class HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClient extends HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClient.HubService.Common, HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServicesClientAPI
Method Inventory
- AddClinicianGroupMembers()
- AddEditOID()
- AddEditPIXNotificationDevice()
- AnalyticsResendList()
- BatchConsent()
- CWResponderRequest()
- CallHubConsistencyCheckCount()
- CrawlDSTIME()
- DeleteASFilter()
- DeleteConfiguration()
- ExpirePatient()
- GetAADBQStats()
- GetConfigurationValue()
- GetHubConsistencyCheckCount()
- GetHubTableRowCount()
- GetLastEnteredOnC()
- GetOpDash()
- GetProductList()
- ListASFilters()
- ListConfigurations()
- ListOIDs()
- ListPIXNotificationDevices()
- ListServices()
- LoadConfiguration()
- LoadOID()
- LoadPIXNotificationDevice()
- LoadService()
- OAuthClientCreateForSMART()
- OAuthClientDelete()
- OAuthClientExists()
- QueuePatientsForResendByAnalyticsId()
- SaveASFilter()
parameter LOCATION;
This is the URL used to access the web service.
parameter NAMESPACE = http://www.intersystems.com/hs/hub/hsws;
This is the namespace used by the Service
parameter SERVICENAME = HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices;
This is the name of the Service
method AddClinicianGroupMembers(pClinicianGroupId As %String, pClinicianIds As %Library.ListOfDataTypes) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AddEditOID(pOID As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.OID) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method AddEditPIXNotificationDevice(pPIXNotificationDevice As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.PIXDomainsOfInterest) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method AnalyticsResendList(pResendType As %String, pResendIdList As %String, pPriority As %Integer = 2) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method BatchConsent(request As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.BatchConsent) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.BatchConsent [ WebMethod ]
final method CWResponderRequest(request As HS.Message.FHIR.Request) as HS.Message.FHIR.Response [ WebMethod ]
method CallHubConsistencyCheckCount(Facilities As %String, ByRef pResponseId As %Integer) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method CrawlDSTIME(pRequest As HS.Message.Crawler.DSTIMERequest) as HS.Message.Crawler.DSTIMEResponse [ WebMethod ]
method DeleteASFilter(pID As %String) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.AnalyticsStreamletFilter [ WebMethod ]
final method ExpirePatient(pRequest As HS.Message.ExpirePatientRequest, ByRef pResponse As HS.Message.ExpirePatientResponse) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
final method GetAADBQStats() as HS.Types.Analytics.AADBQStats [ WebMethod ]
method GetHubConsistencyCheckCount(pResponseId As %Integer, ByRef pStatus As %String, ByRef pResponse As %ArrayOfDataTypes) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method GetHubTableRowCount(pRequest As HS.Message.Crawler.HubRowCountRequest) as HS.Message.Crawler.HubRowCountResponse [ WebMethod ]
method GetLastEnteredOnC(pRequest As HS.Message.GetLastEnteredOnCRequest) as HS.Message.GetLastEnteredOnCResponse [ WebMethod ]
method GetOpDash(pRequest As HSMOD.OperationalReporting.HSPIData.Request) as HSMOD.OperationalReporting.HSPIData.Response [ WebMethod ]
method GetProductList(pRequest As HS.Message.ProductListRequest) as HS.Message.ProductListResponse [ WebMethod ]
method ListASFilters() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
final method ListConfigurations() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
final method ListOIDs() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
final method ListPIXNotificationDevices() as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
final method ListServices(pServiceType As %String = "") as HS.Util.WebServices.ListItems [ WebMethod ]
final method LoadConfiguration(pConfigID As %String) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Configuration [ WebMethod ]
final method LoadOID(pOID As %String) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.OID [ WebMethod ]
final method LoadPIXNotificationDevice(pPIXNotificationDeviceID As %String = "") as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.PIXDomainsOfInterest [ WebMethod ]
final method LoadService(pServiceID As %String) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.Service [ WebMethod ]
