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class SchemaMap.Tool.UI.Edit extends %ZEN.Dialog.standardDialog

Dialog for viewing or editing the from:to mappings for a specific "from" path to paths in the current "to" schema. The input PAIR value specifies from and to.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter APPLYBUTTON = 1;
Inherited description: If true, then this dialog displays an Apply button.
parameter RESOURCE = %Ens_EDISchemaAnnotations:READ;
Inherited description: This is a comma-delimited list of system Resources and associated permissions. A user must hold the specified permissions on at least one of the specified resources in order to view this page or invoke any of its server-side methods from the client.
The format of each item in the list should be as follows:
Permission is optional, and defaults to USE if not supplied. If it is supplied, it should be one of USE, READ or WRITE.


property Append as %Boolean;
Property methods: AppendDisplayToLogical(), AppendGet(), AppendIsValid(), AppendLogicalToDisplay(), AppendLogicalToXSD(), AppendNormalize(), AppendSet(), AppendXSDToLogical()
property ClassMethod as %String;
Property methods: ClassMethodDisplayToLogical(), ClassMethodGet(), ClassMethodIsValid(), ClassMethodLogicalToDisplay(), ClassMethodLogicalToOdbc(), ClassMethodNormalize(), ClassMethodSet()
property DefaultValue as %String;
Property methods: DefaultValueDisplayToLogical(), DefaultValueGet(), DefaultValueIsValid(), DefaultValueLogicalToDisplay(), DefaultValueLogicalToOdbc(), DefaultValueNormalize(), DefaultValueSet()
property DependsOn as %String;
Property methods: DependsOnDisplayToLogical(), DependsOnGet(), DependsOnIsValid(), DependsOnLogicalToDisplay(), DependsOnLogicalToOdbc(), DependsOnNormalize(), DependsOnSet()
property EditEnabled as %Boolean;
Property methods: EditEnabledDisplayToLogical(), EditEnabledGet(), EditEnabledIsValid(), EditEnabledLogicalToDisplay(), EditEnabledLogicalToXSD(), EditEnabledNormalize(), EditEnabledSet(), EditEnabledXSDToLogical()
property Element as %String;
Property methods: ElementDisplayToLogical(), ElementGet(), ElementIsValid(), ElementLogicalToDisplay(), ElementLogicalToOdbc(), ElementNormalize(), ElementSet()
property ExcludeList as %String;
Property methods: ExcludeListDisplayToLogical(), ExcludeListGet(), ExcludeListIsValid(), ExcludeListLogicalToDisplay(), ExcludeListLogicalToOdbc(), ExcludeListNormalize(), ExcludeListSet()
property Extension as %String;
Property methods: ExtensionDisplayToLogical(), ExtensionGet(), ExtensionIsValid(), ExtensionLogicalToDisplay(), ExtensionLogicalToOdbc(), ExtensionNormalize(), ExtensionSet()
property From as %String;
Property methods: FromDisplayToLogical(), FromGet(), FromIsValid(), FromLogicalToDisplay(), FromLogicalToOdbc(), FromNormalize(), FromSet()
property FromCard as %String;
Property methods: FromCardDisplayToLogical(), FromCardGet(), FromCardIsValid(), FromCardLogicalToDisplay(), FromCardLogicalToOdbc(), FromCardNormalize(), FromCardSet()
property FromIsObject as %String;
Property methods: FromIsObjectDisplayToLogical(), FromIsObjectGet(), FromIsObjectIsValid(), FromIsObjectLogicalToDisplay(), FromIsObjectLogicalToOdbc(), FromIsObjectNormalize(), FromIsObjectSet()
property FromType as %String;
Property methods: FromTypeDisplayToLogical(), FromTypeGet(), FromTypeIsValid(), FromTypeLogicalToDisplay(), FromTypeLogicalToOdbc(), FromTypeNormalize(), FromTypeSet()
property InverseOld as %String;
Property methods: InverseOldDisplayToLogical(), InverseOldGet(), InverseOldIsValid(), InverseOldLogicalToDisplay(), InverseOldLogicalToOdbc(), InverseOldNormalize(), InverseOldSet()
