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class EnsLib.EDI.X12.Validator extends EnsLib.EDI.X12.Scanner

Error processor, more error defs, index not in errors, This is the X12 Interchange parser

Method Inventory


parameter AllowedChars = ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzÀÁÂÄàáâäÈÉÊèéêëÌÍÎìíîïÒÓÔÖòóôöÙÚÛÜùúûüÇçÑñ;
This holds the base character set
parameter AllowedPunct = !"&'()*+,-./:;?= %~@[]_{}\|<>^`#$;
Inherited description: This holds the base character set


classmethod Get997Codes(pSC As %Status) as %String
classmethod Get997GroupCodes(pSC As %Status = $$$OK, pGroup As EnsLib.EDI.X12.Document = $$$NULLOREF) as %String
classmethod GetTA1Code(pSC As %Status = $$$OK, pInterchange As EnsLib.EDI.Document = $$$NULLOREF) as %String
classmethod IsValidChar(pChar As %String)
classmethod IsValidSeparator(pChar As %String)
classmethod Validate(pDoc As EnsLib.EDI.X12.Document, pValSpec As %String) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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