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class HS.BulkFHIR.Storage.File.Adapter extends HS.BulkFHIR.API.StorageAdapter

Stores files and makes them accessible through a REST API

Method Inventory


parameter configClass = HS.BulkFHIR.Storage.File.Config;


classmethod DeleteFile(pURL As %String)
@BFC_Internal Given pURL delete the file
classmethod Initialize(pBFCconfig As HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.Config)
Inherited description: (Optional overrideable) Called when the BFC is first configured and again if that configuration is changed, this method may be used to do any implementation-specific setup.
classmethod SaveFile(ByRef pInStream As %Stream.Object, pSession As HS.BulkFHIR.Session, pType As %String)
Moves contents from pInStream to permanent storage returns the URL where the file can be accessed. The session for the export operation and the file's resource type are also provided, as it may be useful or relevant for the storage strategy. @Input pInStream stream object containing a file to be saved. @Input pSession session object for the export operation the file is linked to @Input pType type of file - either a resource type or "error" This method moves the ndjson from the Temp files into the permanent file during flush operations and at completion
classmethod UsesAuthAdapter() as %Boolean
Inherited description: Indicates whether the files created by this adapter will be access controlled *directly* by the auth adapter. If the files are not access controlled, or the auth adapter isn't controlling access from the client's perspective (ie. AWS S3), this should be false. @Returns a boolean representing whether the auth adapter will be used for access control

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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