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class %DeepSee.UserPortal.DashboardViewer extends %DeepSee.UserPortal.standardPage, %CSP.Portal.SourceControl.Base

The DeepSee DashBoard viewer page.
This page displays a saved DeepSee dashboard. Invoke this page using the URL:
Where dashboardname is the full name of the dashboard: e.g., "folder/name.dashboard"
This class should be considered as *internal*; subclassing is not supported.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter JSINCLUDES = zenCSLM.js,zenESVG.js,DeepSee.js,dsparser.js;
Pick up formula code.
parameter PAGENAME = Dashboard Viewer;
Name of this page.
parameter WORKLIST1MODE = group;
Starting mode for worklist 1: html or group.


property %dashboard as %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition (XMLPROJECTION = "none");
Instance of dashboard definition.
Property methods: %dashboardGet(), %dashboardGetObject(), %dashboardGetObjectId(), %dashboardGetSwizzled(), %dashboardIsValid(), %dashboardNewObject(), %dashboardSet(), %dashboardSetObject(), %dashboardSetObjectId(), %dashboardUnSwizzle()
property autosave as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "AUTOSAVE");
Token to load unsaved pivot state
Property methods: autosaveDisplayToLogical(), autosaveGet(), autosaveIsValid(), autosaveLogicalToDisplay(), autosaveLogicalToOdbc(), autosaveNormalize(), autosaveSet()
property autosaveOverride as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Token to ignore autosave behavior (used with "Clear My Settings")
Property methods: autosaveOverrideDisplayToLogical(), autosaveOverrideGet(), autosaveOverrideIsValid(), autosaveOverrideLogicalToDisplay(), autosaveOverrideLogicalToOdbc(), autosaveOverrideNormalize(), autosaveOverrideSet()
property dashboardBookCover as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Book cover spec of the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardBookCoverDisplayToLogical(), dashboardBookCoverGet(), dashboardBookCoverIsValid(), dashboardBookCoverLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardBookCoverLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardBookCoverNormalize(), dashboardBookCoverSet()
property dashboardCategory as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Category for the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardCategoryDisplayToLogical(), dashboardCategoryGet(), dashboardCategoryIsValid(), dashboardCategoryLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardCategoryLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardCategoryNormalize(), dashboardCategorySet()
property dashboardDescription as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Description of the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardDescriptionDisplayToLogical(), dashboardDescriptionGet(), dashboardDescriptionIsValid(), dashboardDescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardDescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardDescriptionNormalize(), dashboardDescriptionSet()
property dashboardGridCols as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 2 ];
Is dashboard uses snap grid, then this is then number of grid columns.
Property methods: dashboardGridColsDisplayToLogical(), dashboardGridColsGet(), dashboardGridColsIsValid(), dashboardGridColsLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardGridColsLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardGridColsNormalize(), dashboardGridColsSet()
property dashboardGridRows as %ZEN.Datatype.integer [ InitialExpression = 2 ];
Is dashboard uses snap grid, then this is then number of grid rows.
Property methods: dashboardGridRowsDisplayToLogical(), dashboardGridRowsGet(), dashboardGridRowsIsValid(), dashboardGridRowsLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardGridRowsLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardGridRowsNormalize(), dashboardGridRowsSet()
property dashboardKeywords as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Keywords for the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardKeywordsDisplayToLogical(), dashboardKeywordsGet(), dashboardKeywordsIsValid(), dashboardKeywordsLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardKeywordsLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardKeywordsNormalize(), dashboardKeywordsSet()
property dashboardLocked as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Locked state of the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardLockedDisplayToLogical(), dashboardLockedGet(), dashboardLockedIsValid(), dashboardLockedLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardLockedLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardLockedLogicalToXSD(), dashboardLockedNormalize(), dashboardLockedSet(), dashboardLockedXSDToLogical()
property dashboardModify as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "MODIFY") [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Does this dashboard allow the user to modify widgets.
Property methods: dashboardModifyDisplayToLogical(), dashboardModifyGet(), dashboardModifyIsValid(), dashboardModifyLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardModifyLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardModifyLogicalToXSD(), dashboardModifyNormalize(), dashboardModifySet(), dashboardModifyXSDToLogical()
property dashboardName as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "DASHBOARD");
Name of the currently displayed dashboard. Use XDASHBOARD to use a session encrypted value for this.
