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class HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.HC.Transform

Method Inventory


classmethod BuildSkipList(object As %RegisteredObject, path As %String, ByRef aux) as %Status
For every path in ^HS.XF.ReferenceField, which contains all paths from reference elements to SDA3 objects, check to see if the current resource has a value in that location. If it does, the referenced resource can be added to the skip list, since it will be transformed when transforming the current resource, and we want to prevent duplicates from being created. object - Object to be searched path - Element path where a reference could be stored, eg. "Patient:managingOrganization" or "Encounter:participant[n].actor" aux - The 'aux' parameter used in all DTLs that contains, among other things, the callback object.
classmethod IndexResource(resource As HS.FHIR.DTL.vSTU3.Model.Base.Resource, index As %Integer, ByRef aux) as %Status
Store the resource and it's location in the bundle within the 'aux' parameter so that a lookup can be done in O(1) time instead of O(n) time. This is crucial because every time a reference is encountered, the resource that is being referenced will need to be fetched. resource - the resource to be indexed index - the index in the bundle entry list aux - The 'aux' parameter used in all DTLs that contains, among other things, the callback object.
Extract additional resources created when transforming between SDA3 and STU3 and link them using references. These additional resources can be in any object within the resource, stored in the newResource property, so each object will need to be inspected. Once they are found, they will be assigned a resource id (if they aren't duplicatesand a reference will be created to the first resource. Then the newly created resource will be added to the end of the Bundle. resource - The current resource that's being searched bundle - The bundle that will have newly created resources added to the end. callbackObject - instance of the callback class that determines certain behavior like how resource ids should be assigned.
classmethod PreProcess(bundle As HS.FHIR.DTL.vSTU3.Model.Resource.Bundle, Output aux) as %Status
Pre-process the bundle so the STU3 to SDA3 transform knows which resources to skip (to prevent duplicate streamlets) and index the Bundle so it can be quickly searched to find referenced resources). bundle - the Bundle to preprocess. aux - The 'aux' parameter used in all DTLs that contains, among other things, the callback object. Also will contain the skip list and the bundle index.
classmethod ProcessBundle(ByRef bundle As HS.FHIR.DTL.vSTU3.Model.Resource.Bundle, callbackObject As HS.FHIR.DTL.Util.API.HC.Callback.Abstract.SDA3ToSTU3) as %Status
Loop through every entry in a Bundle after it has been transformed from SDA3 and ensure all references are added and that each resource is given an id. bundle - The bundle object to be processed callbackObject - instance of the callback class that determines certain behavior like how resource ids should be assigned.
Ensure the resource has an id, and add the fullUrl value for the resource. resource - The resource to be processed entry - the Bundle entry containing the resource to be processed. callbackObject - instance of the callback class that determines certain behavior like how resource ids should be assigned.
classmethod ShouldSkip(ByRef resource As HS.FHIR.DTL.vSTU3.Model.Base.Resource, ByRef aux) as %Boolean
Determines whether or not a resource should be skipped when transforming a Bundle to a Container. Will look in the skip list generated before beginning the transformation. resource - Resource in question aux - The 'aux' parameter used in all DTLs that contains, among other things, the callback object. Also contains the skip list.
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