicalToDisplay(), PrivateSectionNormalize(), PrivateSectionSet()
property Sections as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
This holds the allowed sections in this file
Property methods: SectionsDisplayToLogical(), SectionsGet(), SectionsIsValid(), SectionsLogicalToDisplay(), SectionsLogicalToOdbc(), SectionsNormalize(), SectionsSet()
property Status as %Integer [ InitialExpression = $$$StateRunning ];
This holds the status of the machine
Property methods: StatusDisplayToLogical(), StatusGet(), StatusIsValid(), StatusLogicalToDisplay(), StatusNormalize(), StatusSet()
This holds the File Stream
Property methods: StreamDelete(), StreamGet(), StreamGetObject(), StreamGetObjectId(), StreamGetSwizzled(), StreamIsValid(), StreamNewObject(), StreamOid(), StreamOpen(), StreamSet(), StreamSetObject(), StreamSetObjectId(), StreamUnSwizzle()
property Trace as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
This holds the Trace flag. Set to 1 to output trace to console
Property methods: TraceDisplayToLogical(), TraceGet(), TraceIsValid(), TraceLogicalToDisplay(), TraceNormalize(), TraceSet()
property Version as %String [ InitialExpression = "1.0" ];
This holds the version
Property methods: VersionDisplayToLogical(), VersionGet(), VersionIsValid(), VersionLogicalToDisplay(), VersionLogicalToOdbc(), VersionNormalize(), VersionSet()
Inherited description: This callback method is invoked by the
%New() method to
provide notification that a new instance of an object is being created.
If this method returns an error then the object will not be created.
It is passed the arguments provided in the %New call.
When customizing this method, override the arguments with whatever variables and types you expect to receive from %New().
For example, if you're going to call %New, passing 2 arguments, %OnNew's signature could be:
Method %OnNew(dob as %Date = "", name as %Name = "") as %Status
If instead of returning a %Status code this returns an oref and this oref is a subclass of the current
class then this oref will be the one returned to the caller of %New method.
method CODES(pPrevState As %String )
This handes the CODES section
This is the processor for a single CODES line
This method handles the COMS section
This is the processor for a single COMS line
Read a line and dispatch to the section
This handes the ELMS section
This is the processor for a single ELMS line
This handles the EOF state
method Error(pPrevState As %String )
This handles the Error state
This handles the INI section
Import the named file
method OBJVARS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handles the OBJVARS section
This is the processor for a single OBJVARS line
method OVERHEAD(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the OVERHEAD section
This is the processor for a single OBJVARS line
method PRIVATE(pPrevState As %String )
This method handles the PRIVATE section
This is the processor for a single PRIVATE line
method PUBLIC(pPrevState As %String )
This method handles a PUBLIC declaration if no PRIVATE is present in the file
method ProcessSectionBody(pLineHandler As %String ) as %String
This method processes a section by reading lines, validating them
and returning the next state to invoke
This Reads the next line from the file
This method handles the SEGS section
This is the processor for a single SEGS line
method SEMREFS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the SEMREFS section
This is the processor for a single SEMREFS line
This method handles the SETS section
This is the processor for a single SETS line
This method handes the STD section
method Start(pPrevState As %String )
This handles the Stop state
method TEXTCOMS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the TEXTCOMS section
method TEXTCOMSLINE() as %Status
This is the processor for a single TEXTCOMS line
method TEXTELMS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the TEXTELMS section
method TEXTELMSLINE() as %Status
This is the processor for a single TEXTELMS line
method TEXTSEGS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the TEXTSEGS section
method TEXTSEGSLINE() as %Status
This is the processor for a single TEXTSEGS line
method TEXTSETS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the TEXTSETS section
method TEXTSETSLINE() as %Status
This is the processor for a single TEXTSETS line
method VALLISTS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the VALLISTS section
method VALREFS(pPrevState As %String )
This method handes the VALREFS section
This is the processor for a single VALREFS line
This method handles the VER state