Property methods: dashboardNameDisplayToLogical(), dashboardNameGet(), dashboardNameIsValid(), dashboardNameLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardNameLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardNameNormalize(), dashboardNameSet()
property dashboardOwner as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Owner of the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardOwnerDisplayToLogical(), dashboardOwnerGet(), dashboardOwnerIsValid(), dashboardOwnerLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardOwnerLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardOwnerNormalize(), dashboardOwnerSet()
property dashboardPublic as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Public state of the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardPublicDisplayToLogical(), dashboardPublicGet(), dashboardPublicIsValid(), dashboardPublicLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardPublicLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardPublicLogicalToXSD(), dashboardPublicNormalize(), dashboardPublicSet(), dashboardPublicXSDToLogical()
property dashboardResize as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "RESIZE") [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Does this dashboard allow the user to move and resize widgets.
Property methods: dashboardResizeDisplayToLogical(), dashboardResizeGet(), dashboardResizeIsValid(), dashboardResizeLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardResizeLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardResizeLogicalToXSD(), dashboardResizeNormalize(), dashboardResizeSet(), dashboardResizeXSDToLogical()
property dashboardResource as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Resource for the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardResourceDisplayToLogical(), dashboardResourceGet(), dashboardResourceIsValid(), dashboardResourceLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardResourceLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardResourceNormalize(), dashboardResourceSet()
property dashboardSnapGrid as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, the dashboard uses the new snapGrid desktop and ignores the the dashboardSnapTo property.
Property methods: dashboardSnapGridDisplayToLogical(), dashboardSnapGridGet(), dashboardSnapGridIsValid(), dashboardSnapGridLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardSnapGridLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardSnapGridLogicalToXSD(), dashboardSnapGridNormalize(), dashboardSnapGridSet(), dashboardSnapGridXSDToLogical()
property dashboardSnapTo as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Is dashboard in "snap to" mode.
Property methods: dashboardSnapToDisplayToLogical(), dashboardSnapToGet(), dashboardSnapToIsValid(), dashboardSnapToLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardSnapToLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardSnapToLogicalToXSD(), dashboardSnapToNormalize(), dashboardSnapToSet(), dashboardSnapToXSDToLogical()
property dashboardTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Title of the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardTitleDisplayToLogical(), dashboardTitleGet(), dashboardTitleIsValid(), dashboardTitleLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardTitleLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardTitleNormalize(), dashboardTitleSet()
property dashboardTitleLocal as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Localized title of the currently displayed dashboard.
Property methods: dashboardTitleLocalDisplayToLogical(), dashboardTitleLocalGet(), dashboardTitleLocalIsValid(), dashboardTitleLocalLogicalToDisplay(), dashboardTitleLocalLogicalToOdbc(), dashboardTitleLocalNormalize(), dashboardTitleLocalSet()
property nonce as %ZEN.Datatype.string (ZENURL = "NONCE");
This is used when launching a dashboard from an email alert.
Property methods: nonceDisplayToLogical(), nonceGet(), nonceIsValid(), nonceLogicalToDisplay(), nonceLogicalToOdbc(), nonceNormalize(), nonceSet()
property pdfPreserveTempFiles as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Debugging property. Setting this to true will prevent the pdf viewer from deleting temporary files used for printing when launched.
Property methods: pdfPreserveTempFilesDisplayToLogical(), pdfPreserveTempFilesGet(), pdfPreserveTempFilesIsValid(), pdfPreserveTempFilesLogicalToDisplay(), pdfPreserveTempFilesLogicalToOdbc(), pdfPreserveTempFilesLogicalToXSD(), pdfPreserveTempFilesNormalize(), pdfPreserveTempFilesSet(), pdfPreserveTempFilesXSDToLogical()
property printMarginBottom as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "0.5in" ];
Container for the page's bottom margin when printing widgets in multi-print mode.
Property methods: printMarginBottomDisplayToLogical(), printMarginBottomGet(), printMarginBottomIsValid(), printMarginBottomLogicalToDisplay(), printMarginBottomLogicalToOdbc(), printMarginBottomNormalize(), printMarginBottomSet()
property printMarginLeft as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "0.5in" ];
Container for the page's left margin when printing widgets in multi-print mode.
