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abstract class SchemaMap.Tool.Base.Generate

This class will evolve, but was started based on the server side code in %MPRL.UI.NewWizard, %MPRL.Model.linkageDefinition, and %MPRL.UI.AuditLogDebug, and DTL classes in the package HS.FHIR.DTL.ToSDA.

Method Inventory


classmethod AddClassParametersXML(schema As %String, path As %String, className As %String, superClassName As %String) as %Status
Add the necessary XML parameters to a FHIR data model class definition
classmethod AddTypeNewResource(schema As %String, path As %String, className As %String) as %Status
Add this property to the *.Base.Resource classes for FHIR schemas
classmethod AddTypeNewResourceReference(schema As %String, path As %String, className As %String) as %Status
Add this property to the *.Base.Resource classes for FHIR schemas
classmethod AddTypePrimitiveExtension(schema As %String, path As %String, className As %String) as %Status
Add this property to the *.Base.Element and *.Base.Resource classes for FHIR schemas
classmethod AddTypeResourceType(schema As %String, path As %String, className As %String) as %Status
Add this property to the *.Base.Resource classes for FHIR schemas
classmethod AddTypeString(ByRef property As %Dictionary.PropertyDefinition) as %Status
FHIR string length is limited to 1MB.
classmethod DeleteClass(className As %String) as %Status
Delete a class.
classmethod GetPropertyValueType(schema As %String, path As %String, Output primitiveClassname As %String, Output unknownValueType As %Boolean) as %Status
classmethod IsClassNameValid(pName As %String) as %Boolean
Test if the given class name is valid.
classmethod PathToClassNameForModel(schema As %String, ancestor As %String = "", parent As %String = "", path As %String, Output className As %String, Output superClassName As %String, Output complexTypeCase As %Integer, Output stopProperty As %String, Output nestRelationship) as %String
If there is a class to be created, get the information required to create it. Tells us which class name to use for the schema and path provided. Detects any complex data type relationships and reports them in the output argument complexTypeCase. The value of complexTypeCase is an integer defined in such as $$$MapTypeIsChildAncestor.

Often, ancestor and parent are left blank. That is expected. When ancestor and parent are not provided, we make a decision solely based on the path.

In some calls to this method from CreateObject, non-empty values are provided for ancestor and/or parent. When this is so, it means CreateObject is inputting the childType (path) corresponding to a childPath (parent) and path (ancestor) in a 3-level relationship. Such relationships can produce circular or infinitely nested property definitions and subclassing relationships. The cases that cause this are known, and this method detects them. To detect these cases accurately, this code examines the CreateObject childType (path) in relation to the childPath (parent) and path (ancestor).

Sometimes, this examination of relationships looks at the childType (path)'s data type, and the data type of that data type, a 4th and 5th level in the set of relationships. The result of this analysis becomes a flag returned in the output argument complexTypeCase.


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