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class %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.ClassifierReport extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Method Inventory


classmethod CSVReport(fileName As %String, conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, keywords As %String, listPos As %List, listNeg As %List) as %Status
classmethod GetFilteredData(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, entity As %String, Output D) as %Status
classmethod GetId(domainId As %Integer, conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, str As %String, Output id As %Integer, Output isCRC As %Boolean) as %Status
classmethod HTMLReport(fileName As %String, conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, keywords As %String, listPos As %List, listNeg As %List) as %Status
classmethod PrintContribList(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, keywords As %String, list As %List, file As %File = "", Output Top) as %Status
classmethod PrintList(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, keywords As %String, list As %List, file As %File = "", Output Top) as %Status
classmethod TextGDAReport(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, keywords As %String, N As %Integer, listPos As %List, listNeg As %List) as %Status
classmethod TextReport(conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config, keywords As %String, listPos As %List, listNeg As %List) as %Status
classmethod closeHTML(file As %File) as %Status
classmethod openHTML(file As %File, conf As %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Config) as %Status
classmethod outputCSV(file As %File, i As %Integer, maxlen As %Integer, keyword As %String, w As %Double, ByRef D) as %Status
classmethod outputHTML(file As %File, i As %Integer, maxlen As %Integer, keyword As %String, w As %Double, ByRef D) as %Status
classmethod outputText(i As %Integer, k As %Integer, maxlen As %Integer, keyword As %String, w As %Double, ByRef D) as %Status
classmethod writeHTMLTableHeader(file As %File, title As %String, target As %String) as %Status
classmethod writeHTMLTableLegend(file As %File, target As %String) as %Status
classmethod writeHTMLTopTable(file As %File, ByRef Top) as %Status
classmethod writeHTMLTopTableCell(file As %File, ByRef Top) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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