A search parameter that defines a named search item that can be used to search/filter on a resource.
property base as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "base", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT") [ Required ];
The resource type(s) this search parameter applies to.
resource-types is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend resource-types and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: baseBuildValueArray(), baseCollectionToDisplay(), baseCollectionToOdbc(), baseDisplayToCollection(), baseDisplayToLogical(), baseGet(), baseGetObject(), baseGetObjectId(), baseGetSwizzled(), baseIsValid(), baseLogicalToDisplay(), baseLogicalToOdbc(), baseNormalize(), baseOdbcToCollection(), baseSet(), baseSetObject(), baseSetObjectId()
property chain as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "chain", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Chained names supported.
Property methods: chainBuildValueArray(), chainCollectionToDisplay(), chainCollectionToOdbc(), chainDisplayToCollection(), chainDisplayToLogical(), chainGet(), chainGetObject(), chainGetObjectId(), chainGetSwizzled(), chainIsValid(), chainLogicalToDisplay(), chainLogicalToOdbc(), chainNormalize(), chainOdbcToCollection(), chainSet(), chainSetObject(), chainSetObjectId()
property code as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "code", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Code used in URL.
any FHIR3 code from any ValueSet may be used.
Property methods: codeDisplayToLogical(), codeGet(), codeIsValid(), codeLogicalToDisplay(), codeLogicalToOdbc(), codeNormalize(), codeSet()
property comparator as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "comparator", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
eq | ne | gt | lt | ge | le | sa | eb | ap
search-comparator is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend search-comparator and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: comparatorBuildValueArray(), comparatorCollectionToDisplay(), comparatorCollectionToOdbc(), comparatorDisplayToCollection(), comparatorDisplayToLogical(), comparatorGet(), comparatorGetObject(), comparatorGetObjectId(), comparatorGetSwizzled(), comparatorIsValid(), comparatorLogicalToDisplay(), comparatorLogicalToOdbc(), comparatorNormalize(), comparatorOdbcToCollection(), comparatorSet(), comparatorSetObject(), comparatorSetObjectId()
For Composite resources to define the parts.
Property methods: componentBuildValueArray(), componentCollectionToDisplay(), componentCollectionToOdbc(), componentDisplayToCollection(), componentGet(), componentGetObject(), componentGetObjectId(), componentGetSwizzled(), componentIsValid(), componentOdbcToCollection(), componentSet(), componentSetObject(), componentSetObjectId()
Contact details for the publisher.
Property methods: contactBuildValueArray(), contactCollectionToDisplay(), contactCollectionToOdbc(), contactDisplayToCollection(), contactGet(), contactGetObject(), contactGetObjectId(), contactGetSwizzled(), contactIsValid(), contactOdbcToCollection(), contactSet(), contactSetObject(), contactSetObjectId()
property date as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "date", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Date this was last changed.
Property methods: dateDisplayToLogical(), dateGet(), dateIsValid(), dateLogicalToDisplay(), dateLogicalToOdbc(), dateNormalize(), dateSet()
property derivedFrom as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "derivedFrom", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Original Definition for the search parameter.
Property methods: derivedFromDisplayToLogical(), derivedFromGet(), derivedFromIsValid(), derivedFromLogicalToDisplay(), derivedFromLogicalToOdbc(), derivedFromNormalize(), derivedFromSet()
property description as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "description", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Natural language description of the search parameter.
Property methods: descriptionDisplayToLogical(), descriptionGet(), descriptionIsValid(), descriptionLogicalToDisplay(), descriptionLogicalToOdbc(), descriptionNormalize(), descriptionSet()
property experimental as %Boolean (XMLNAME = "experimental", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
For testing purposes,
not real usage.
Property methods: experimentalDisplayToLogical(), experimentalGet(), experimentalIsValid(), experimentalLogicalToDisplay(), experimentalLogicalToXSD(), experimentalNormalize(), experimentalSet(), experimentalXSDToLogical()
property expression as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "expression", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
FHIRPath expression that extracts the values.
Property methods: expressionDisplayToLogical(), expressionGet(), expressionIsValid(), expressionLogicalToDisplay(), expressionLogicalToOdbc(), expressionNormalize(), expressionSet()
Intended jurisdiction for search parameter (if applicable)
jurisdiction is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes,
but if you need to express meanings not found in jurisdiction,
you may formally EXTEND jurisdiction to add codes to it.
