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class %ZHSLIB.UsersAndRoles extends %Library.RegisteredObject

This interface is used specifically for the HealthShare user maintenance interface

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %Utility;


classmethod AddGroupRoles(pName As %String, pDescription As %String, pType As %String = "Groups") as %Status
need to add validation Add a Group or Role definiton
classmethod AddRole(pName As %String, pDescription As %String) as %Status
classmethod AddUser(pNewUser As %Boolean = 1, pCopyFrom As %String, pUsername As %String = "", pName As %String = "", pPassword As %String = "", pComment="", pChangePassword As %Boolean = 0, pEnabled As %Boolean = 1, pExpirationDate As %String) as %Status
classmethod AddUserRolesGroups(pUsername As %String, pRoles As %String) as %Status
classmethod CalculateUpdatedRolesResources() as %Status
Determine the roles / resources that have changed since the last time run
classmethod CheckPermission(pRoles As %String, pResource As %String, pPermission As %String) as %Boolean
classmethod DeleteRole(pName As %String) as %Status
Delete Group or Role
classmethod DeleteUser(pName As %String) as %Status
Delete User
classmethod GetNewSystemRoles(Output pRoles, pIsSyncSlave As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Returns an HS.Message.Roles populated with all healthshare roles that are on the system but not populated into HS.Registry.Role, where healthshare roles are any roles starting with "%HS" or "HS", but not "%HS_DB"
classmethod GetRoleGroupDescription(pName As %String = "", ByRef pDescription) as %Status
classmethod GetUserProperties(pUsername As %String, ByRef pProperties) as %Status
classmethod IsHealthShareDatabaseRole(pRole As %String) as %Boolean
Checks if the role pRole is a valid HealthShare database role by checking if its prefix matches one of the allowed database prefixes.
Returns 1 if at least one of the prefixes is matched against. 0 otherwise. @Argument pRole Name of role.
classmethod IsHealthShareGroupRole(pRole As %String) as %Boolean
Checks if the role pRole is a valid HealthShare group role by checking if its prefix matches one of the allowed group prefixes.
Returns 1 if at least one of the prefixes is matched against. 0 otherwise. @Argument pRole Name of role.
classmethod IsHealthShareRole(pRole As %String) as %Boolean
Checks if the role pRole is a valid HealthShare role by checking if its prefix matches one of the allowed prefixes.
Returns 1 if at least one of the prefixes is matched against. 0 otherwise. @Argument pRole Name of role.
classmethod IsHealthShareSystemRole(pRole As %String) as %Boolean
Checks if the role pRole is a valid HealthShare system role by checking if its prefix matches one of the allowed system prefixes.
Returns 1 if at least one of the prefixes is matched against. 0 otherwise. @Argument pRole Name of role.
classmethod IsHealthShareUserRole(pRole As %String) as %Boolean
Checks if the role pRole is a valid HealthShare user role by checking if its prefix matches one of the allowed user prefixes.
Returns 1 if at least one of the prefixes is matched against. 0 otherwise. @Argument pRole Name of role.
classmethod RecurseRoles(pLoginRoles As %String, Output pUserRoles As %String) as %Status
classmethod RemoveUserRolesGroups(pUsername As %String, pRoles As %String) as %Status
classmethod SetUpdatedRolesResources(pSystem As %String = "", pTime As %String) as %Status
classmethod UpdateRoleGroupDescription(pName As %String = "", pDescription As %String) as %Status
classmethod UpdateUserStatus(pUsername As %String = "", pStatus As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod UpdatedRolesResources(pSystem As %String = "", ByRef pAry As %String) as %Status
build list of resources/roles that have been updated since a point in time


query QueryAllGroups()
Selects Name As %String, Description As %String
query QueryAvailableGroups()
Selects Name As %String, Description As %String
only show Group rows which user holds
query QueryAvailableRoles()
Selects Name As %String, Description As %String
query QueryAvailableUsers(pFilter As %String = "")
Selects Username As %String, Name As %String, Enabled As %Boolean
query QuerySelectedGroups(pUsername As %String = "")
Selects Name As %String, Description As %String
query QuerySelectedRoles(pUsername As %String = "")
Selects Name As %String, Description As %String

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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