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abstract class HS.Doc.Mapping.ImportSDAToCDAMapping

Import the SDA to CDA mapping file generated by SDAtoCDAMapper and store the mappings to database for searching.

Method Inventory


classmethod GetCurrentFieldId(pDocumentType As %String, pPath As %String, displayDetail As %Boolean = 0, FieldType As %String) as %String
classmethod GetCurrentPairId(pSourceFieldId As %String, pTargetFieldId As %String, displayDetail As %Boolean = 0) as %String
classmethod LogError(pErrorMessage)
classmethod ParseHL7SourcePath(Source As HS.Doc.Mapping.HL7.SourceField)
classmethod ParseHSMapping(pMapping As HS.Doc.Mapping.Common.HealthShareMapping, KeepCurrentData As %Boolean, displayDetail As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod TrimPath(Path As %String)
classmethod XMLImport(Path As %String = "", KeepCurrentData As %Boolean = 0, displayDetail As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod buildPathsFromStructuredMappings(newTarget As HS.Doc.Data.Field, newSource As HS.Doc.Data.Field, newXPathSource As HS.Doc.Data.Field, pMapping As HS.Doc.Mapping.Common.HealthShareMapping, StructuredMappingRef As %String, newTargetCounter As %String, newSourceCounter As %String, newXPathSourceCounter As %String, linkCounter As %String, priorTargetCounter As %String, priorSourceCounter As %String, priorXPathSourceCounter As %String, displayDetail As %Boolean = 0, tNote As %String)
classmethod getValidSDAPath(tFieldPath As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod isValidSDAPath(tSourcePath As %String, tTargetPath As %String, tNote As %String, displayDetail As %String) as %Boolean
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