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class %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.JoinNewMember extends %CSP.UI.Portal.Dialog.WizardTemplate, %ZEN.Portal.Utils, %CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Utils

This page maybe called to allow user to join the system as a new member when certain failure occurred.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = %CSP.UI.Portal.Application;
Class name of application this page belongs to.
parameter APPLYBUTTON = 0;
If true, then this dialog displays an Apply button.
parameter CSPURL = /csp/sys/mgr/%CSP.UI.Portal.Mirror.Dialog.JoinNewMember.zen;
Inherited description: This parameter is used to make sure that if multiple CSP applications are mapped to the same namespace that the CSP engine can correctly identify which class corresponds with which URL. If 'LockCSPName' is true (the default, defined in the CSP application) then you can only access this page if the url exactly matches this 'CSPURL'. You can set this parameter to "" if you wish to disable this check for this class. This check is applied for all CSP urls (cls/csp/zen).
If this page was compiled from a .csp file, then this parameter is automatically set to contain the url of this file used for compilation.
parameter PAGENAME = JoinNewMember;
Displayed name of this page.
parameter RESOURCE = %Admin_Manage;
Security requirement


property FailoverCount as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "FailoverCount");
Property methods: FailoverCountDisplayToLogical(), FailoverCountGet(), FailoverCountIsValid(), FailoverCountLogicalToDisplay(), FailoverCountLogicalToOdbc(), FailoverCountNormalize(), FailoverCountSet()
property InitialMessage as %String;
Property methods: InitialMessageDisplayToLogical(), InitialMessageGet(), InitialMessageIsValid(), InitialMessageLogicalToDisplay(), InitialMessageLogicalToOdbc(), InitialMessageNormalize(), InitialMessageSet()
property MemberCount as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "MemberCount");
Property methods: MemberCountDisplayToLogical(), MemberCountGet(), MemberCountIsValid(), MemberCountLogicalToDisplay(), MemberCountLogicalToOdbc(), MemberCountNormalize(), MemberCountSet()
property MemberType as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "MemberType");
Property methods: MemberTypeDisplayToLogical(), MemberTypeGet(), MemberTypeIsValid(), MemberTypeLogicalToDisplay(), MemberTypeLogicalToOdbc(), MemberTypeNormalize(), MemberTypeSet()
property MirrorName as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "MirrorName");
Property methods: MirrorNameDisplayToLogical(), MirrorNameGet(), MirrorNameIsValid(), MirrorNameLogicalToDisplay(), MirrorNameLogicalToOdbc(), MirrorNameNormalize(), MirrorNameSet()
property PrimaryId as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "PrimaryId");
Property methods: PrimaryIdDisplayToLogical(), PrimaryIdGet(), PrimaryIdIsValid(), PrimaryIdLogicalToDisplay(), PrimaryIdLogicalToOdbc(), PrimaryIdNormalize(), PrimaryIdSet()


method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Inherited description: Be sure to do ##super() when overriding.
method %OnGetSubtitle() as %String
Get the (localized) subtitle string for the dialog. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the dialog. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method GetSystemInfo(ByRef pParms, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
Method to get validation info
classmethod IsIPFormatValid(pAddress, pAddressType) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
pAddressType = "default" or "super" or "agent"
classmethod RetrieveMirrorConfig(pMirname, pIpaddr, pPort, pInstanceName) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod SaveData(pMirrorName, pSystemName, pMemberType, pAsyncMemberType, pMirrorInfo As %ZEN.proxyObject) as %ZEN.proxyObject [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod ValidateMemberName(pName) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod ValidateVI(pIdxnum, pOS, pHpsun, pVirt) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod changeType() [ Language = javascript ]
user selected/changed Join Mirror type as Failover(joinType=1) or Async(joinType=2)
clientmethod doChangeAsyncMemberType(AsyncMemberType) [ Language = javascript ]
User has selected an AsyncMemberType
clientmethod doChangeEncryptCommunication() [ Language = javascript ]
User has made a selection of EncryptCommunication type
clientmethod doSSL(btnId) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getDialogValue() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Get the value that will be applied when the user presses the OK button. This is implemented by subclasses.
clientmethod getLocalMirrorInfo() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod handleType() [ Language = javascript ]
user changed the join type: Failover or Async. if Failover,
clientmethod hideContent(flag) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
Overriding for DN redraw
clientmethod ondialogCancel() [ Language = javascript ]
This callback, if defined, is called when the user presses the Cancel button. If this returns false, then the dialog is not cancelled.
clientmethod ondialogFinish(action) as %Boolean [ Language = javascript ]
This callback, if defined, is called when the user presses the OK or Apply action buttons. If this returns false, then the action is cancelled.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded.
clientmethod validateAgent() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod validateBeforeSave() [ Language = javascript ]
Check all mirroring fields and display all error messages.
clientmethod validateIPFormat() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod validateInstanceName() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod validateLogicalIndex() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod validateOurname() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod validateSuperServer() [ Language = javascript ]

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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