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class %DeepSee.Query.memberRelationship extends %DeepSee.Query.member

Specialized version of the member provider class used for relationships.
This providers delagates the job of providing information to the related cube by generating queries against it.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property %ORList as %String [ MultiDimensional ];
Used to hold additional values for %OR references
Property methods: %ORListDisplayToLogical(), %ORListGet(), %ORListIsValid(), %ORListLogicalToDisplay(), %ORListLogicalToOdbc(), %ORListNormalize(), %ORListSet()
property %cardinality as %String;
Cardinality of the relationship.
Property methods: %cardinalityDisplayToLogical(), %cardinalityGet(), %cardinalityIsValid(), %cardinalityLogicalToDisplay(), %cardinalityLogicalToOdbc(), %cardinalityNormalize(), %cardinalitySet()
property %deepCubes as %List;
List of additional related cubes more than one level away.
Property methods: %deepCubesGet(), %deepCubesIsValid(), %deepCubesLogicalToOdbc(), %deepCubesOdbcToLogical(), %deepCubesSet()
property %inverse as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName;
Inverse of the relationship.
Property methods: %inverseDisplayToLogical(), %inverseGet(), %inverseIsValid(), %inverseLogicalToDisplay(), %inverseLogicalToOdbc(), %inverseNormalize(), %inverseSet()
property %isNullRelation as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
True if this is the No Relation member.
Property methods: %isNullRelationDisplayToLogical(), %isNullRelationGet(), %isNullRelationIsValid(), %isNullRelationLogicalToDisplay(), %isNullRelationNormalize(), %isNullRelationSet()
property %isStoredSide as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Is this the stored side of the relationship?
Property methods: %isStoredSideDisplayToLogical(), %isStoredSideGet(), %isStoredSideIsValid(), %isStoredSideLogicalToDisplay(), %isStoredSideNormalize(), %isStoredSideSet()
property %relatedCube as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName;
Name of cube the relationship refers to.
Property methods: %relatedCubeDisplayToLogical(), %relatedCubeGet(), %relatedCubeIsValid(), %relatedCubeLogicalToDisplay(), %relatedCubeLogicalToOdbc(), %relatedCubeNormalize(), %relatedCubeSet()
property %relationship as %DeepSee.Datatype.entityName;
Name of this relationship.
Property methods: %relationshipDisplayToLogical(), %relationshipGet(), %relationshipIsValid(), %relationshipLogicalToDisplay(), %relationshipLogicalToOdbc(), %relationshipNormalize(), %relationshipSet()
property %relationshipDepth as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Depth (number of hops) of the relationship.
Property methods: %relationshipDepthDisplayToLogical(), %relationshipDepthGet(), %relationshipDepthIsValid(), %relationshipDepthLogicalToDisplay(), %relationshipDepthNormalize(), %relationshipDepthSet()
property %remoteSpec as %String (MAXLEN = 30000);
Member spec to apply against the related cube.
Property methods: %remoteSpecDisplayToLogical(), %remoteSpecGet(), %remoteSpecIsValid(), %remoteSpecLogicalToDisplay(), %remoteSpecLogicalToOdbc(), %remoteSpecNormalize(), %remoteSpecSet()


method %ApplyRelationInfo(ByRef pSpec, pRelatedCube As %String, pCardinality As %String, pInverse As %String, pIsStored As %Boolean, ByRef pMemberKey) as %Status
Apply relationship information to this provider.
pSpec is an array of the tokens that make up the member specification.
method %MergeOR(pMember2 As memberRelationship) as %Status
Combine the given member object into this one. This is used to combine %OR(members) into one statement.
method %ProcessMembers(pParent As %Integer, Output pSet As %List) as %Status
Process the member name and key information for this tuple. Put the result into pSet.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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