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abstract class HS.UI.Template extends HS.HC.UI.Template, HS.UI.Util

Template for maintaining reference tables Includes methods for adding, selecting, and deleting entries Parameters MODELCLASS and ENTITY define the entity being maintained. Parameters TABLE and FIELDSET define the list and detail controls.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter ENTITY;
Display value for the entity being maintained
parameter FIELDSET;
Name of the detail field set
parameter MODELCLASS;
Name of class that supplies data for the form.
parameter RESOURCE = %HSAdmin_HubManagement;
Security requirement
parameter ShowInternalErrorDetails = 1;
Indicates whether internal details are to be displayed in error messages to the UI
parameter TABLE;
Name of the list table


property Entity as %String [ InitialExpression = ..#ENTITY ];
Holds the display value of the entity being maintained
Property methods: EntityDisplayToLogical(), EntityGet(), EntityIsValid(), EntityLogicalToDisplay(), EntityLogicalToOdbc(), EntityNormalize(), EntitySet()
property FieldSet as %String [ InitialExpression = ..#FIELDSET ];
Holds the name of the detail field set
Property methods: FieldSetDisplayToLogical(), FieldSetGet(), FieldSetIsValid(), FieldSetLogicalToDisplay(), FieldSetLogicalToOdbc(), FieldSetNormalize(), FieldSetSet()
property ModelClass as %String [ InitialExpression = ..#MODELCLASS ];
Holds the name of the model class.
Property methods: ModelClassDisplayToLogical(), ModelClassGet(), ModelClassIsValid(), ModelClassLogicalToDisplay(), ModelClassLogicalToOdbc(), ModelClassNormalize(), ModelClassSet()
property PageTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.caption;
Holds the page title
Property methods: PageTitleDisplayToLogical(), PageTitleGet(), PageTitleIsValid(), PageTitleLogicalToDisplay(), PageTitleLogicalToOdbc(), PageTitleNormalize(), PageTitleSet()
property Table as %String [ InitialExpression = ..#TABLE ];
Holds the name of the list table
Property methods: TableDisplayToLogical(), TableGet(), TableIsValid(), TableLogicalToDisplay(), TableLogicalToOdbc(), TableNormalize(), TableSet()
property msgAddAction as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Add") ];
Field set header when adding
Property methods: msgAddActionDisplayToLogical(), msgAddActionGet(), msgAddActionIsValid(), msgAddActionLogicalToDisplay(), msgAddActionLogicalToOdbc(), msgAddActionNormalize(), msgAddActionSet()
property msgEditAction as %ZEN.Datatype.caption [ InitialExpression = $$$Text("Edit") ];
Field set header when editting
Property methods: msgEditActionDisplayToLogical(), msgEditActionGet(), msgEditActionIsValid(), msgEditActionLogicalToDisplay(), msgEditActionLogicalToOdbc(), msgEditActionNormalize(), msgEditActionSet()


method %GetCurrentClinician(Output pClinicianId) as %Status
Get the current clinician from the session and load it into the form
classmethod %SetFilterParams(pTxtField, pObj) as %Integer
Set filter parameters into UI
method DeleteId(pId As %String, pModelClass="") as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Delete a record, server side
method DrawTitle(pSeed As %String) as %Status
clientmethod addOrRemove(id, add) [ Language = javascript ]
Descendent can add or remove list items from the database here (instead of deferring filing)
clientmethod addRecord() [ Language = javascript ]
Add a record
clientmethod arrowClick(from, to, sort) [ Language = javascript ]
Move a list item from one box to the next, then remove it from the original box after validating that the database updated correctly
clientmethod deleteRecord(id) [ Language = javascript ]
Delete a record
clientmethod refreshDisplay() [ Language = javascript ]
Refresh the display after change, save, or delete
clientmethod rowSelected(table) [ Language = javascript ]
Load the object with the given id into the form.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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