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class EnsLib.SOAP.GenericOperation extends Ens.BusinessOperation

Forwards contents of a SOAP request to a remote SOAP service and sends the SOAP response as its reply message

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter ADAPTER = EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter;
Inherited description: The type of adapter used to communicate with external systems
parameter SETTINGS = SOAPPrefix,VDocFormat,WriteRawMode,ReadRawMode;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names


property %EnvelopeStream as %GlobalCharacterStream;
Holds stream version of request EnvelopeDoc if needed to construct merged SOAP envelope+body request stream
Property methods: %EnvelopeStreamDelete(), %EnvelopeStreamGet(), %EnvelopeStreamGetObject(), %EnvelopeStreamGetObjectId(), %EnvelopeStreamGetSwizzled(), %EnvelopeStreamIsValid(), %EnvelopeStreamNewObject(), %EnvelopeStreamOid(), %EnvelopeStreamOpen(), %EnvelopeStreamSet(), %EnvelopeStreamSetObject(), %EnvelopeStreamSetObjectId(), %EnvelopeStreamUnSwizzle()
property %ExcludeRequestHttpHeaders as %String);
Comma separated list of HTTP Headers associated with the message request sent to the business operation that are not to be passed to the external system. The values are case-insensitive. The appropriate Content-Length, Content-Type, Host and SOAPAction will be sent and ought not be specified here.
Property methods: %ExcludeRequestHttpHeadersDisplayToLogical(), %ExcludeRequestHttpHeadersGet(), %ExcludeRequestHttpHeadersIsValid(), %ExcludeRequestHttpHeadersLogicalToDisplay(), %ExcludeRequestHttpHeadersLogicalToOdbc(), %ExcludeRequestHttpHeadersNormalize(), %ExcludeRequestHttpHeadersSet()
property %SplitResponseBody as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Set this to 0 if response body should be left inside response envelope stream instead of being split into a separate body stream in the generic response message
Property methods: %SplitResponseBodyDisplayToLogical(), %SplitResponseBodyGet(), %SplitResponseBodyIsValid(), %SplitResponseBodyLogicalToDisplay(), %SplitResponseBodyNormalize(), %SplitResponseBodySet()
property ReadRawMode as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Read Raw Mode
If true (the default) then the body of the response will be read in using RAW mode
i.e., with no characterset translation. If false then it will use the charset specified
in the response headers. This uses the ReadRawMode property of the HTTP request object
Uncheck to not use Read Raw Mode
Property methods: ReadRawModeDisplayToLogical(), ReadRawModeGet(), ReadRawModeIsValid(), ReadRawModeLogicalToDisplay(), ReadRawModeNormalize(), ReadRawModeSet()
property SOAPPrefix as %String [ InitialExpression = "SOAP-ENV" ];
Prefix to be used for the SOAP Envelope namespace if envelope elements must be constructed
Property methods: SOAPPrefixDisplayToLogical(), SOAPPrefixGet(), SOAPPrefixIsValid(), SOAPPrefixLogicalToDisplay(), SOAPPrefixLogicalToOdbc(), SOAPPrefixNormalize(), SOAPPrefixSet()
property VDocFormat as %String;
Format options for formatting XML output from an XML Virtual Document object
Property methods: VDocFormatDisplayToLogical(), VDocFormatGet(), VDocFormatIsValid(), VDocFormatLogicalToDisplay(), VDocFormatLogicalToOdbc(), VDocFormatNormalize(), VDocFormatSet()
property WriteRawMode as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Write Raw Mode
If true (the default) then the body of the request will be written using RAW mode
i.e., with no characterset translation. If false then it will use the charset specified
in the request headers. This uses the WriteRawMode property of the HTTP request object
Uncheck to not use Write Raw Mode
Property methods: WriteRawModeDisplayToLogical(), WriteRawModeGet(), WriteRawModeIsValid(), WriteRawModeLogicalToDisplay(), WriteRawModeNormalize(), WriteRawModeSet()


method OnInit() as %Status
This user callback method is called via initConfig() from %OnNew() or in the case of SOAP Services from OnPreSOAP()
method OnMessage(pRequest As EnsLib.SOAP.GenericMessage, Output pResponse As EnsLib.SOAP.GenericMessage = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
Invoke a remote SOAP Service given a generic SOAP request

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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