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class HS.FHIRServer.Util.ContextSearch extends HS.HC.Util.ContextSearch

Method Inventory


classmethod FHIRMetadataSets(Output pCaption As %String, Output pTopResults, Output pResults, ByRef pParms As %String, pSearchKey As %String = "") as %Status
FHIRMetadataSets returns a list where each display row is a FHIR metadata set Key, plus " / ", plus FHIR metadata set Description.
classmethod FHIRServerEndpoints(Output pCaption As %String, Output pTopResults, Output pResults, ByRef pParms As %String, pSearchKey As %String = "") as %Status
FHIRServerEndpoints returns a list of the defined FHIRServer Service endpoints.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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