Property methods: printMarginLeftDisplayToLogical(), printMarginLeftGet(), printMarginLeftIsValid(), printMarginLeftLogicalToDisplay(), printMarginLeftLogicalToOdbc(), printMarginLeftNormalize(), printMarginLeftSet()
property printMarginRight as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "0.5in" ];
Container for the page's right margin when printing widgets in multi-print mode.
Property methods: printMarginRightDisplayToLogical(), printMarginRightGet(), printMarginRightIsValid(), printMarginRightLogicalToDisplay(), printMarginRightLogicalToOdbc(), printMarginRightNormalize(), printMarginRightSet()
property printMarginTop as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "0.5in" ];
Container for the page's top margin when printing widgets in multi-print mode.
Property methods: printMarginTopDisplayToLogical(), printMarginTopGet(), printMarginTopIsValid(), printMarginTopLogicalToDisplay(), printMarginTopLogicalToOdbc(), printMarginTopNormalize(), printMarginTopSet()
property printMasterWidgetId as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
If the dashboard is in multi-print mode, there is master widget which defines the page margins and other overall settings in the pdf report. This property is the container for the reference to that widget.
Property methods: printMasterWidgetIdDisplayToLogical(), printMasterWidgetIdGet(), printMasterWidgetIdIsValid(), printMasterWidgetIdLogicalToDisplay(), printMasterWidgetIdLogicalToOdbc(), printMasterWidgetIdNormalize(), printMasterWidgetIdSet()
property printPageOrientation as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "portrait" ];
Container for the page orientation when printing widgets in multi-print mode.
Property methods: printPageOrientationDisplayToLogical(), printPageOrientationGet(), printPageOrientationIsValid(), printPageOrientationLogicalToDisplay(), printPageOrientationLogicalToOdbc(), printPageOrientationNormalize(), printPageOrientationSet()
property printPageSize as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "8.5x11 in" ];
Container for the page size when printing widgets in multi-print mode.
Property methods: printPageSizeDisplayToLogical(), printPageSizeGet(), printPageSizeIsValid(), printPageSizeLogicalToDisplay(), printPageSizeLogicalToOdbc(), printPageSizeNormalize(), printPageSizeSet()
property readOnly as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, user cannot modify the current dashboard.
Property methods: readOnlyDisplayToLogical(), readOnlyGet(), readOnlyIsValid(), readOnlyLogicalToDisplay(), readOnlyLogicalToOdbc(), readOnlyLogicalToXSD(), readOnlyNormalize(), readOnlySet(), readOnlyXSDToLogical()
property saveAction as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Container for the current save mode for source control.
Property methods: saveActionDisplayToLogical(), saveActionGet(), saveActionIsValid(), saveActionLogicalToDisplay(), saveActionLogicalToOdbc(), saveActionNormalize(), saveActionSet()
property selectedTitleBarColor as %ZEN.Datatype.color (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify color of title bar for selected widgets.
Property methods: selectedTitleBarColorDisplayToLogical(), selectedTitleBarColorGet(), selectedTitleBarColorIsValid(), selectedTitleBarColorLogicalToDisplay(), selectedTitleBarColorLogicalToOdbc(), selectedTitleBarColorNormalize(), selectedTitleBarColorSet()
property selectedTitleBarOpacity as %ZEN.Datatype.float (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify opacity of title bars for selected widgets.
Property methods: selectedTitleBarOpacityDisplayToLogical(), selectedTitleBarOpacityGet(), selectedTitleBarOpacityIsValid(), selectedTitleBarOpacityLogicalToDisplay(), selectedTitleBarOpacityLogicalToOdbc(), selectedTitleBarOpacityNormalize(), selectedTitleBarOpacitySet()
property selectedTitleBarTextColor as %ZEN.Datatype.color (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify color of title bar text for selected widgets.
Property methods: selectedTitleBarTextColorDisplayToLogical(), selectedTitleBarTextColorGet(), selectedTitleBarTextColorIsValid(), selectedTitleBarTextColorLogicalToDisplay(), selectedTitleBarTextColorLogicalToOdbc(), selectedTitleBarTextColorNormalize(), selectedTitleBarTextColorSet()
property showTitleBar as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If true, widgets display a title bar.
Property methods: showTitleBarDisplayToLogical(), showTitleBarGet(), showTitleBarIsValid(), showTitleBarLogicalToDisplay(), showTitleBarLogicalToOdbc(), showTitleBarLogicalToXSD(), showTitleBarNormalize(), showTitleBarSet(), showTitleBarXSDToLogical()
property tempFileToken as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
When creating multiple temp files, a token is generated that is unique to the CSP session. Temporary files incoporate this token to avoid concurrency problems.