property InverseRow as %String;
Property methods: InverseRowDisplayToLogical(), InverseRowGet(), InverseRowIsValid(), InverseRowLogicalToDisplay(), InverseRowLogicalToOdbc(), InverseRowNormalize(), InverseRowSet()
property LikelyElement as %String;
The "likely" values are used by the UI to pre-populate choices in select drop-downs in an intuitive way.
Property methods: LikelyElementDisplayToLogical(), LikelyElementGet(), LikelyElementIsValid(), LikelyElementLogicalToDisplay(), LikelyElementLogicalToOdbc(), LikelyElementNormalize(), LikelyElementSet()
property LikelyResource as %String;
The "likely" values are used by the UI to pre-populate choices in select drop-downs in an intuitive way.
Property methods: LikelyResourceDisplayToLogical(), LikelyResourceGet(), LikelyResourceIsValid(), LikelyResourceLogicalToDisplay(), LikelyResourceLogicalToOdbc(), LikelyResourceNormalize(), LikelyResourceSet()
property MapSource as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "SOURCE");
Property methods: MapSourceDisplayToLogical(), MapSourceGet(), MapSourceIsValid(), MapSourceLogicalToDisplay(), MapSourceLogicalToOdbc(), MapSourceLogicalToXSD(), MapSourceNormalize(), MapSourceSet(), MapSourceXSDToLogical()
property Pair as %String (ZENURL = "PAIR");
Property methods: PairDisplayToLogical(), PairGet(), PairIsValid(), PairLogicalToDisplay(), PairLogicalToOdbc(), PairNormalize(), PairSet()
property Path as %String (ZENURL = "PATH");
Property methods: PathDisplayToLogical(), PathGet(), PathIsValid(), PathLogicalToDisplay(), PathLogicalToOdbc(), PathNormalize(), PathSet()
property Resource as %String;
Property methods: ResourceDisplayToLogical(), ResourceGet(), ResourceIsValid(), ResourceLogicalToDisplay(), ResourceLogicalToOdbc(), ResourceNormalize(), ResourceSet()
property Row as %String (ZENURL = "ROW");
Property methods: RowDisplayToLogical(), RowGet(), RowIsValid(), RowLogicalToDisplay(), RowLogicalToOdbc(), RowNormalize(), RowSet()
property SourceValue as %String (ZENURL = "VALUE");
Property methods: SourceValueDisplayToLogical(), SourceValueGet(), SourceValueIsValid(), SourceValueLogicalToDisplay(), SourceValueLogicalToOdbc(), SourceValueNormalize(), SourceValueSet()
property SourceXF as %String;
Property methods: SourceXFDisplayToLogical(), SourceXFGet(), SourceXFIsValid(), SourceXFLogicalToDisplay(), SourceXFLogicalToOdbc(), SourceXFNormalize(), SourceXFSet()
property SubTransform as %String;
Property methods: SubTransformDisplayToLogical(), SubTransformGet(), SubTransformIsValid(), SubTransformLogicalToDisplay(), SubTransformLogicalToOdbc(), SubTransformNormalize(), SubTransformSet()
property To as %String;
Property methods: ToDisplayToLogical(), ToGet(), ToIsValid(), ToLogicalToDisplay(), ToLogicalToOdbc(), ToNormalize(), ToSet()
property ToIssues as %String;
Property methods: ToIssuesDisplayToLogical(), ToIssuesGet(), ToIssuesIsValid(), ToIssuesLogicalToDisplay(), ToIssuesLogicalToOdbc(), ToIssuesNormalize(), ToIssuesSet()
property ToNotes as %String;
Property methods: ToNotesDisplayToLogical(), ToNotesGet(), ToNotesIsValid(), ToNotesLogicalToDisplay(), ToNotesLogicalToOdbc(), ToNotesNormalize(), ToNotesSet()
property ToPath as %String;
Property methods: ToPathDisplayToLogical(), ToPathGet(), ToPathIsValid(), ToPathLogicalToDisplay(), ToPathLogicalToOdbc(), ToPathNormalize(), ToPathSet()
property ToXF as %String;
Property methods: ToXFDisplayToLogical(), ToXFGet(), ToXFIsValid(), ToXFLogicalToDisplay(), ToXFLogicalToOdbc(), ToXFNormalize(), ToXFSet()


