abstract class HS.IHE.Util
IHE Utility FunctionsMethod Inventory
- AAIdentifierTypeForCode()
- FindAffinityDomainID()
- GetAffinityDomain()
- GetHomeCommunity()
- GetHomeCommunityOIDs()
- GetIdForHL7()
- GetNamespaces()
- GetSendingApplication()
- GetXPathDocument()
- GetXPathExpression()
- GetXPathValue()
- IsAsync()
- MergeAdditionalInfo()
- ObjectToXML()
- SetAffinityDomain()
- SetHomeCommunity()
- TraceXMLMessage()
- XMLNamespaces()
- XMLToObject()
- XPathNamespaces()
parameter FOUNDATION = 1;
parameter KEYAffinityDomain = \IHE\AffinityDomain;
The name of the affinity domain in the OID registry
parameter KEYHomeCommunity = \IHE\HomeCommunity;
classmethod AAIdentifierTypeForCode(pCode As %String, ByRef pIdentifierType As %String, pExcludeTypes="DN,DL") as %Status
AATypeForCode returns an Assigning Authority Type for the specified
code when there is one and only one instance of the code found in
the Assigning Authority Registry. Currently Codes of IdentifierType
By default DN or LN are ignored (pExcludeTypes)
classmethod FindAffinityDomainID(pResponse As HS.Message.PatientSearchResponse, Output pID As %String = "", Output pADOID As %String = "") as %Status
Return the Affinity Domain ID (and Name/OID) from the given MPI search
If there is no explicit affinity domain ID in the MRN list, the MPI ID is returned.
classmethod GetAffinityDomain() as %String
Returns the OID for this Affinity Domain assigning authority
classmethod GetHomeCommunity() as %String
Returns the OID for this Affinity Domain assigning authority
classmethod GetHomeCommunityOIDs() as %String
Gets all HomeCommunity OIDs in a delimited string
classmethod GetIdForHL7() as %String
Get a unique (to this instance) Id for PIXv2 or PDQv2 HL7 MSH:10 (Message ID) or QPD:2 (Query Tag).
classmethod GetNamespaces() as %ArrayOfDataTypes
XML namespaces used by IHE
classmethod GetXPathDocument(ByRef pDocument, pStream) as %XML.XPATH.Document
classmethod GetXPathExpression(pStream, pExpression, pItem, ByRef pValue, ByRef pDocument="") as %Status
Set tSC = ..GetXPathExpression(pRequest.ContentStream,"/lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:ExtrinsicObject/rim:ExternalIdentifier[@identificationScheme='urn:uuid:2e82c1f6-a085-4c72-9da3-8640a32e42ab']","@value",.tDocuments,.tDocument)
classmethod GetXPathValue(pStream, pExpression, pItem, ByRef pValue, ByRef pDocument="") as %Status
Set tSC = ..GetXPathValue(pRequest.ContentStream,"/query:AdhocQueryResponse","@status",.tValue)
classmethod IsAsync(pMessage As HS.Message.XMLMessage) as %Boolean
classmethod MergeAdditionalInfo(pSource As HS.Message.XMLMessage, pTarget As HS.Message.XMLMessage, pOverwrite As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Merge AdditionInfo arrays, optionally overwriting existing values
classmethod ObjectToXML(pObject As %XML.Adaptor, Output pStream As %Stream.Object) as %Status
Convert an object into XML
Sets the OID for this affinity domain assigning authority
Sets the OID for this affinity domain assigning authority
classmethod TraceXMLMessage(pHost As HS.HC.Util.Trace.Helper, pClass As %String, pMethod As %String, pCaption As %String, pVarName As %String, pMessage As HS.Message.XMLMessage)
Dump XMLMessage attachments as character streams rather than binary
IHE namespaces string for XML elements
For example: "xmlns:xdsb='urn:ihe:iti:xds-b:2007' xmlns:xop='http://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include'"
classmethod XMLToObject(pStream As %Stream.Object, Output pObject As %XML.Adaptor, pClassname As %String = "") as %Status
Convert a XML stream into an object
classmethod XPathNamespaces() as %String
IHE namespaces string for XPath documents
For example: "xdsb urn:ihe:iti:xds-b:2007,xop http://www.w3.org/2004/08/xop/include"