Property methods: tempFileTokenDisplayToLogical(), tempFileTokenGet(), tempFileTokenIsValid(), tempFileTokenLogicalToDisplay(), tempFileTokenLogicalToOdbc(), tempFileTokenNormalize(), tempFileTokenSet()
property tempStorageRoot as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "$Temp/Dashboard/" ];
Folder for autosave items
Property methods: tempStorageRootDisplayToLogical(), tempStorageRootGet(), tempStorageRootIsValid(), tempStorageRootLogicalToDisplay(), tempStorageRootLogicalToOdbc(), tempStorageRootNormalize(), tempStorageRootSet()
property titleBarColor as %ZEN.Datatype.color (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify color of title bars.
Property methods: titleBarColorDisplayToLogical(), titleBarColorGet(), titleBarColorIsValid(), titleBarColorLogicalToDisplay(), titleBarColorLogicalToOdbc(), titleBarColorNormalize(), titleBarColorSet()
property titleBarFont as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify font of title bar text
Property methods: titleBarFontDisplayToLogical(), titleBarFontGet(), titleBarFontIsValid(), titleBarFontLogicalToDisplay(), titleBarFontLogicalToOdbc(), titleBarFontNormalize(), titleBarFontSet()
property titleBarOpacity as %ZEN.Datatype.float (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify opacity of title bars.
Property methods: titleBarOpacityDisplayToLogical(), titleBarOpacityGet(), titleBarOpacityIsValid(), titleBarOpacityLogicalToDisplay(), titleBarOpacityLogicalToOdbc(), titleBarOpacityNormalize(), titleBarOpacitySet()
property titleBarTextColor as %ZEN.Datatype.color (XMLPROJECTION = "attribute");
Specify color of title bar text.
Property methods: titleBarTextColorDisplayToLogical(), titleBarTextColorGet(), titleBarTextColorIsValid(), titleBarTextColorLogicalToDisplay(), titleBarTextColorLogicalToOdbc(), titleBarTextColorNormalize(), titleBarTextColorSet()
property trace as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean (ZENURL = "TRACE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, show alert message to trace filter events.
Property methods: traceDisplayToLogical(), traceGet(), traceIsValid(), traceLogicalToDisplay(), traceLogicalToOdbc(), traceLogicalToXSD(), traceNormalize(), traceSet(), traceXSDToLogical()
property userName as %ZEN.Datatype.string (MAXLEN = 160) [ InitialExpression = $UserName ];
Current user name.
Property methods: userNameDisplayToLogical(), userNameGet(), userNameIsValid(), userNameLogicalToDisplay(), userNameLogicalToOdbc(), userNameNormalize(), userNameSet()
property widgetBorders as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "1px solid #F0F0F0" ];
border of widgets in dashboard
Property methods: widgetBordersDisplayToLogical(), widgetBordersGet(), widgetBordersIsValid(), widgetBordersLogicalToDisplay(), widgetBordersLogicalToOdbc(), widgetBordersNormalize(), widgetBordersSet()
property widgetBordersColor as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "#F0F0F0" ];
color of widgets border
Property methods: widgetBordersColorDisplayToLogical(), widgetBordersColorGet(), widgetBordersColorIsValid(), widgetBordersColorLogicalToDisplay(), widgetBordersColorLogicalToOdbc(), widgetBordersColorNormalize(), widgetBordersColorSet()
property widgetBordersStyle as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "solid" ];
style of widgets border, e.g. solid, dashed, dotted
Property methods: widgetBordersStyleDisplayToLogical(), widgetBordersStyleGet(), widgetBordersStyleIsValid(), widgetBordersStyleLogicalToDisplay(), widgetBordersStyleLogicalToOdbc(), widgetBordersStyleNormalize(), widgetBordersStyleSet()
property widgetBordersSwitch as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "edit" ];
Whether border is none, inherit or "width style color"
Property methods: widgetBordersSwitchDisplayToLogical(), widgetBordersSwitchGet(), widgetBordersSwitchIsValid(), widgetBordersSwitchLogicalToDisplay(), widgetBordersSwitchLogicalToOdbc(), widgetBordersSwitchNormalize(), widgetBordersSwitchSet()
property widgetBordersToggle as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Whether borders of widgets are on or off
Property methods: widgetBordersToggleDisplayToLogical(), widgetBordersToggleGet(), widgetBordersToggleIsValid(), widgetBordersToggleLogicalToDisplay(), widgetBordersToggleLogicalToOdbc(), widgetBordersToggleLogicalToXSD(), widgetBordersToggleNormalize(), widgetBordersToggleSet(), widgetBordersToggleXSDToLogical()
property widgetBordersWidth as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ InitialExpression = "1" ];
width of widgets border
Property methods: widgetBordersWidthDisplayToLogical(), widgetBordersWidthGet(), widgetBordersWidthIsValid(), widgetBordersWidthLogicalToDisplay(), widgetBordersWidthLogicalToOdbc(), widgetBordersWidthNormalize(), widgetBordersWidthSet()
property widgetDescription as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Description of the widget (if any). Used for save to catalog.
