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class EnsLib.HL7.Service.FTPService extends EnsLib.HL7.Service.Standard

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter ADAPTER = EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter;
Inherited description: The type of adapter used to communicate with external systems
parameter ReadTimeout = 1;
parameter SETTINGS = AckTargetConfigNames::selector?multiSelect=1&context={Ens.ContextSearch/ProductionItems?targets=1&productionName=@productionId},Framing,OverrideSegmentTerminator;
Inherited description: List of properties can be set as settings in the configuration file format is a comma separated list of property names


property AckMode as %String (DISPLAYLIST = ",Never,Immediate,Application,MSH-determined", VALUELIST = ",Never,Immed,App,Msh") [ InitialExpression = "Never" , Required ];
Control of ACK handling; options: - Never : Do not send back any ACK - Immediate : Send back (commit) ACK reply message immediately upon receipt of the inbound message - Application : If message passes validation, wait for ACK from target config item and forward it back when it arrives - MSH-determined : Send back ACK reply messages as requested in the MSH header of the incoming message
Property methods: AckModeDisplayToLogical(), AckModeGet(), AckModeIsValid(), AckModeLogicalToDisplay(), AckModeLogicalToOdbc(), AckModeNormalize(), AckModeSet()
property AckTargetConfigNames as %String;
ConfigID of the operation or process to which response (e.g. ACK) messages should be forwarded.
Property methods: AckTargetConfigNamesDisplayToLogical(), AckTargetConfigNamesGet(), AckTargetConfigNamesIsValid(), AckTargetConfigNamesLogicalToDisplay(), AckTargetConfigNamesLogicalToOdbc(), AckTargetConfigNamesNormalize(), AckTargetConfigNamesSet()
property OverrideSegmentTerminator as %String;
Comma separated list of control characters to use for the segment terminators instead of the default standard Carriage Return (Ascii 13 character).
Can be Decimal or Hex if have preceding 'x'
For example 10 or x0A to specify the use of the Line Feed character as the segment terminator.
Property methods: OverrideSegmentTerminatorDisplayToLogical(), OverrideSegmentTerminatorGet(), OverrideSegmentTerminatorIsValid(), OverrideSegmentTerminatorLogicalToDisplay(), OverrideSegmentTerminatorLogicalToOdbc(), OverrideSegmentTerminatorNormalize(), OverrideSegmentTerminatorSet()
property SegTerminator as %String [ InitialExpression = $C(13) ];
End-Segment marker character(s)
Property methods: SegTerminatorDisplayToLogical(), SegTerminatorGet(), SegTerminatorIsValid(), SegTerminatorLogicalToDisplay(), SegTerminatorLogicalToOdbc(), SegTerminatorNormalize(), SegTerminatorSet()


method GetSegmentTerminator() as %String
Return the segment terminator string that the Parser and the OutputTo...() methods will use.
classmethod OnGetConnections(Output pArray As %String, pItem As Ens.Config.Item)
Inherited description: Return an array of connections for drawing lines on the config diagram.
method OnInit() as %Status
Inherited description: This user callback method is called via initConfig() from %OnNew() or in the case of SOAP Services from OnPreSOAP()
method OnProcessInput(pFTPStream As %Stream.Object, Output pOutput As %Library.RegisteredObject, ByRef pHint As %Library.String) as %Status
Inherited description: Note: pDocIn is not declared as EnsLib.HL7.Message so that subclasses can handle other types and transform them before calling ##super().
method SendReply(pReplyDocument As EnsLib.EDI.Document, pOriginalDoc As EnsLib.EDI.Document = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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