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abstract class SchemaMap.Tool.Validate.Mapping

Provides utility methods for validating potential mappings and anticipating their side effects on potential transformations.

These methods offer an optional, formatted text output argument that the caller can use either to output the results of this analysis to HTML pages for the UI (format "HTML"), to DTL tag content in DTL classes (format "DTL"), or to exported HTML formatted status reports (format "HTMLReport"). The rules for the format called "DTL" here are valid for any XML tag content.

"HTML" is the default.

Method Inventory


classmethod GetInfo(format As %String(VALUELIST=",HTML,DTL")="HTML", from As %String = "", to As %String = "", mapping As %RegisteredObject, issueType As %String = "AutoHandled,Validation", Output appendIssues As %String, Output appendNotes As %String) as %Status
The primary purpose of this method is to produce validation messages. To get them, it performs validation of the mappings for the fromPath and returns the information as a list of formatted messages using the format supplied in the first argument.

Messages can be output to HTML pages for the UI (format "HTML"), to DTL tag content in DTL classes (format "DTL"), or to exported HTML formatted status reports (format "HTMLReport"). The rules for the format called "DTL" here are valid for any XML tag content.

"HTML" is the default.

Use case 1: If there are no MapIssues for the input path, the output arguments appendIssues and appendNotes will both contain empty strings. The caller can check for this.

Use case 2: If there are no MapIssues but there is interesting info needed for a specific format, appendIssues contains an empty string and appendNotes contains the useful info message. For example, when the format is "DTL" the caller needs to send an annotation to a generated DTL transformation to identify the value set that applies to a code type. Value set info are not needed when format is "HTML" because this info is already visible in the UI.Edit page.

As an example of passing in a separator set that is for composing a DTL annotation rather than composing an HTML display, see SchemaMap.DTL.Generate.cls:WriteXDataBlock.

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