method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
This callback is called after the server-side page object and all of its children are created.
Subclasses can override this to add, remove, or modify items within the page object model, or to provide values for controls.
method %OnGetSubtitle() as %String
Get the (localized) subtitle string for the dialog. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the dialog. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method CreateEmptyMappingEntry(path As %String, sourceValue As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
This method creates and displays a new, empty mapping table entry for a given "from" path, after one mapping table entry already exists for that same "from" path.

Running this method creates a new row that is empty. The user edits this row to add the mapping.

There can be a lot of ways to handle this UX case, but this way turned out to be the simplest to implement when both back end and front end code are considered.

TO DO: The back end method checks to see if there is already at least 1 mapping for this path. If not, it does nothing and returns a message. In practice, this case should not happen because the Add Row icon does not display in the row when there are 0 existing mappings for the path. Instead the Add Row icon is hidden and the user must click the Edit icon to add the first mapping for that row.

method DeleteMappingEntry(row) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Delete a mapping table entry
method DrawMapping(seed As %String) as %Status
method DrawTo(seed As %String) as %Status
method DrawToFields(seed As %String) as %Status
method DrawToMulti(seed As %String) as %Status
method DrawTypeDetails(seed As %String) as %Status
method GetAncestorTransformDefault(source As %String = "", target As %String = "", type As %String(VALUELIST=",target,source")="") as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method GetAncestorTransformMessage(toPath As %String = "", toXF As %String = "", type As %String(VALUELIST=",target,source")="") as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method GetCurrentValues() as %Status
Finds the mapping entry for any non-empty ..Row value; when ..Row is empty, finds the first mapping entry for the current ..Path; in either case, populates all the class properties for the Zen dialog
method GetSubTransformClassName(source As %String = "", target As %String = "") as %String [ ZenMethod ]
method IsClassNameValid(className As %String) as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ ZenMethod ]
method SetPathValue(path As %String, sourceValue As %String, row As %String, likelyResource As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod addRow(path, sourceValue) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod chooseFromPath(path, sourceValue, row, toPath, toXF, sourceXF) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod chooseToPath(value) [ Language = javascript ]
Replaces current mapping target text with new value, then calls validateMappingText to re-validate and re-display the mapping.
clientmethod clearInput(id, userPrompt) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod clearMappingText(validate) [ Language = javascript ]
Clears all current values in mapping fields and then calls validateMappingText to re-validate.
clientmethod configureLookup(pair, source, target) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod dialogApply() [ Language = javascript ]
Apply the value for this dialog and keep it open. After the ondialogFinish actions are completed successfully, update the display of current mapping table rows in UI.Edit.
clientmethod getDialogValue() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Get the value that will be applied when the user presses the OK button. This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod getValidationMessage(target, srcVal, toXF, sourceXF, defVal, subXF, util, dependsOn, extn) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod insertInputValue(id, value) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod ondialogFinish(action) as %Boolean [ Language = javascript ]
This callback, if defined, is called when the user presses the OK or Apply action buttons. If this returns false, then the action is cancelled.
clientmethod parseLeaf(path) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod reviseToFields(value, toXF) [ Language = javascript ]
value is a colon-separated path with two parts, resource and field path, but if it consists of only a resource, the method deals with that.
clientmethod strip(text) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod undoSmartTyping(text) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod validateMappingText() [ Language = javascript ]
Validates the current (proposed new) mapping that is visible in the UI.Edit dialog.
clientmethod viewInfo(dataName) [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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