Property methods: widgetDescriptionDisplayToLogical(), widgetDescriptionGet(), widgetDescriptionIsValid(), widgetDescriptionLogicalToDisplay(), widgetDescriptionLogicalToOdbc(), widgetDescriptionNormalize(), widgetDescriptionSet()
property widgetKeywords as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Keywords of the saved widget (if any). Used for save to catalog.
Property methods: widgetKeywordsDisplayToLogical(), widgetKeywordsGet(), widgetKeywordsIsValid(), widgetKeywordsLogicalToDisplay(), widgetKeywordsLogicalToOdbc(), widgetKeywordsNormalize(), widgetKeywordsSet()
property widgetNamesAdded as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Indicates whether or not the page had to generate widget names on load.
Property methods: widgetNamesAddedDisplayToLogical(), widgetNamesAddedGet(), widgetNamesAddedIsValid(), widgetNamesAddedLogicalToDisplay(), widgetNamesAddedLogicalToOdbc(), widgetNamesAddedLogicalToXSD(), widgetNamesAddedNormalize(), widgetNamesAddedSet(), widgetNamesAddedXSDToLogical()
property widgetOwner as %ZEN.Datatype.string (MAXLEN = 255);
Widget owner. Used for save to catalog.
Property methods: widgetOwnerDisplayToLogical(), widgetOwnerGet(), widgetOwnerIsValid(), widgetOwnerLogicalToDisplay(), widgetOwnerLogicalToOdbc(), widgetOwnerNormalize(), widgetOwnerSet()
property widgetResource as %ZEN.Datatype.string (MAXLEN = 255);
Widget resource. Used for save to catalog.
Property methods: widgetResourceDisplayToLogical(), widgetResourceGet(), widgetResourceIsValid(), widgetResourceLogicalToDisplay(), widgetResourceLogicalToOdbc(), widgetResourceNormalize(), widgetResourceSet()
property widgetTemplateName as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Name used to save a widget to the catalog!
Property methods: widgetTemplateNameDisplayToLogical(), widgetTemplateNameGet(), widgetTemplateNameIsValid(), widgetTemplateNameLogicalToDisplay(), widgetTemplateNameLogicalToOdbc(), widgetTemplateNameNormalize(), widgetTemplateNameSet()


method %CreateWidgets(pDashboard As %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition, pDesktop As %ZEN.Component.desktop, ByRef pURLSettings As %String, ByRef pDBSettings As %String, ByRef pAddedWidget As %String) as %Status
Create the dashboard widgets and add them to the desktop.
pURLSettings is an array of settings values pulled out of the URL.
pDBSettings is an array of saved dashboard settings values.
method %GetDashboardSettings(ByRef pDBSettings As %String) as %Status
Get array of "dashboard" settings for this dashboard.
method %LoadDashboard(Output pDashboard As %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition, pDashboardName As %String) as %Status
Open (or create) an instance of dashboard definition that defines the contents of this dashboard.
method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Decorate the page.
method %OnCreateControls(pDashboard As %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition, pGroup As as %Status
Nofication that CreateControls() was called.
method %OnCreateWidgets(pDashboard As %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition, pDesktop As %ZEN.Component.desktop) as %Status
Nofication that %CreateWidgets() was called.
method %OnDrawHTMLHead() as %Status
Add include files to support color schemes.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetSmallMenu(Output pMenu)
Get the contents of the small menu in the title area.
method %OnGetTitle() as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the page. This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetWorklistOptions1(Output pOptions, Output pDefaultMode) as %Status
Return list of options for work list 1.
method %OnGetWorklistOptions2(Output pOptions, Output pDefaultMode) as %Status
Return list of options for work list 2.
classmethod %OnPreHTTP() as %Boolean
Translate encrypted URL parameters
classmethod %ParseFilterSpec(pSpec As %String, Output pFSpec As %String, Output pFKey As %String, Output pFValue As %String, ByRef pIndex As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Utility method.