final method OAuthClientCreateForSMART(pForceOverride As %Boolean, pClientId As %String, pRedirectURI As %String, pAppName As %String, pAppDescription As %String) as %Status [ WebMethod ]
method QueuePatientsForResendByAnalyticsId(pRequest As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.QueuePatientsForResendByAnalyticsId) as HS.Message.Analytics.RequeuePatientsInErrorListResponse [ WebMethod ]
method SaveASFilter(pFilter As HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.AnalyticsStreamletFilter) as HS.Hub.HSWS.WebServices.Containers.AnalyticsStreamletFilter [ WebMethod ]
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
- AddressingIn
- AddressingOut
- Attachments
- Base64LineBreaks
- BodyId
- BodyXmlId
- ContentId
- ContentLocation
- ContentType
- GzipOutput
- HTTPVersion
- HeadersIn
- HeadersOut
- HttpAccept202
- HttpFollowRedirect
- HttpInitiateAuthentication
- HttpPassword
- HttpProxyAuthorization
- HttpProxyHTTPS
- HttpProxyPort
- HttpProxySSLConnect
- HttpProxyServer
- HttpProxyTunnel
- HttpRequest
- HttpRequestHeaderCharset
- HttpRequester
- HttpResponse
- HttpUsername
- HttpWriteTimeout
- ImportHandler
- Location
- MTOMRequired
- OpenTimeout
- OutputTypeAttribute
- Password
- PolicyConfiguration
- RMSession
- ReferencesInline
- RequestMessageStart
- ResponseAttachments
- ResponseContentId
- ResponseContentLocation
- SAXFlags
- SSLCheckServerIdentity
- SSLConfiguration
- SSLError
- SecurityContextToken
- SecurityIn
- SecurityNamespace
- SecurityOut
- SessionCookie
- SoapBinary
- SoapBinaryCharset
- SoapFault
- SoapVersion
- Timeout
- Transport
- UsePPGHandler
- Username
- WSANamespace
- WriteSOAPBodyMethod
Inherited Methods
- %AddEnvelopeNamespace()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %CloseRMSession()
- %ConstructClone()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %Extends()
- %GetParameter()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectModified()
- %OnSOAPFinished()
- %OnSOAPRequest()
- %OnSOAPResponse()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %StartRMSession()
- %ValidateObject()
- AddClinicianGroupMember()
- AddEditAAQuery()
- AddEditAssigningAuthority()
- AddEditClinicianGroup()
- AddEditCode()
- AddEditCodeSystem()
- AddEditCodeSystemProfile()
- AddEditConfiguration()
- AddEditIdentifierType()
- AddEditPatient()
- AddEditPatientFilters()
- AddEditPatientReport()
- AddEditProgram()
- AddEditReportSection()
- AddEditService()
- AddEditTranslationMap()
- AddEditTranslationProfile()
- AddEditUserPrefs()
- AddEditXMLSummaryType()
- AddFacility()
- AddOneMember()
- AddRemoveMembers()
- AddRemoveMembersByAnalyticsId()
- AddUpdateHub()
- AnalyticsNotify()
- AnalyticsQLRequest()
- AnalyticsQRequest()
- AnalyticsQueryRequest()
- AnalyticsQueryResult()
- AnalyticsRQRequest()
- AnalyticsResend()
- AnalyticsStreamletResend()
- AttachmentListRequest()
- CancelSecureConversation()
- CheckAADBQ()
- ClearSecondaryMPICache()
- DefineSynchronization()
- DeleteId()
- DeletePushDocuments()
- DocumentAttachmentRequest()
- FetchPatientList()
- FindPatientReport()
- GetBodyId()
- GetClinicianGroupID()
- GetFacilityMRNs()
- GetMetrics()
- GetNextMRN()
- GetPatientFilters()
- GetProgramName()
- GetSysSyncState()
- IDUpdateNotification()
- IncorporateClinicalMessage()
- ListAAQueries()
- ListClinicianGroupMembers()
- ListClinicianGroups()
- ListCodeSystemProfiles()
- ListCodeSystems()
- ListCodes()
- ListInfoSubTypes()
- ListMRNsForPatient()
- ListManagementReports()
- ListObjects()
- ListPatientFilters()
- ListPrograms()
- ListReportSections()
- ListTranslationMaps()
- ListTranslationProfiles()
- ListXMLSummaryTypes()
- LoadAAQuery()
- LoadAssigningAuthority()
- LoadClinicianGroup()
- LoadCode()
- LoadCodeSystem()
- LoadCodeSystemProfile()
- LoadIdentifierType()
- LoadPatient()
- LoadPatientReport()
- LoadProgram()
- LoadReportSection()
- LoadTranslationMap()
- LoadTranslationProfile()
- LoadUserPrefs()
- LoadXMLSummaryType()
- MPIConsent()
- MergePatients()
- NormalizeName()
- PatientListCopyRequest()
- PatientListRequest()
- Ping()
- PrefetchRequest()
- ProgramEnableAnalytics()
- PushGetPatient()
- RecentPatientUpdateRequest()
- RegisterGateway()
- RegisterPushDocument()
- RegistrySDARequest()
- RemoveClinicianGroup()
- RemoveClinicianGroupMember()
- RemoveOneMember()
- RemovePatient()
- ReportExists()
- ResetHttpHeaders()
- ReturnMPIID()
- ReturnMRN()
- SOAPLogContains()
- SearchFacilities()
- SearchPatients()
- SendSOAPRequest()
- SetHttpHeader()
- StartSecureConversation()
- StreamletRequest()
- TerminologySync()
- WSCheckSignatureConfirmation()
- WSSecurityLogin()
- XDSbProvideAndRegister()
- XDSbQuery()