Property methods: jurisdictionBuildValueArray(), jurisdictionCollectionToDisplay(), jurisdictionCollectionToOdbc(), jurisdictionDisplayToCollection(), jurisdictionGet(), jurisdictionGetObject(), jurisdictionGetObjectId(), jurisdictionGetSwizzled(), jurisdictionIsValid(), jurisdictionOdbcToCollection(), jurisdictionSet(), jurisdictionSetObject(), jurisdictionSetObjectId()
property modifier as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "modifier", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
missing | exact | contains | not | text | in | not-in | below | above | type
search-modifier-code is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend search-modifier-code and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: modifierBuildValueArray(), modifierCollectionToDisplay(), modifierCollectionToOdbc(), modifierDisplayToCollection(), modifierDisplayToLogical(), modifierGet(), modifierGetObject(), modifierGetObjectId(), modifierGetSwizzled(), modifierIsValid(), modifierLogicalToDisplay(), modifierLogicalToOdbc(), modifierNormalize(), modifierOdbcToCollection(), modifierSet(), modifierSetObject(), modifierSetObjectId()
property name as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "name", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Name for this search parameter (computer friendly)
Property methods: nameDisplayToLogical(), nameGet(), nameIsValid(), nameLogicalToDisplay(), nameLogicalToOdbc(), nameNormalize(), nameSet()
property publisher as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "publisher", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Name of the publisher (organization or individual)
Property methods: publisherDisplayToLogical(), publisherGet(), publisherIsValid(), publisherLogicalToDisplay(), publisherLogicalToOdbc(), publisherNormalize(), publisherSet()
property purpose as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "purpose", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Why this search parameter is defined.
Property methods: purposeDisplayToLogical(), purposeGet(), purposeIsValid(), purposeLogicalToDisplay(), purposeLogicalToOdbc(), purposeNormalize(), purposeSet()
property status as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "status", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
draft | active | retired | unknown
publication-status is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend publication-status and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: statusDisplayToLogical(), statusGet(), statusIsValid(), statusLogicalToDisplay(), statusLogicalToOdbc(), statusNormalize(), statusSet()
property target as list of %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "target", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Types of resource (if a resource reference)
resource-types is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend resource-types and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: targetBuildValueArray(), targetCollectionToDisplay(), targetCollectionToOdbc(), targetDisplayToCollection(), targetDisplayToLogical(), targetGet(), targetGetObject(), targetGetObjectId(), targetGetSwizzled(), targetIsValid(), targetLogicalToDisplay(), targetLogicalToOdbc(), targetNormalize(), targetOdbcToCollection(), targetSet(), targetSetObject(), targetSetObjectId()
property type as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "type", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
number | date | string | token | reference | composite | quantity | uri
search-param-type is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend search-param-type and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: typeDisplayToLogical(), typeGet(), typeIsValid(), typeLogicalToDisplay(), typeLogicalToOdbc(), typeNormalize(), typeSet()
property url as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "url", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Logical URI to reference this search parameter (globally unique)
Property methods: urlDisplayToLogical(), urlGet(), urlIsValid(), urlLogicalToDisplay(), urlLogicalToOdbc(), urlNormalize(), urlSet()
property useContext as list of HS.FHIR.DTL.vSTU3.Model.Datatype.UsageContext (XMLNAME = "useContext", XMLPROJECTION = "ELEMENT");
Context the content is intended to support.
Property methods: useContextBuildValueArray(), useContextCollectionToDisplay(), useContextCollectionToOdbc(), useContextDisplayToCollection(), useContextGet(), useContextGetObject(), useContextGetObjectId(), useContextGetSwizzled(), useContextIsValid(), useContextOdbcToCollection(), useContextSet(), useContextSetObject(), useContextSetObjectId()
property version as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "version", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
Business version of the search parameter.
Property methods: versionDisplayToLogical(), versionGet(), versionIsValid(), versionLogicalToDisplay(), versionLogicalToOdbc(), versionNormalize(), versionSet()
property xpath as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "xpath", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
XPath that extracts the values.
Property methods: xpathDisplayToLogical(), xpathGet(), xpathIsValid(), xpathLogicalToDisplay(), xpathLogicalToOdbc(), xpathNormalize(), xpathSet()
property xpathUsage as %String (MAXLEN = 1000000, XMLNAME = "xpathUsage", XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");
normal | phonetic | nearby | distance | other
search-xpath-usage is the REQUIRED FHIR3 ValueSet for codes;
you may NOT extend search-xpath-usage and you may NOT use codes from other ValueSets.
Property methods: xpathUsageDisplayToLogical(), xpathUsageGet(), xpathUsageIsValid(), xpathUsageLogicalToDisplay(), xpathUsageLogicalToOdbc(), xpathUsageNormalize(), xpathUsageSet()