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class HS.BulkFHIR.Auth.OAuth.Config extends HS.BulkFHIR.API.Data.AdapterConfig

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SETTINGS = issuer_url:::Issuer URL,bfc_client_name:::BFC Client Name,clients:::Clients; style like {property}:{group}:{category}:{property rename} where group, category, and property rename are optional. In this case category would be Authorization, and groups would be HTTP, X-API, OAuth. A '-' before a setting will exclude it from the list returned to the UI


property bfc_client_name as %String (MAXLEN = 128) [ Required ];
The Bulk FHIR Coordinator uses this OAuth client for communicating with the OAuth server to validate tokens on requests to the Bulk FHIR endpoint. If this client is already defined then it is not updated. Otherwise, if this client is not defined then it is auto-created when the Bulk FHIR config is saved.
Property methods: bfc_client_nameDisplayToLogical(), bfc_client_nameGet(), bfc_client_nameIsValid(), bfc_client_nameLogicalToDisplay(), bfc_client_nameLogicalToOdbc(), bfc_client_nameNormalize(), bfc_client_nameSet()
property clients as list of HS.BulkFHIR.Auth.OAuth.ClientConfig;
OAuth clients designated as approved for sending requests to the Bulk FHIR endpoint (i.e., the client ID on a token is validated against the client IDs for these clients). Clients can be specified as a comma-separated list of the form "name:authentication_method,name:authentication_method,..." where the name is a unique name to identify the client which will be used as the key for referencing operations by this client, and the authentication method is how this client will authenticate with the OAuth server. The authentication method must be either "client_secret_post" or "private_key_jwt".
Property methods: clientsBuildValueArray(), clientsCollectionToDisplay(), clientsCollectionToOdbc(), clientsDisplayToCollection(), clientsGet(), clientsGetObject(), clientsGetObjectId(), clientsGetSwizzled(), clientsIsValid(), clientsOdbcToCollection(), clientsSet(), clientsSetObject(), clientsSetObjectId()
property issuer_url as %String) [ Required ];
Issuer url of an existing OAuth server to be used for the Bulk FHIR endpoint (e.g., "").
Property methods: issuer_urlDisplayToLogical(), issuer_urlGet(), issuer_urlIsValid(), issuer_urlLogicalToDisplay(), issuer_urlLogicalToOdbc(), issuer_urlNormalize(), issuer_urlSet()


method %OnValidateObject() as %Status
Inherited description: This callback method is invoked by the %ValidateObject() method to provide notification that the current object is being validated.

If this method returns an error then %ValidateObject() will fail.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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