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class HS.FHIRServer.Storage.JsonAdvSQL.RepoManager extends HS.FHIRServer.Storage.Json.RepoManager

Method Inventory


parameter StrategyClass = HS.FHIRServer.Storage.JsonAdvSQL.InteractionsStrategy;
parameter StrategyDesc = All Resources stored in a single table as Json text; Advanced SQL;
parameter StrategyKey = JsonAdvSQL;


method CreateService(serviceId As %String, ByRef options)
@API Create the service. This method initializes a service for an endpoint including generating any classes or schemas required and registering the configuration for later modification or deletion
classmethod GetCollectionStorageGlobalPrefix(pRepo As HS.FHIRServer.Repo)
@API Formulate and return a GlobalPrefix value to use for the StorageDefinition globals for the collection index storage class (Any JSON Search Columns where isMultiValue = 1 turn into a separate relation/table)
method GetSearchTableName(serviceId As %String, resourceType As %String, pChildName As %String = "", shortName As %Boolean = 0) as %String
@API Returns the table name used to index the specified type. Note, it may be the same as the ResourceTable
method UpdateService(serviceId As %String, ByRef options)
@API Update the schema. This method applies changes to an already configured schema (if possible) For example, to add a search parameter including ensuring that the new field is indexed. Handle changes to the schema structure options("packagesToAdd") = $LB(packageId, ...) options("verbose") = 0/1

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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