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abstract class HS.HC.FHIRSQL.Utils.ResourceCommon

Method Inventory


parameter CHILDTABLE;
parameter FHIRCORE;
parameter GLOBAL;


classmethod EvaluateArray(json As %DynamicObject, path As %String, pCore=..#FHIRCORE) as %String
classmethod ExtractFHIR(ByRef json As %DynamicObject, path As %String, Output full, pCore=..#FHIRCORE)
classmethod GetChildMasterMap(pParentID, pPath="identifier.where((system='').not())", pCore=..#FHIRCORE) as %DynamicArray
classmethod GetFHIRData(pParentID, pGlobal={$parameter($classname(), "GLOBAL")})
classmethod GetParser(pCore=..#FHIRCORE) as HS.FHIRMeta.API
classmethod UpdateIndices(pKey As %String, pAdd As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Given the pKey lookup to find the row ID


trigger Changes (BEFORE event INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE);
TODO: Waiting on SQL change to allow READONLY=1 parameter but still build indices
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