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persistent class EnsLib.PEX.Message extends Ens.MessageBody

SQL Table Name: EnsLib_PEX.Message

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property %classname as %String);
Property methods: %classnameDisplayToLogical(), %classnameGet(), %classnameGetStored(), %classnameIsValid(), %classnameLogicalToDisplay(), %classnameLogicalToOdbc(), %classnameNormalize(), %classnameSet()
property %json as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: %jsonDisplayToLogical(), %jsonIsValid(), %jsonLogicalToDisplay(), %jsonLogicalToOdbc(), %jsonNormalize()
property %jsonObject as %DynamicObject (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE");
Property methods: %jsonObjectGet(), %jsonObjectGetObject(), %jsonObjectGetObjectId(), %jsonObjectGetStored(), %jsonObjectGetSwizzled(), %jsonObjectIsValid(), %jsonObjectNewObject(), %jsonObjectSet(), %jsonObjectSetObject(), %jsonObjectSetObjectId(), %jsonObjectUnSwizzle()


method %DispatchGetProperty(property As %String) as %ObjectHandle
Inherited description: Is used to get the value of an unknown property.
method %DispatchSetProperty(property As %String, value)
Inherited description: is used to set the value of an unknown property.
method %jsonGet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: Storage (Ens.MessageBody)


Storage Model: Storage (EnsLib.PEX.Message)


Storage Model: Storage (EnsLib.PEX.Message)

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