Pull apart a filter spec, as we may get from a URL, into a spec and key or value:
[Outlet].[Country].[France] ==> "[Outlet].[Country]","[France]"
{[HOMED].[H1].[ZIP].[32006],[HOMED].[H1].[ZIP].[32007]} ==> "[HOMED].[H1].[ZIP]","{&[32006],&[32007]}"
Note that an array of results is returned. If the spec contains a tuple, each piece is put into its own array node (pIndex is used to track how many pieces there are).
method ClearDashboardAutosaveState(pAutosaveItems As %ZEN.proxyObject, pDashboardName As %String, pAutosave As %String) as %Status [ ZenMethod ]
method ClearDashboardSettings() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Clear settings for the current dashboard.
method GetDbDefinition(ByRef pParms, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
Get the definition of this dashboard for the JSON provider.
classmethod GetDimensionInfo(pRoot As %String, Output pTree, ByRef pParms) as %Status
Provide contents of the dimension tree. Used by pivot widget.
method GetInternalName() as %String
Return the internal name of the current document, including the three letter extension in upper-case. For example, MyPackage.MyClass.CLS would be the internal name for the class MyPackage.MyClass. Subclasses MUST override this method.
method GetOptionList(ByRef pParameters, Output pMetaData, Output pData) as %Status
Return JSON array of options.
method GetWidgetTypeList(ByRef pParameters, Output pMetaData, Output pData) as %Status
Return JSON array of widget types.
method SaveDashboardSettings(pUser As %String = "") as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Save settings for the current dashboard.
classmethod SavePivotTable(pPivot As %DeepSee.Component.pivotTable, autoSavePivotName As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Save the pivot table so we have an autosaved version
method SaveWidget(pWidgetKey As %String, pLocalDataSource As %String) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Change the local datasource for one widget and save it to local settings.
method SubmitDashboardDef(pCommand As %String, pProvider As %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider, pSubmitObject As %DeepSee.Dashboard.Definition, ByRef pResponseObject As %RegisteredObject) as %Status
Submit handler for the dashboard definition. This is called when the dashboard is saved.
clientmethod actionHandler(widget, dataSource, action) [ Language = javascript ]
This handles any actions that were not handled by the widgets on the dashboard. This is done by sending the event to the server-side dataSource.
clientmethod addControlDef() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the new control wizard.
clientmethod addDataPropertyDef() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the new data property wizard.
clientmethod addThisToFavorites() [ Language = javascript ]
Add this dashboard to the favorites list.
clientmethod addWidgetFromCatalog() [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke widget catalog dialog.
clientmethod chooseSCMenu(menuName, commandName, saveFlags) [ Language = javascript ]
Handle a source control menu selection.
clientmethod clearAutosaveState() [ Language = javascript ]
Remove any autosave state associated with this dashboard -- the dashboard should load fresh
clientmethod clearSettings() [ Language = javascript ]
Clear saved dashboard settings.
clientmethod dashboardEventHandler(sourceWidget, which, control, action, target, targetProperty, varType) [ Language = javascript ]
Central handler for control events on this dashboard. This is called whenever a control is modified (or otherwise activated). This is also called when a widget raises an event.
sourceWidget is the widget that raised the event.
which is either 'control' for controls or 'click' for click on widget element. Return true if the event was handled.
clientmethod deleteDashboard() [ Language = javascript ]
Delete this dashboard.
method deleteWidget(pIndex) as %String [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod drillDown(widget, dataSource) [ Language = javascript ]
Execute a drill down for the given widget.
clientmethod fetchOptionList(which, spec, properties) [ Language = javascript ]
Fetch the given list of options from the server.
clientmethod filterDropDown(ctrl, widgetKey, dataSource) [ Language = javascript ]
Drop down is about to appear for searchBox control.
clientmethod getClientModel() [ Language = javascript ]
Get the jsonProvider object on the client. Subclasses MUST override this method to return the jsonProvider.
