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abstract class HS.FHIRServer.RestClient.Base extends HS.FHIRServer.API.RestClient

This class provides a base implementation of the API methods specified in HS.FHIRServer.API.RestClient.

Method Inventory


parameter ExcludeOtherRequestHeaders;
List of request headers to ignore if they are found in the collection of user-specified other request headers.


method Batch(pResource, pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR batch / transaction interaction request.
@Input pResource (required) FHIR resource content. Supported type(s) of this input is implementation-specific.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:,
method ClearOtherRequestHeaders()
@API Clear the other request headers collection in the object instance.
method ConditionalCreate(pResourceType As %String, pResource, pIfNoneExist As %String, pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR conditional create (create request with If-None-Exist value included) interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResource (required) FHIR resource content. May be a stream or string.
@Input pIfNoneExist (required) Search parameters in URL query string format.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:
method ConditionalDelete(pResourceType As %String, pQueryString As %String) as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR conditional delete (delete request with search parameters included) interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pQueryString (required) Query parameters string, for required search parameters, and also for _format parameter.
FHIR specification:
method ConditionalPatch(pResourceType As %String, pPatchStream As %Stream.Object, pQueryString As %String) as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR conditional patch (patch request with search query parameters included) interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pPatchStream (required) Stream of XML Patch or JSON Patch or FHIRPath Patch operations.
@Input pQueryString (required) Query parameters string, for specifying required search parameters and/or _format parameter.
FHIR specification:
method ConditionalRead(pRequestMethod As %String, pResourceType As %String, pResourceId As %String, pIfNoneMatch As %String, pIfModifiedSince As %String, pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR conditional read interaction request.
@Input pRequestMethod (required) HTTP verb, must be "HEAD" or "GET".
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId (required) FHIR resource id.
@Input pIfNoneMatch (required if pIfModifiedSince not specified) Search parameters in URL query string format.
@Input pIfModifiedSince (required if pIfNoneMatch not specified) DateTime value.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:
method ConditionalUpdate(pResourceType As %String, pResource, pQueryString As %String) as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR conditional update (update request with search parameters included) interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResource (required) FHIR resource content. Supported type(s) of this input is implementation-specific.
@Input pQueryString (required) Query parameters string, for conditional update search parameters and _format parameter.
FHIR specification:
method Create(pResourceType As %String, pResource, pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR create interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResource (required) FHIR resource content. May be a stream or string.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:
method Delete(pResourceType As %String, pResourceId As %String, pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR delete interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId (required) FHIR resource id.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:
method GetOtherRequestHeader(pHeaderName) as %String
@API Return the value of one item in the other request headers collection.
method History(pRequestMethod As %String, pResourceType As %String = "", pResourceId As %String = "", pSince As %String = "", pAt As %String = "", pList As %String = "", pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR history interaction request.
@Input pRequestMethod (required) HTTP verb, must be "HEAD" or "GET".
@Input pResourceType FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId FHIR resource id.
@Input pSince The instant value for the _since URL parameter. @Input pAt The date-time value for the _at URL parameter. @Input pList The value for the _list URL parameter. @Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:
abstract method InvokeRequest(pRequest As %RegisteredObject, pRequestMethod As %String, pRequestPath As %String, pQueryString As %String) as %RegisteredObject
"Invoke" the specified request and supplementary data to a handling entity.
abstract method MakeClientResponseFromResponse(pResponse As %RegisteredObject) as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Use the response object from the request invocation to create a RestClient response, and return it.
abstract method MakeRequest(pRequestMethod As %String, pPayload, pRequestPath As %String, pQueryString As %String, ByRef pHeaders) as %RegisteredObject
Use the specified user input to create a request message.
method Metadata(pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR capabilities (aka metdata) interaction request.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:
method OAuthClientNameGet() as %String
method OAuthTokenGet() as %String
method Operation(pRequestMethod As %String, pOperationName As %String, pResourceType As %String = "", pResourceId As %String = "", pResource="", pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR operation interaction request.
@Input pRequestMethod (required) HTTP verb, can be "HEAD" or "GET" or "POST", depending on the operation.
@Input pOperationName (required) Operation name.
@Input pResourceType FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId FHIR resource id.
@Input pResource FHIR resource content. Supported type(s) of this input is implementation-specific.
@Input pQueryString Query parameters string.
FHIR specification:
method Patch(pResourceType As %String, pResourceId As %String, pPatchStream As %Stream.Object, pIfMatch As %String = "", pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR patch interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId (required) FHIR resource id.
@Input pPatchStream (required) Stream of XML Patch or JSON Patch or FHIRPath Patch operations.
@Input pIfMatch ETag-style value, for example W/"23".
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:,
method PreferGet() as %String
method Read(pRequestMethod As %String, pResourceType As %String, pResourceId As %String, pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR read interaction request.
@Input pRequestMethod (required) HTTP verb, must be "HEAD" or "GET".
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId (required) FHIR resource id.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:
method RequestFormatGet() as %String
method ResponseFormatGet() as %String
Handle a FHIR search interaction request.
@Input pRequestMethod (required) HTTP verb, must be "HEAD" or "GET" or "POST".
@Input pResourceType FHIR resource type.
@Input pCompartment Compartment name for compartment-based search.
@Input pResourceId FHIR resource id.
@Input pQueryString Query parameters string.
FHIR specification:,
method ServiceNameGet() as %String
method SessionIdGet() as %String
method SetOtherRequestHeaders(ByRef pOtherRequestHeaders)
@API This method provides the ability to add HTTP request headers that are not otherwise already set by the RestClient. The headers specified here will be used in each FHIR request issued by the current RestClient instance, until they are cleared and/or set to new values, using this method or ClearOtherRequestHeaders().
For HTTP client, these are added to the outgoing %Net.HttpRequest.
For FHIRService client, these are added to the HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request to simulate having received these as HTTP headers on an incoming FHIR request.
For Interop client, the request object to which these headers are added depends on the target Interoperability host.
Headers that are specified in the ExcludeOtherRequestHeaders class parameter will not be added to the request.
@Input pOtherRequestHeaders Multidimensional of format pOtherRequestHeaders(header name) = header value.
For example: pOtherRequestHeaders("X-API-Key") = "123"
method Update(pResourceType As %String, pResourceId As %String, pResource, pIfMatch As %String = "", pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR update interaction request.
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId (required) FHIR resource id.
@Input pResource (required) FHIR resource content. Supported type(s) of this input is implementation-specific.
@Input pIfMatch ETag-style value, for example W/"23".
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:,
method VRead(pRequestMethod As %String, pResourceType As %String, pResourceId As %String, pResourceVId As %String, pQueryString As %String = "") as HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.RestClient.Response
Handle a FHIR vread (read request with a resource version id included) interaction request.
@Input pRequestMethod (required) HTTP verb, must be "HEAD" or "GET".
@Input pResourceType (required) FHIR resource type.
@Input pResourceId (required) FHIR resource id.
@Input pResourceVId (required) FHIR resource version id.
@Input pQueryString Query string for the common query parameters _format, _pretty, _summary, _elements.
FHIR specification:

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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