persistent class HS.Message.AnalyticsQResponse extends HS.Util.EnsResponse
SQL Table Name: HS_Message.AnalyticsQResponse
Property Inventory
property AnalyticsID as %String;
Tha Analytics ID generated for that MPIID
Property methods: AnalyticsIDDisplayToLogical(), AnalyticsIDGet(), AnalyticsIDGetStored(), AnalyticsIDIsValid(), AnalyticsIDLogicalToDisplay(), AnalyticsIDLogicalToOdbc(), AnalyticsIDNormalize(), AnalyticsIDSet()
property LastUpdate as %String;
Last update timestamp
Property methods: LastUpdateDisplayToLogical(), LastUpdateGet(), LastUpdateGetStored(), LastUpdateIsValid(), LastUpdateLogicalToDisplay(), LastUpdateLogicalToOdbc(), LastUpdateNormalize(), LastUpdateSet()
property MPIID as %String;
The MPIID found in the queue
Property methods: MPIIDDisplayToLogical(), MPIIDGet(), MPIIDGetStored(), MPIIDIsValid(), MPIIDLogicalToDisplay(), MPIIDLogicalToOdbc(), MPIIDNormalize(), MPIIDSet()
property MRNs as list of %String);
A list of all MRNs for this MPIID. Each one is of format: facility^AA^medrec#
Property methods: MRNsBuildValueArray(), MRNsCollectionToDisplay(), MRNsCollectionToOdbc(), MRNsDisplayToCollection(), MRNsDisplayToLogical(), MRNsGet(), MRNsGetObject(), MRNsGetObjectId(), MRNsGetStored(), MRNsGetSwizzled(), MRNsIsValid(), MRNsLogicalToDisplay(), MRNsLogicalToOdbc(), MRNsNormalize(), MRNsOdbcToCollection(), MRNsSet(), MRNsSetObject(), MRNsSetObjectId()
property Priority as %Integer;
Property methods: PriorityDisplayToLogical(), PriorityGet(), PriorityGetStored(), PriorityIsValid(), PriorityLogicalToDisplay(), PriorityNormalize(), PrioritySet(), PriorityXSDToLogical()
property ResponseType as %String;
Will either be Resend, Update, or null. Null means nothing is left in the queue, so the other properties won't be populated
Property methods: ResponseTypeDisplayToLogical(), ResponseTypeGet(), ResponseTypeGetStored(), ResponseTypeIsValid(), ResponseTypeLogicalToDisplay(), ResponseTypeLogicalToOdbc(), ResponseTypeNormalize(), ResponseTypeSet()
property Updates as list of %String);
This is a list of each streamlet in the update queue, along with information about how to update it.
Each item is of format: Facility^Streamlet ID^(I or U or D)^StreamletType^HasEncounter
I=Insert, U=Update, D=Delete. Has encounter is boolean. Note that Facility^StreamletID will become
the "Tag" associated with this item in the analytics database.
Property methods: UpdatesBuildValueArray(), UpdatesCollectionToDisplay(), UpdatesCollectionToOdbc(), UpdatesDisplayToCollection(), UpdatesDisplayToLogical(), UpdatesGet(), UpdatesGetObject(), UpdatesGetObjectId(), UpdatesGetStored(), UpdatesGetSwizzled(), UpdatesIsValid(), UpdatesLogicalToDisplay(), UpdatesLogicalToOdbc(), UpdatesNormalize(), UpdatesOdbcToCollection(), UpdatesSet(), UpdatesSetObject(), UpdatesSetObjectId()
Inherited Members
Inherited Properties
Inherited Methods
- %%CLASSNAMELogicalToStorage()
- %%CLASSNAMEStorageToLogical()
- %AddToSaveSet()
- %AddToSyncSet()
- %BMEBuilt()
- %BuildIndicesAsync()
- %BuildIndicesAsyncResponse()
- %CheckConstraints()
- %CheckConstraintsForExtent()
- %ClassIsLatestVersion()
- %ClassName()
- %CompareContents()
- %ComposeOid()
- %ConstructClone()
- %Delete()
- %DeleteExtent()
- %DeleteId()
- %DispatchClassMethod()
- %DispatchGetModified()
- %DispatchGetProperty()
- %DispatchMethod()
- %DispatchSetModified()
- %DispatchSetMultidimProperty()
- %DispatchSetProperty()
- %DrawHTMLForm()
- %DrawHTMLTable()
- %Exists()
- %ExistsId()
- %Extends()
- %GUID()
- %GUIDSet()
- %GetContentType()
- %GetLock()
- %GetParameter()
- %GetSwizzleObject()
- %Id()
- %InitExtentData()
- %InsertBatch()
- %IsA()
- %IsModified()
- %IsNull()
- %KillExtent()
- %KillExtentData()
- %LoadFromMemory()
- %LockExtent()
- %LockId()
- %New()
- %NormalizeObject()
- %ObjectIsNull()
- %ObjectModified()
- %Oid()
- %OnBeforeAddToSync()
- %OnDeleteFinally()
- %OnDetermineClass()
- %OnOpenFinally()
- %OnSaveFinally()
- %OnTimeout()
- %Open()
- %OpenId()
- %OriginalNamespace()
- %PackageName()
- %PhysicalAddress()
- %ProcessSubmit()
- %PurgeIndices()
- %Reload()
- %RemoveFromSaveSet()
- %ResolveConcurrencyConflict()
- %RollBack()
- %Save()
- %SaveDirect()
- %SaveIndices()
- %SerializeObject()
- %SetModified()
- %ShowContents()
- %ShowContentsHead()
- %SortBegin()
- %SortEnd()
- %SyncObjectIn()
- %SyncTransport()
- %UnlockExtent()
- %UnlockId()
- %ValidateIndices()
- %ValidateObject()
- %ValidateTable()
- GenerateGenericDAOFromObject()
- GetStatsDimension()
- OnShowJSONContents()
- OnShowXMLContents()
- OutputFormattedJSON()
- WriteNoJSONFormat()
- XMLExport()
- XMLExportToStream()
- XMLExportToString()
- XMLNew()
- XMLSchema()
- XMLSchemaNamespace()
- XMLSchemaType()
Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.
Storage Model: Storage (Ens.MessageBody)
^Ens.MessageBodyD(ID) |
Storage Model: Storage (HS.Util.EnsResponse)
^Ens.MessageBodyD(ID,"EnsResponse") |
= | HSCoreVersion
Storage Model: Storage (HS.Message.AnalyticsQResponse)
^Ens.MessageBodyD(ID,"AnalyticsQResponse") |
= | ResponseType