clientmethod getCurrWidget() [ Language = javascript ]
If there is a selected widget, return it.
clientmethod getCurrentExtension() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the extension used by Studio for the class/object. This is ".CLS" by default, but subclasses should override this method if a different extension is in use.
clientmethod getCurrentName() [ Language = javascript ]
Return the current name of the class/object being modified. Subclasses MUST override this method to return the correct name.
clientmethod getGridColumns() [ Language = javascript ]
Number of grid columns in the desktop.
clientmethod getGridRows() [ Language = javascript ]
Number of grid rows in the desktop.
clientmethod getPreviewImage() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod getSaveAction(force) [ Language = javascript ]
Return the string used as the command when sending JSON content to the server. The OnSubmitContent handler for the jsonProvider MUST support two action types.
clientmethod getToolbarData() [ Language = javascript ]
Return json data to drive the toolbar. !!!
clientmethod getWidgetLayout() [ Language = javascript ]
Get the current size and position of each widget and place it within the widget. Also make sure that the subtype class is current.
clientmethod gotoAnalyzer() [ Language = javascript ]
Show the analyzer page.
clientmethod isReadOnly() [ Language = javascript ]
Test if this page is in read only mode.
clientmethod launchColorChooser() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the color chooser.
clientmethod mailDashboard() [ Language = javascript ]
email this dashboard.
Click on close button in navigator.
Arrange of data list in navigator.
Change of data value in navigator.
Expand or contract of navigator.
Return an object describing what to display for this level within the navigator.
Click on header button in navigator.
Popup action in navigator.
Select of item within the navigator.
clientmethod newDashboard() [ Language = javascript ]
Create a new dashboard.
clientmethod newWidget() [ Language = javascript ]
Invoke the widget wizard dialog to add a new widget to the dashboard.
clientmethod onAdjustSizes(load, contentWidth, contentHeight) [ Language = javascript ]
Adjust sizes of content area.
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
This client event is fired when the a popup page launched from this page fires an action.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: Add check to ensure that we correctly load documents on the client when source control hooks are in use.
clientmethod onlogoutHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Ensure that auto-logout is not blocked by onunloadHandler checking for unsaved changes
clientmethod onunloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This client event, if present, is fired when the page is unloaded. If this method returns a string value, then that is used as the return value of the HTML page's onbeforeunload handler (if more than one component returns a string, the first one encountered is used).
clientmethod openDashboard() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the dashboard finder.
clientmethod recreateHandler(widgetKey) [ Language = javascript ]
Called after a widget is recreated.
clientmethod reloadDashboard() [ Language = javascript ]
Reload the dashboard (show current saved state)
method removeMenuOption(option As %String)
Helper method to remove a menu option. Used to remove edit/save options in read-only mode.
clientmethod runAutosave() [ Language = javascript ]
Perform an autosave of the current dashboard, filed under the current user
clientmethod saveCopyOfDashboard() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the save as dialog.
clientmethod saveDashboard(show, autosaveDashboard) [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the save dialog. If show is true, show the dialog.
clientmethod saveSettings(user) [ Language = javascript ]
Save the dashboard settings for the current user (save my settings).
clientmethod saveWidgetToCatalog() [ Language = javascript ]
Save the selected widget to the widget catalog.
clientmethod saveWidgetToTheme() [ Language = javascript ]
Save the selected widget styles to the theme catalog.
clientmethod setBackground(attr, value) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setBorder(value) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setConnectivityStatusMsg(msg) [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setFromBorderValues() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod setGridColumns(cols) [ Language = javascript ]
Set number of grid columns in the desktop.
clientmethod setGridRows(rows) [ Language = javascript ]
Set number of grid rows in the desktop.
clientmethod setProperty(property, value, value2) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
clientmethod setReadOnly(readOnly) [ Language = javascript ]
Set readOnly to the value of readOnly. Subclasses MUST implement this method to update the controls on the page so that the page's behaviour actually matches the value of the readOnly flag.
clientmethod setTitleBarColorAndOpacity() [ Language = javascript ]
Apply color and opacity to all available widgets
clientmethod showPDFOptions() [ Language = javascript ]
Launch the pdf options dialog.
clientmethod updateWorklistTitle() [ Language = javascript ]
Update the title for the dashboard.
clientmethod widgetSelected(evt, key) [ Language = javascript ]
User has selected a widget on the dashboard.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

FeedbackOpens in a new tab