Length/Range of lengths,
or (Start and/or end) limits.
Property methods: boundsDurationGet(), boundsDurationGetSwizzled(), boundsDurationIsValid(), boundsDurationNewObject(), boundsDurationSet()
Length/Range of lengths,
or (Start and/or end) limits.
Property methods: boundsPeriodGet(), boundsPeriodGetSwizzled(), boundsPeriodIsValid(), boundsPeriodNewObject(), boundsPeriodSet()
Length/Range of lengths,
or (Start and/or end) limits.
Property methods: boundsRangeGet(), boundsRangeGetSwizzled(), boundsRangeIsValid(), boundsRangeNewObject(), boundsRangeSet()
property count as %Integer (XMLNAME = "count", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Number of times to repeat.
Property methods: countDisplayToLogical(), countGet(), countIsValid(), countLogicalToDisplay(), countNormalize(), countSet(), countXSDToLogical()
property countMax as %Integer (XMLNAME = "countMax", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Maximum number of times to repeat.
Property methods: countMaxDisplayToLogical(), countMaxGet(), countMaxIsValid(), countMaxLogicalToDisplay(), countMaxNormalize(), countMaxSet(), countMaxXSDToLogical()
property dayOfWeek as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "dayOfWeek", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
mon | tue | wed | thu | fri | sat | sun
days-of-week is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend days-of-week and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: dayOfWeekBuildValueArray(), dayOfWeekCollectionToDisplay(), dayOfWeekCollectionToOdbc(), dayOfWeekDisplayToCollection(), dayOfWeekDisplayToLogical(), dayOfWeekGet(), dayOfWeekGetObject(), dayOfWeekGetObjectId(), dayOfWeekGetSwizzled(), dayOfWeekIsValid(), dayOfWeekLogicalToDisplay(), dayOfWeekLogicalToOdbc(), dayOfWeekNormalize(), dayOfWeekOdbcToCollection(), dayOfWeekSet(), dayOfWeekSetObject(), dayOfWeekSetObjectId()
property duration as %Decimal (XMLNAME = "duration", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
How long when it happens.
Property methods: durationDisplayToLogical(), durationGet(), durationIsValid(), durationLogicalToDisplay(), durationNormalize(), durationSet(), durationXSDToLogical()
property durationMax as %Decimal (XMLNAME = "durationMax", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
How long when it happens (Max)
Property methods: durationMaxDisplayToLogical(), durationMaxGet(), durationMaxIsValid(), durationMaxLogicalToDisplay(), durationMaxNormalize(), durationMaxSet(), durationMaxXSDToLogical()
property durationUnit as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "durationUnit", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
s | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
units-of-time is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend units-of-time and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: durationUnitDisplayToLogical(), durationUnitGet(), durationUnitIsValid(), durationUnitLogicalToDisplay(), durationUnitLogicalToOdbc(), durationUnitNormalize(), durationUnitSet()
property frequency as %Integer (XMLNAME = "frequency", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Event occurs frequency times per period.
Property methods: frequencyDisplayToLogical(), frequencyGet(), frequencyIsValid(), frequencyLogicalToDisplay(), frequencyNormalize(), frequencySet(), frequencyXSDToLogical()
property frequencyMax as %Integer (XMLNAME = "frequencyMax", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Event occurs up to frequencyMax times per period.
Property methods: frequencyMaxDisplayToLogical(), frequencyMaxGet(), frequencyMaxIsValid(), frequencyMaxLogicalToDisplay(), frequencyMaxNormalize(), frequencyMaxSet(), frequencyMaxXSDToLogical()
property offset as %Integer (XMLNAME = "offset", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Minutes from event (before or after)
Property methods: offsetDisplayToLogical(), offsetGet(), offsetIsValid(), offsetLogicalToDisplay(), offsetNormalize(), offsetSet(), offsetXSDToLogical()
property period as %Decimal (XMLNAME = "period", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Event occurs frequency times per period.
Property methods: periodDisplayToLogical(), periodGet(), periodIsValid(), periodLogicalToDisplay(), periodNormalize(), periodSet(), periodXSDToLogical()
property periodMax as %Decimal (XMLNAME = "periodMax", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Upper limit of period (3-4 hours)
Property methods: periodMaxDisplayToLogical(), periodMaxGet(), periodMaxIsValid(), periodMaxLogicalToDisplay(), periodMaxNormalize(), periodMaxSet(), periodMaxXSDToLogical()
property periodUnit as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "periodUnit", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
s | min | h | d | wk | mo | a - unit of time (UCUM)
units-of-time is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend units-of-time and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: periodUnitDisplayToLogical(), periodUnitGet(), periodUnitIsValid(), periodUnitLogicalToDisplay(), periodUnitLogicalToOdbc(), periodUnitNormalize(), periodUnitSet()
property timeOfDay as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "timeOfDay", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Time of day for action.
Property methods: timeOfDayBuildValueArray(), timeOfDayCollectionToDisplay(), timeOfDayCollectionToOdbc(), timeOfDayDisplayToCollection(), timeOfDayDisplayToLogical(), timeOfDayGet(), timeOfDayGetObject(), timeOfDayGetObjectId(), timeOfDayGetSwizzled(), timeOfDayIsValid(), timeOfDayLogicalToDisplay(), timeOfDayLogicalToOdbc(), timeOfDayNormalize(), timeOfDayOdbcToCollection(), timeOfDaySet(), timeOfDaySetObject(), timeOfDaySetObjectId()
property when as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "when", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Regular life events the event is tied to.
event-timing is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend event-timing and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: whenBuildValueArray(), whenCollectionToDisplay(), whenCollectionToOdbc(), whenDisplayToCollection(), whenDisplayToLogical(), whenGet(), whenGetObject(), whenGetObjectId(), whenGetSwizzled(), whenIsValid(), whenLogicalToDisplay(), whenLogicalToOdbc(), whenNormalize(), whenOdbcToCollection(), whenSet(), whenSetObject(), whenSetObjectId()