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persistent class extends %Library.Persistent,

SQL Table Name: %pkg_isc_rest_openAPI_model.super

Model Super-class, provides utility/verification methods

Method Inventory


parameter %JSONINCLUDEID = 0;
parameter DEFAULTGLOBAL = ^;
Inherited description:

If a persistent class uses %Storage.Persistent then the DEFAULTGLOBAL parameter is used as the default global root for the values of the storage keywords COUNTERLOCATION, DATALOCATION, IDLOCATION, INDEXLOCATION and STREAMLOCATION in the active storage definition. DEFAULTGLOBAL is only used to generate location keyword values that are not already defined. The location value is constructed by adding a location type to the end of DEFAULTGLOBAL. For example, if DEFAULTGLOBAL = "^GL.Account" the compiler will generate DATALOCATION = ^GL.AccountD.

If USEEXTENTSET is true, then DEFAULTGLOBAL is used as the default extent location.

The location types are:


method AllowsExtendedProperties() as %Boolean
@Override: Whether or not this object allows extended properties
method Delete() as %Status
final classmethod DeleteExtent()
classmethod GetAllFromSpec(super As, className) as %ListOfObjects
Returns a list of all instances of the given class found within the specified OpenAPI specification
method GetContainingObject(fullSpecification As as
Gets the objct containing $This within the specified OpenAPI specification
method GetDefinedType(fullSpecification As
Gets the defined (property) type of $This within the specified OpenAPI specification
classmethod GetReference(fullSpecification As, super As, internal=0) as %String
Gets a reference string for the super object within the specified OpenAPI specification (returns the input string on failure)
method GetSaveableInstance(expect="") as
method GetUnsaveableInstance() as
method IsReference() as %Boolean
Returns true if the current object is a reference.
method JSONExportOverride(write As %Boolean) as %Status
@Special: Override the JSONExport behavior defined by %pkg.isc.json, in order to return a JSON representation of ..? or ..Reference instead of this object, for instances of ?OrReference classes
final classmethod KillExtent()
method OnFail(fullSpecification, debug, description, property="")
Report a validation failure
method ResolveReference(reference As %String, fullSpecification As, internal=0) as
Resolves a reference string to an object within the specified OpenAPI specification (returns the empty-string on failure)
method Validate(fullSpecification As, debug=0) as %Boolean
Object-specific validation logic within a given OpenAPI Specification (use ..ValidateComponent() for full validation)
method ValidateComponent(fullSpecification As, debug=0) as %Boolean
Validates a component within a specified OpenAPI specification (override ..Validate() in place of this in sub-classes!)
method ValidateComponents(fullSpecification As, debug=0)
Validates the sub-components of this object


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: Storage (

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